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★お待たせしました。成人向けR18製作中ゲーム【秘宝の欠片】の20210110体験版を更新しました★ 今回は全体的にプレー環境を見直し、前回よりもプレーしやすく調整 しました。2段階攻撃が連続して入りやすくなり、メニュー画面を開いた際にゲームが停止するようにするなど、難易度的にも簡単になっていると思います。 新たな要素としては敵を倒すと確率でLIFEPOINT回復オーブ、WEPONPOINT回復オーブを落とすようになり、入手することで各ポイントが回復します。   ステージ2の前半の一部まで進めるようにし、敵キャラも2体追加しましたので是非プレー、感想お願いします! また、今回の体験版のツイート等をSNSで拡散して頂くと助かります。 (荒らし、ネガティブな内容などの内容はお断りします) プレー後、ご意見やバグ報告をお題箱、コメント欄頂けますと参考になりますので何卒よろしくおねがいします! また、シズルの制作を応援してくださる方は 是非Fanboxでの支援をお願いいたします! ご意見はこちらから https://odaibako.net/u/sizuru21 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ★Thank you for your patience. The 20210110 demo version of the adult R18 game [TreasureFragment] has been updated.★ This time, we've reviewed the entire playing environment and adjusted it to make it easier to play than last time. I think the difficulty level has been made easier by making it easier to perform two-stage attacks in succession, and by stopping the game when the menu screen is opened.  As a new element, defeating enemies will drop LIFEPOINT recovery orbs and WEPONPOINT recovery orbs at a rate of probability, and each point will be recovered by obtaining them.   Also, you can now proceed to the first half of Stage 2, and we've added two new enemy characters. After playing, if you can give us your opinion in the subject box or comment box, it will be helpful to us. I'd like to thank you all for your support. If you have any bugs, please report them here. Please send your comments here https://odaibako.net/u/sizuru21 (We do not accept trolls or negative content). Also, if you would like to support Sizuru's production Please support us on Fanbox!




Um... could you upload the save file, too?


I send my comment to you guys, great job. but i'm wondering are we going to wait another year for the rest of stage 2? or is this like a "test" of the new mechanics?


We are sorry for the delay. Last year we were focusing on Fanbox to stabilize our family environment and life, so we didn't make much progress on the game. This year, however, we have more time to work on the game and we are developing it faster. We hope to keep you updated on the progress of the game. Thank you for your patience.


no worries, family and life are way more important. I was just checking up.


The game is great as always just a little bit buggy but that can be improved im very hyped for the next boss battle that the game will offer


After so long update! YAY. I like the new level and improvments. Hopefully there will be more VORE or unbirth on enemies :P Cant wait. Keep up the good work!


Pretty solid for the most part, though one thing that could do with work is the Hitboxes. Once without clothes the hitbox for the attack is too small to attack some enemies which causes issues such as getting grabbed before the attack connects.


l'm not well versed in computers, i extracted the zip file and tried to open the player application but i keep getting an error, it says it can't read an MSVCR120.dll(don't know what that is) am i doing something wrong? am i supposed to keep it a zip file in order to work?