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Here's finally the revised cover for this series and page 4! That will be it with the initial interview and both Hana and Tsuki are ready to get right into it. (ٌو-oωo-)و

I've done some small changes to the first 3 pages as well, so please redownload the full thing.

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The update is so late because I'm currently dealing with a bronchitis infection. (´Д`)

If I recover within the next few days, I'll be working on the next couple pages of my Kennel Girls comic next. If not, I will skip those and get right into this month's image set instead. We'll see. (óωò)

Like I mentioned in my last post, here's a quick strawpoll for me to see what you guys want to see next. It's a small selection of sets that I would like to continue, so no matter what you pick I'll be fine with it.


I'll take a look at the results as soon as I'm ready to start with the set.

Thank you all so much for the amazing support! ♥


Discord: https://discord.gg/mWBRxCd34s




Strawpoll: None of the above. I want to see more Kennel Girls!


Kennels Girls, More of this. Either way I'm happy.


I guess I need to finally get around to watching Konosuba. Any of the above would be great, anyway. Nice work!


My password isn't working

Milk Aficionado

I love the new cover! Page 4 is also amazing. Hana is so excited to meet her daddy..


I'm at the top tier but my pw doesn't work.


Oh, I'm sorry. >< Are you on mobile by any chance? There have been a few people in the past, who've had troubles on mobile with a certain browser, so maybe access it via desktop instead, or try using a different browser.


I'm sorry about that. ó3ò Are you on mobile by any chance? There have been a few people in the past, who've had troubles on mobile with a certain browser, so maybe access it via desktop instead, or try using a different browser.


Yeah, I've got to agree. We were told 4 months ago, that we'd be getting the "meat" of the comic next, and in that time got 2 pages with nothing happening. I'm not going to cancel my support, but being endlessly strung along by broken promises doesn't feel good.


I'm on browser mobile. PW wasn't working but it works when I open the link in a new tab


Absolutely amazing work! I love every scene you make♥

Useless Goddess

Loving the new cover. I know the next part is going to be amazing. I also wonder if Hana will bring her own daughter to film an AV in 10 or so years..That would be a sight to see.


Love the new cover, amazing job <3

Milton Brown

Kennel girls! It not fair to leave poor Xandra unfucked this long! And think of all those poor doggies, unable to drain themselves into her!


Thank you! (´•ω•`)♥ If Hana's daughter doesn't turn out to be a calf, she definitely would want to film an AV with her at some point~ (˘ω˘)

Noah Greene

I love your work. Keep it up!