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Fanbox update info

Hey my lovely peeps! ♥

After getting halfway through the Uzaki AV set, I finally hit a mental art block. My productivity slowed down to a crawl in the past couple months and now reached its peak. After taking suggestions and doing polls for 3 years now, working on my sets has started to feel more and more like working on commissions. Constantly working off my ever-growing backlog is making it very difficult for me to be creative anymore. I seriously have to change something, otherwise this place will go up in flames eventually.

I wanna go back to the times where I took notes of degenerate stuff before I went to sleep, just to jump out of bed the next day in excitement to draw it. I wanna evolve as an artist and try out new stuff again.

So for now I will completely stop the polls and put all the ongoing series on hold. I want to start doing doujins with more frequent updates for you guys. So instead of doing one big set a month, consisting of 2-3 pages with ca. 4 variations each, I want to do weekly updates consisting of about 2 pages each. That means less pages but way more frequent and 'unique' pages a month.

At this point the 700¥ and 1000¥ tier will be just tip jar tiers, if you want give me a little bit of extra support. óωò

I can't think of anything I can offer you guys at the moment but maybe that'll change in the future. Don't hesitate to downgrade~

Also, I want to focus more on my favorite fetish that I've never really given much attention so far: oral stuff (Gokkun, tongue-play, rimming etc.). Of course I will continue doing bestiality, but I want to switch things up more often too.

At last I'm very sorry about all that. (/Д\)

I didn't want to scam you guys out of the poll winners but I have to take back control of my content. That way I will put out way more stuff for you all and, most importantly, I will enjoy drawing again.

I won't forget about the poll winners and all the banked votes. We'll get back to them eventually.

Rimjob-addicted neighborhood twins

The first small doujin will be about two twins that love to eat out stranger's bums. They even perfected their technique of getting both their tongues in there at the same time. Very wholesome. (˘ω˘)

>Nekoverse Archive

>Password on your Fan-Card

If you already cancelled your support, rejoin to see the password, and then cancel again. Fanbox will not charge you twice a month.

Pages 3-4 will come next week. (´•ω•`)

Thank you all so much for the amazing support this month! ♥♥♥

I'm terribly sorry about the lack of content. It won't happen again from now on.


Discord: https://discord.gg/mWBRxCd34s




While I can't say that I'm not disappointed about some of the series I liked being shelved, I'm also willing to stick around at this tier level and see what your creative side has in store for us.


All's good neko! As long as we get content, I don't think it really matters what it is in the end. What a coincidence, I like rimming as well hahaha


I was about to cancel my sub (for other reasons, your work is perfect) but now that I know there will be lots of oral stuff, DAMN, I will stay here. Also, loli rimjob twins, thanks so much <3 You're right, Neko. Creating can be a work (I've sold my writing for more times than I wanted to), but it should never be a work that you do taking nothing in return. Take your creative spirit back! We'll be waiting and enjoying whatever work you do \o


I'm totally fine with the change to stories. ill probably wait till u finish each story to read. so pls add a (6/7) to them so i know when they are done Please.


A little disappointed that the series are getting shelved, but honestly I think I'm just tired of constantly getting the first few pages of an idea and never actually getting to the main payoff part of the comic. So if this change results in you actually drawing the main sex scene/kink I'm all for it. Though it is ironic I'd just upped my pledge to get more votes last month. Ah well, even in your creative slump you were still more prolific as an artist than most of my other patreon/subscribestar/fanbox people. No hard feelings from me.


You made the best choice honestly, it's been very noticeable the way the projects have been piling up and you've been falling further and further behind. I love all the same kinks you do, everything nekoverse you put out is amazing, so I hope this works out for you


can you pls make an archive with all your works ?


Definitely the right decision Neko. I'm glad you're taking back control over your time. Seemed like there were too many projects in the backlog. Hope this means you can pour your passion into more meaningful projects!


If you want control back that is what you want. As long as the content is good I know I will stay a supporter.


Totally okay with your decision, always gotta do what's best for you as an artist

The Big Dog

Well, if that's what you need to do then do it. What's gonna happen to the Uzaki set then? I hope we'll still get to see it. :)


As someone who came here for your art im happy to see you trying to pursue your passion of drawing and making it more enjoyable but i dont know if disregarding your polls is the move Specially on Shauna and her Gardevoir In my opinion its one of your larger success and brought a lot of individuals to your community. And i do understand the desire to want to make content with your own kinks. But you also have an obligation to your community and your fans to uphold the commitments you made. As somone who hasnt been in the community long you dont really have a great track record either extending polls for whole months or just all together disregarding the poll like in the case of misty. even responded to my original request for fisting as some try before buy action agreeing it was a good idea sounding amped for misty only to prettty much drop it. Just as you have favorite kinks your fans do to. Its okay to stay true to yourself so you enjoy your work. But dont forget who supports your art


Happy to hear you are focusing on more frequent updates. I love your stories/writing and as much as I enjoy all the different scenarios, I think you focusing on an ongoing work will help a ton in finding your excitement again. Very happy to hear you doing more oral focused stuff. Some stuff I'd like to see from you - licking cum from the floor or toilet seats and girls drinking spit/enjoying the sweat of old men


I prefer it this way, I just wanna see what you make. Though, I did enjoy a lot of those older sets, I hope they can find a conclusion (even if quick and unceremonious)

Milk Aficionado

Unfortunately, if the upcoming sets will be like this one I'm not going to be interested in them. But if it's what you need to do to enjoy drawing again, then so be it. I won't unsub, call it a tip for all the other amazing sets you've given us, and maybe at least one of these upcoming doujins will have a subject I enjoy. Thinking positively, when the sets that do interest me return, it probably means they'll be much higher quality than they would've been without the break.

Some Dude

I'm glad you're doing what you need to. Art should always be a passion, not just some quota. I don't care too much for rimming, but maybe the next set could have a lot of lesbian kissing, possibly with a horse. As for the other teirs, the only thing I could think of you doing would be making a quick sketch, but that's only if you want to.


lovely, do you art as you please man. our support is something you already have

Useless Goddess

To be honest, I don't think I'll be that interested in a lot of these things you want to draw, and I can't really justify just letting my sub sit for nothing. I'll have to unsubscribe for a while, but I'll come back if something catches my interest. I'm glad you're doing what you want to do though.


Sounds great to me! Look forward to seeing what comes next. :)


I started following you because of the bestiality of the content, but I fell in love with your style and therefore I am ready to stay even if the content course changes dramatically. I think that if you have a situation where drawing no longer brings you pleasure, then you need to change something and I will try to support you further. I understand that I am only one person, and perhaps your decision will turn away part of your audience from you, but I want you to know that there are people who will support you no matter what. Plus, the new kinks you wrote about are also interesting to me and I can't wait to see your new works.)

The Big Dog

Oh, and Shauna and Gardevoir as well. Is that coming soon since it won a poll before this break, or will it be a while?


I can't tell in advance how many pages a story will have, so a (6/7) kind of thing won't be possible. However, I can add a [final pages] or something to let people now it's the end. ^^


Yep, from now on I can focus on one, maybe two stories at a time and work on them until they're done. No more unfinished intro thingies~ (´•ω•`)


I'll still finish the Uzaki set after a little cooldown. It might take a while until we get more Shauna and her Gardevoir though. ó3ò It's not like I don't want to do more of them, quite the contrary, but I don't want to work on the set format for a while now. You have to plan everything beforehand, manage layers a certain way, create timelines to animate layers etc. For now I just want to draw like on a real piece of paper without a dozen variants. The Shauna and her Gardevoir sets are at a good endpoint, so I could call it officially done and start a doujin with the two instead if people are okay with it.

The Big Dog

I'm glad to hear that! The Uzakis are one set I'm really looking forward to. :) A Shauna and Gardevoir doujin would be really nice. Its such a cute series!


I see where you're coming from but I've been doing pretty much nothing but poll works for the last 3 years. It was a very tough decision, I know I will lose a lot of followers and I'm sorry to disappoint a lot of you guys, but things got way out of hand so I have no choice but to cut it off like that for now. If people really would want me to work off my backlog, it would take me at least over a year before I could start anything new. That way I'm sure I'd lose interest in drawing altogether eventually. The very fact that I STILL didn't get to Misty part 1 should be a hint on how things were going. Working on like 12+ stories at the same time just isn't feasible for me anymore. [1/2]


It's funny that you mention Shauna and her Gardevoir, since the series doesn't have anything to do with polls. It's one of my original stories, that I started because I wanted to take a break from polls, so there never was a 'goal' to be met. So who knows, now that I can do whatever I want maybe I want to start a new Shauna and her Gardevoir doujin soon, or do much more just like it. I think just because I posted a rimming thing together with this info most people think that I will completely change my content from now on, which isn't necessarily the case. [2/2]


Thanks a lot! I'm glad you're looking forward to it. (〃∇〃)♥ Love all the stuff you'd like to see btw. It would be the perfect job for Jeanne I think~ Also, I don't know why but for some reason girls drinking spit feels even more degrading than swallowing cum. (˘ω˘)👌


Thank you! ♥ Sloppy horse kissing sounds very good to me. :3c And thankies for the suggestions. I really would have to up my sketch game in order to make it worth it... ^^"""


Thank you for those kind words! It's really nice to hear that. (/Д\)♥ I'll keep doing bestiality content, just not 99% of the time. Variety is the spice of life after all~


@Milk I feel like that kinda goes without saying lol, NekoNoTe draws some of the best ugly bastards @NekoNoTe and yes!! Being able to vote for Jean and her sisters have been the reason I signed up for your fanbox, so always happy to see more of her

Milk Aficionado

I think you misunderstand. I meant ugly bastards rimming other ugly bastards. Wouldn't that be nice? (I'm just joking. I would be surprised if anyone was actually interested in something like that)


Well that's a shame, was looking forward to a few of those poll options and can't say I'm enthused for more rimming stuff since those are the parts I liked the least out of previous sets. But I get that constant commission work can get tiring and sometimes you just want to draw what you want to draw after all... Honestly I'm more concerned about the art block you mentioned and the weekly updates. While I'd be happy to see your stuff in my notifications more often since I think your art style is genuinely super cute. Won't the more frequent updates kinda just exacerbate the issue? Not trying to sound all doom and gloom but I've seen way too many artists make similar posts then just, kinda, walk out soon after. But hey if this way of doing things works better for you then that's great. I'll stick around for a bit and see what else you got in the works.


Any post from you is always enjoyable. Your style is great and seems to get better each time. Do what makes you happy and it will come out in the art. If you loose a few subs you'll gain 2x what you loose if your passion shows. I am pumped to see what YOU will do. Always wanted to see where Tiana, lyla, Xandra, Jeanne and now the twins will take you. Alot of set up in these characters can't wait to see where you take them.


lol I joined and instantly loved the poll system, the other artists have trash polls were extremely popular chars compete with nonames, in yours everyone had a chance and now its gone :X


This is great. I like everything you draw and never cared about the polls. The characters in the art don’t matter to me, I just want to see some degeneracy lol. Can’t wait to see more of this set. I just want to see more pages!


I'll just give it a shot and do my best. Even if it's just one page a week. Now that I'm working on comic pages where I don't have to deal with a bunch of variations per page anymore, I'm confident that I can do weekly uploads for now. óωò I'm sorry you don't like the whole rimming thingy. I will start another comic soon, probably by the end of this month. Thanks for still sticking around though. ♥


Thanks for the answer, btw I hate rimming etc. the only oral thing I like is deep throat and goldenshower, I hope this doesnt go on for long.and sorry for immediatly roasting you XD