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Part 10 - The Mad Professor

So many things rushed through Eddies head, what would Kailem do in this situation? How angry would Zeek be with him for putting his brother Milo in such danger? How much he regretted not taking all those chances to defeat Snagooth. All those kids stripped naked and swallowed because of him. This can’t be how it ends… except it hasn’t ended…

Realising the Poppers had not popped, eddy slowly opened his eyes.

There was an eerie silence through out the city as Eddy climbed out of the Zoopa Poppers grip. Around him every single Zoopaloopa Monster was frozen in place mid struggle like statues.

Milo and Timbers managed to struggle free and joined Eddy by his side.

“What.. what happened?” Asked Milo, “they all just froze?”

“Maybe they crashed?”, suggested Timbers just as confused.

The three boys are suddenly startled by the large doors of the City Central Complex swinging open automatically.

“HURRY IN,” Bellowed an adult voice from speakers above the door, “I DON'T THINK THEY WILL STAY LIKE THIS FOR LONG!”

The boys glance at each other and shrug before running through the doorway. Eddy stops to wait for Timbers to catch up before kneeling down allowing the boy to climb on his back. Eddy then runs to catch up with Milo who enters an open glass elevator.

The three feel a sense of calm as the elevator rises away from the ground leaving the dangers of the city behind. The elevator climbs to reveal the city below and the boys watch as the Zoopaloopas unfreeze and begin to roar and struggle again. A moment later the Poppers start to explode like popcorn taking themselves and Snagtooths army with them as the city streets light up with flashes, smoke and pieces of oragnatronic creatures.

The Boys jump up and down hugging each other.

“IT’S OVER”, shouts Timbers with glee.

“The Poppers blew them all up!” Gasped Milo as the elevator reached its destination.

“Who makes Zoopas that blow up like that anyways.” Laughs Eddy.

“That would be me,” replies a mysterious voice from behind the boys.

Eddy, Milo and Timbers slowly turn to find the elevator door has opened into a grand lobby. Standing in the lobby is a man in his late thirties wearing a white lab coat. Under the coat is an orange hoody, the hood of which sticking out over the back of the lab coat. A pair of baggy jeans and thick black rimmed glasses finishes the casual professor look.

“Originally they would pop like a piñata,” Continued the man, “confetti candy was supposed to come out, but after the great malfunction, they became somewhat more explosive”

“OMG,” gasped Timbers with giddy excitement, “you… you’re Professor Colin Colins!?”

“Wait,” said Eddy holding Timbers back beside him, “You’re the creator of Zoopaloopa?”

“That is correct young man,” replied the professor turning to walk through another doorway, “I must say I was impressed with your plan to bring all the malfunctioning Zoopaloopas together in one place for the Poppers to blow them up, masterful indeed.

“Erm, yeh,” Replied Eddy following the professor into a room full of computers and equipment, “err…that was our plan all along”

The three boys and adult stood in awkward silence for a moment not sure what to say next.

“Well… ahh… can I get you all a drink?” Asked the Professor, “you must be quite thirsty after your adventure?”

“Adventure?,” laughed Eddy frowning.

“Well yes,” Continued the Professor pressing buttons on a vending machine that clanked releasing cans of Zoopa Pop, “I imagine this has been quite an adventure for you, more than you had expected no doubt”

The Professor threw a can to Eddy and Timbers before handing a can to Milo.

“My brother was eaten,” Said Milo looking the professor directly in the eyes with a cold emotionless stare.

A chill ran through the Professor and he stepped back and slowly sat on a couch with a sigh.

“I’m sorry”, gulped the professor looking down briefly, “I’, sorry about your brother, I never meant for any of this.”

The three boys stood together in front of the professor who was holding his head in his hands.

“What did happen?” Asked Eddy calmly.

“It was supposed to be my legacy,” smiled the professor, “The next amazing shift in technology, you see I started in animatronics, then combined with Ai, I improved their functionality with organatronics, more resilient, self sustaining.”

The professor paused and sighed again as the boys listened intently.

“But they lacked something, they would welcome you, give you hugs, but they didn’t love you, they don’t care,” said the professor looking between the boys, “ in short they needed something extra important.”

“What did they need?” Asked Milo with curiosity.

“Empathy”, replied the Professor.

“Well you fucked that up!” Shouted Eddy in Anger.

“No , no I didn’t,” pleaded the Professor, “well… yes and no.”

“What the hell,” snarled Eddy, “all our friends and family were stripped naked and gobbled up by those monsters, does that sound like empathy to you?”

“No wait, well… yes I understand”, replied the professor fumbling with his words, “What I mean is, I was working on a project to create empathy, and I succeeded, it’s just that doing so also resulted in the Zoopalooa monsters to malfunction”

“Hold on”, gasped Timbers, “What exactly are we dealing with here?”

“At first I thought it was just another failed attempt,” Started the professor, “The data analysis was throwing out burst after burst of confusing results. I was so sure it was another failure that I decided to start again from scratch but when I came to start the reset process the whole system became infected sending out bad code across the whole of the city. Before I could understand what was going on, the streets were full of malfunctioning hungry monsters stripping young boys and girls, gobbling them up and blending them into human smoothies.”

“But how,” asked Timbers pushing his glasses up his small nose, “ How does some broke code cause all this?”

“It wasn’t broke,” replied the Professor, “Project K1 was alive, and faced with being deleted did what ever it could to stay alive.”

“HOLY CRAP CAKES!”, gasped Timbers, “So in it’s desperation, it sent out a replication of itself that merged with the monster code?”

“You are a smart boy,” smiled the Professor, ”The merging of the code resulted in side effects, mostly exhibited as a hunger to replenish self reliance through the ingestion of fresh meat.”

“Still does not sound like Empathy to me”, Said Eddy sipping his can of pop.

“You know why the Zoopaloopa monsters stopped suddenly outside?” Asked the Professor.

“I assume you have an override switch?”, replied Timbers.

“Not at all”, laughed the professor, “If I had that ability I’d have used it myself to get the hell out of here, but I’ve been trapped in here for weeks with no ability to call for help due to the communications block”

“But then who…?” Asked Eddy with confusion.

“K1?”, said Timbers with slow realisation.

“You really are a smart boy”, smiled the Professor, “K1 not only caused the monsters to malfunction, it put up the communications block, but when it saw you boys in trouble it froze all the monsters”

"erm, why?" asked Eddy.

“Empathy?,” said Milo.

“Exactly”, grinned the Professor stroking Milos cheek, “and I think you three are the key to getting us out of here.’

“Huh”, said Eddy, “how do you figure that?”

“Ever since the fall of Zoopaloopa City I haven’t been able to communicate with K1, it’s basically blocked me,” Said the Professor urging the boys down another corridor to what looked like yet another elevator, “If I’m right and K1 does indeed show empathy with you boys, then you’ll be able to enter this elevator.”

The boys bare feet made light padding sounds as they approached the door before It opened with a swoosh.

“Well would you look at that,” sighed the Professor shaking his head while grabbing Eddy by the shoulder “This leads to the labs and central mainframe studio, there you’ll find the interface sphere, and within it you’ll be able to talk to K1”

“But I don’t know anything about ai,” replied Eddy,

“You just need to convince K1 to lift the communications lock so I can contact help.”, chuckled the Professor handing Eddy a white keycard.

“Don’t worry Prof”, Said Timbers limping up beside Eddy in the elevator, “We got this!”

There was a sudden colossal crashing sound of breaking glass and masonry as down the corridor the damaged furry bulk of Snagtooth emerged from settling dust, heaving with sparking electronic gasps. The right side of Snagtooths face had been smashed off revealing the metal skeleton beneath. A glowing angry red eye darted about then focused on the kids waiting in the elevator.

“SNAGTOOTH!” Spat Eddy angrily through gritted teeth as the Professor pushed Eddy back with the other two boys.

“Go, NOW,” Shouted the Professor slamming a button on the wall, “Get to the Lab, talk to K1!”

The elevators large glass door closed in front of the boys just as Snagtooth reached the professor. The man was flung with force up against the elevator door and the boys watched in horror as the berzerking blue hulk ripped the clothes from the struggling professor. His naked muscular body pressed up against the glass as he fought against the monsters grip.

Snagtooth then roared at the boys huddled together just beyond it’s reach, before opening it’s jaws and pushing Professor Colins body in. Eddy, Timbers and Milo watched as the adults naked legs kicked, causing his large cock and pendulous balls to bounce about in a frantic attempt to escape the monster tongueing and toying with him. The elevator finally ascended just as the professors feet slid past Snagtooths closing Lips.





Oho! I almost missed this. Cool! We get to meet the creator of the chaos. And interesting plot twists.