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Part 9 - The Chase

Eddy sits on a massive beanbag, barefoot and in his usual morning attire of loose boxers and thin tank top. Lost in his game of ZoopaLoopa Kart Racing he does not notice his older foster brother walk into their shared room wearing just a towel. The lean teenager pulls the towel up to dry his hair glancing over at the younger boy still oblivious to his naked presence. Kailem steps over to his cabinet and pulls out some shorts. Slipping them up over his body he then drops down on the beanbag next to Eddy, only then does he look up and smile.

“Hey buddy”, grins Kailem putting an arm around the younger boy, “You play to many Zoopa Games, should be out with us jumping the skyline”.

Eddys smile disappears before focus returns to holographic tablet.

“Oh come on Eddy,” pleaded Kailem with concern, “you’ve not been your usual self for weeks, what’s going on in that little head of yours….. what is it… puberty?”

“Whoah? No!,” replied Eddy in embarrassment, “No, I… I just… its just…”

“Hey, what ever it is,” said Kailem looking directly into Eddys eyes, “you know you can tell me, no matter what it is, I’ve got your back… always”.

Eddys eyes started to redden tearfully, looking away briefly to consider his next words.

“I.. I think.. I’m gay”, whispered Eddy, “or something…”

“Or something?,” replied Kailem with a comforting smile.

Eddy struggled to look at Kailem, fearful of his response. The game holographic tablet ended blurting out GAME OVER.

“Thats great buddy”, replied Kailem bringing Eddy in for a hug, “You know, it does not really mean anything, this isn’t the old times bro.”

“I know, but… I think I love you K,” Said Eddy, “not just as foster brothers”.

Kailem leaned out of the hug holding Eddys shoulders while looking deep into he boys eyes.

“Is this why you’ve been sitting in here on your own” He asked before seeing Eddy sigh in regret, “Hey, HEY, look at me, it’s awesome to know you care for me so much, don’t you ever feel bad about loving someone.”

Eddys eyes instantly brightens up.

”While I appreciate your love”, continued Kailem, “I can’t repay it with anything more than a love for a brother. Will that be ok?”

“I guess so,” replied Eddy crestfallen, “is it gonna be weird?”

“Probably,” Replied Kailem with a chuckle, “but not in a bad way.”

Kailem lent forward and kissed Eddy on the forehead.

“I love you buddy,” sighed Kailem before getting up and walking to his bag, “Looks like you need this more than ever bro”.

Kailem pulled out a tablet and flicked his fingers across it’s screen. A ping sound confirmed a file transfer had been made and Eddys tablet suddenly projected a holographic message.





“Are you serious?”, gasped Eddy dumbfounded, “how did you, why?”

“I may not love you in THAT way,” replied Kailem getting up to leave the room, “but I still love you all the same.”

Eddy’s face was an expression of sunshine as he returned to reading the tablet.



The peaceful jungle environment of gentle singing birds was obliterated as a four wheeled electric buggy sped along the track way. Big wheels kicking up mud and grass as it headed towards the great shining city in the distance. Following the buggy stampeded a massive herd of Zoopaloopa monsters, their bulking furry bodies stomping the road into a dust storm.

“They are gaining on us!” Shouted Eddy as he held on to the rear end of the Buggy, his fingers grasping a sort of netted rope, “must go faster!”

“Shit,” Shouted Jay glancing at the buggy control panel, “It won’t go much faster than this!”

“We’re almost there,” Shouted Timbers who was sat behind Jay with his tablet, “only a couple more miles!”

“WHAT?,” shouted Milo who was holding on to the opposite rear side to Eddy.

“MILES, NOT YOU MILO!” Shouted Timbers as best he could above the noise of the buggy engine.

There was a sudden loud roar as one of the chasing Zoopaloopians saw a chance to leap at the speeding vehicle. The Buggy swayed from left to right as the monsters claws gripped the rear of the buggy. Milo and Eddy stamped their bare feet at the furry claws resulting in them releasing the monster tumbling along the road before regaining it’s balance and leaping back in to the chasing pack of monsters.

“Eddy,” shouted Jay getting up from his seat, “Take the wheel!”

Eddy had very little time to react as Jay jumped over to the back and swung the younger boy around to the front. Timers ducked and covered his head during the switch over. Eddy landed into the drivers seat and immediately triggered the accelerator to keep full speed.

Meanwhile Jay pulled open the rear luggage area to pull out a metal baseball bat before swinging at the advancing Zoopa Monsters. Hitting them in the face, knocking out teeth, Jays muscular arms put everything he could into defending his friends.


“HOW MANY ARE THERE?” Shouted Timbers holding onto Eddys shoulders.

“ERRM… ALL OF THEM I THINK!” Shouted back Milo as he kicked at an approaching monster and looked back to see the track full as far as his young eyes could see.

Jay lands a powerful blow to a green Zoopa Monster causing sparks to erupted from it’s yellow eye. It tumbled back onto the road while a green Zoopa decided to take advantage leaping onto the purple monster and using it to gain extra hight. The green Zoopa leaps over Jays swinging bat and falls to the side of the road with the teenager hugged in its massive paws.

“JAY!” Screams Milo, “NOOOOO!”

But Eddy does not slow down, he knows if he stops now they would all be swallowed up. The Green Zoopa wastes no time stripping Jay of his sKhaki shorts, letting their shredded remains fall to the road as the other Zoopaloop Monsters race passed continuing their chase.

Jay does not give up, struggling with all his might as the monsters mouth opens wide and big paws lift and place him head first into the salivating maw. The teenager kicks his legs, his toes stretched out, his descended testicles bouncing on the Monsters probing tongue.

The big furry monster leans back lifting its head sucking down Jays lean body into its gullet. Jays flexing buttocks slips out of view followed by his smooth legs before finally his twitching toes slurp passed the satisfied hungry lips of the monster. There is a gulping sound then vibration Deep within the Zoopa Monster before it leaps into a run to catch up with it’s comrades.

“ALMOST THERE,”, shouts Timbers as his tablet beeps and lights up, “LOOK!”

The road transitions from gravel and mud to soft tarmac leading to a tunnel lit with yellow neon markings. The buggy races through the tunnel quickly followed by the chasing Zoopa monsters.

“WHERE AM I GOING TIMBERS!” Shouts back Eddy as they emerge from the tunnel into Zoopaloopa City.

“Erm…ok well…” Replies Timbers swiping through his tablets interface, “I guess we should head to Zoopa Central Control”

“Where the hell is that?” Shouts Milo.

“Erm, hang on,” replies Timbers reaching back into the rear luggage area and pulling out ZoopaGlasses.

Timbers places the glasses over Eddys eyes and sits back swiping on his tablet. Suddenly in Eddys view augmented holographic markings covers the road guiding him towards the desired location, Zoopa City Central.

As the Buggy sped down the road, more Zoopaloopians were alerted to the prospect of fast food. Milo who was still clinging on to the back of the Buggy looked around to see what seemed like hundreds of big furry monsters chasing them with hunger filled eyes.

Images flashed though his mind of his brother Zeke being swallowed up and Milo struggled to keep fear from consuming his heart.

“THERE IT IS,” Shouted Eddy, “CITY CENTRAL!”

The building was a massive tower, the tip of which every kid would have seen at some point, but never the base. It was the centre of the city, the centre of all how everything worked, and so off limits to city visitors. The tower itself was a simple massive metal spike, its sharpness contrasted by a playful swirl of purple glass like material that spun around the spike to the ground. About two thirds up were private airship platforms that resembled flower petals. Nearer to the ground buildings extended from the tower into neighbouring structures, criss-crossing each other. Then there was the entrance, a giant closed doorway with the Zoopaloopa Logo on it and steps leading to an open space in front of it.

“Oh shit, hold on!” Shouted Eddy seeing the steps.

The buggy careered up the steps and gravity led the vehicle to tumble and roll over, spinning to a halt a few metres from the door.

Eddy regained his senses quickly, turning to assist Timbers who’s braced leg was caught in the seat. Milo had been thrown from the buggy and lay on the marbled floor holding his head and slowly raising to his feet.

“Milo, Help!” Shouted Eddy, “Timbers is stuck!”

Milo ran over to Eddy and the two boys pushed the Buggy with all their young strength. Timbers pulled his leg free and eventually fell free from the buggy.

“Quick,” urged Timbers as Eddy and Milo helped him to his feet, “we need to get inside before…”.

The three boys stood in the open space surrounded by what must have seemed like every ZoopaLoopian on the island, a sea of furry colour, all growling with hunger.

“Fuck” said Eddy.

Suddenly there was a loud boom sound similar to a cannon firing. A pink ball rising above the surrounding buildings high into the sky. Then with a faint pop the pink ball suddenly exploded into dozens of smaller pink balls which started to rain down on the city.

“POPPERS” shouted one of the Zoopaloopians that had recognised the impending danger, “TAKE COVER!”

The pink balls with slight spotted pattern started to hit the ground with a soft thump, then immediately sprung open to reveal big goggly eyes and very large arms.

“HUG ME! HUG ME! HUG ME!” giggled the strange pink creatures over and over again as they started to bounce towards the scattering Zoopaloopians. Zoopa monsters found themselves being grabbed and hugged from all sides, the city street becoming a massive hug fest.

Milo screamed as he was grabbed from behind and soon Timbers then Eddy found themselves wrapped up in the cozy hugging arms of the pink Poppers. Eddy could hear the muffled screams of his friends unable to struggle free, and he knew what was to come next.

To be continued…




Oho! Another chapter! Very interesting.