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Been testing out some animation software to see if i can quickly animate a boy being eaten by a monster. Finding 3D models is the easy part, its the animating that takes the time. I found some free software called Cascadour that once i learnt all the buttons is suprisingly fast. It does some interesting tricks such as working out the physics, for example if i add keyframes of a boy jumping then landing on the floor, the software automatically makes the character crouch on landing.

The following small test animation also gives you a glimpse at the character ive put together to battle what ever hungry monster i end up using. What shoud we call him?




The idea of you making animations makes my toes curl!


Is he going to be wearing a mask or is that just hiding it for now? I say we go with a classic peril boy name like Bobby or Jimmy.


Oh my! I haven't seen you do an animation since the one of Kaa dining on bare Mowgli. I am very eager to see the results. As for a name, Jimmy is a good one, or maybe Davey.


Wow! It's so cool! Jimmy sunds good to me....


Odinboy animations... beep! beep! beep! ...code blue! code blue!