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So it's been a year since i started this fanbox. I didnt know what to expect, wether anyone would support it becasue of me not posting much on it. 2022 was also intereting becasue Pixiv kept asking me to censor my work and a few times i had to reorganise how i post my work across the various sites. I also lost my local archive of my work which means i can't repost old stuff to any new gallery services that come along.

Thank you everyone who did stick with this fanbox over the year and thank you those who commissioned stuff from me which is posted across my galleries with their permission, so everyone should thank them to.

I hope i produced some stuff you all enjoyed and i plan to continue creating during 2023. I have a new Poll series set up for monthly works, as well as finishing the Zoopa Story this year. I will try again to continue with the Forrest Attacks Cards while also giving updates on various other projects. I'd really like to finish the comics anthlogy i've been working on, and i'd also like to finally get back into animation.

One idea i have is to make a short animated story based on my old Space Cadets series. Either as a film, or a visual novel game. I need to research the best and quickest ways to produce it.

Thanks again for supporting my Fanbox, hope you had a good new year!




Thank you too for your work. It makes me dream and I imagine that I am not the only one. Continue...


Hey, Odinboy. We've appreciated all you've done here. I for one have quite enjoyed the work, and am looking forward for all you do going forward. Did you really permanently lose a lot of your old work? Oy, that's a major bummer!


Happy New Year Odinboy. Thank you to exist!