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Hello everyone!

I have to apologize for having to delay the reward yet again, and I'd like to talk about that being fully transparent with you all, but let me begin reassuring you, I am okay, I'm not burned out and I will not reduce the rewards, I will simply make a few adjustments to be able to meet the schedules I have previously stated.

Reward day changed from Friday to Sunday

I strived to release the weekly rewards on the same day every week for consistency, and I did choose Friday for this, however, recent circumstances has made this to become harder and harder to achieve. Right now, besides drawing, I have to do some other stuff IRL, which some of you that have followed me for a while are well aware of already, but I don't want to enter in more details this time around, yet this is consuming a big chunk of my time, since I'm still far away from living from my art revenue. You have seen this reflected in having to delay constantly many things, from missing special date drawings like valentines, vtubers birthdays, etc, and I'm still working on some commissions.

Basically, I underestimated how much of a free time I have, and every time I planned to do this or that, something came out of nowhere IRL, takes me the whole day to deal with it, and when I'm finally free, I'm too tired to get on drawing, and specially these last few days have been very busy for me. Probably you begin to understand now why I haven't opened commissions as of yet, since that would be truly overwhelming to add to the equation to all the pending stuff I have already.

For this, I will change the reward day to Sunday, and I'm going to test keeping this day, I will also let you know if I change the update day again. I apologize for having to constantly do this, but as stated before, I haven't accounted sudden IRL issues that just takes all my time and they're impossible to predict. I hope this will be temporal and in the future to have more availability to dedicate more time to my drawings.

That's all I have to share for today, thank you for your continuous support!!





一貫性を保つため、毎週同じ日に週替わり報酬を発表しようと努力し、そのために金曜日を選んだのだが、最近の事情により、これを達成するのが難しくなってきた。絵を描くこと以外にも、他の用事があることは、以前から私のことをフォローしてくださっている方ならすでにご存知だと思うが、今回はこれ以上詳しく書きたくない。 芸術収入で生活するにはまだほど遠いので、これは私の時間の大部分を消費している。バレンタインデーやVtuberの誕生日など、特別な日の絵が描けなかったり、まだいくつかの依頼に取り組んでいたりと、様々なことを常に遅らせなければならないことに、このことが反映されているのがお分かりいただけるだろう。






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