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Hello everyone, Ryusuke here.

This time, unfortunately, I come with some bad news.

Due to unexpected real life circumstances, I might be forced to slow down the pace at which I'll be releasing new drawings, I will do my best to keep the pace, but by the nature of this new unforseen circumstances, I can't promise that I will be able to keep the same pace as I have kept so far, or probably the weekly updates will bring less content. I only hope this is something that will only be temporally, but only the time will tell. I will try my best to keep the Thursday updates, and when I'm unable to do so, at the very least I will try to bring some update of what I'm currently working on.

I hope you're able to understand, and please believe me that it pains me so very much to be sharing these kind of news, specially when I have been thriving with support and new followers like never before, but I guess no matter how much you prepare, there's always something unexpected that can come out of the blue, and catch you off-guard.

I will let you know when these unexpected real life circumstances gets deal with and I can be back to the same pace I used to have, as drawing is my passion, and your enormous support has allowed me to continue doing what I love for a living.

I thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, all the continuous support you have been giving me so far, down from the very first person that started supporting me, to the newest supported that just started following me on twitter or supporting me on any other site.


Hagane Ryusuke.












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