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Hello. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

I think the New Year is the best time to try new stuff so we all can have a better experience.

As you may have noticed lately, I have had trouble with keeping up the pace and delivering the rewards in time. So I'd like to explain why this is happening and then come up with a nice solution.

First of all, at the moment Art is my main source of income. Most of the time, I focus on doing commissions, and use the second half of each month on making the rewards for the members. Or at least that's how it should be.

The thing is, right now the commissions take most of my attention because I must accept a minimum number of them to keep my income somewhat stable. That makes it difficult to start working on the rewards right away, and ends up with me delivering them a few days later. This is very problematic, and I want to correct it.

Until today, my approach to the monthly rewards has been as follows: A set of pics with one or two characters in it. In each set, the first pics or variations are public and depicts the character(s) in different outfits and nude, while the rest are exclusive to the members and depict the same character(s) in more sexual positions, including a climax.

I chose this way, first because I love image sets, it’s one of the main reasons I started making art in the first place, and it's my main workflow almost since the beginning of the page. It's uncommon that I make an Image without thinking of at least another2 or 3 variations of it. Second, I work like this because I thought it would be unfair for the people that have been following me for a long time to make the same kind of art but now behind a paywall. That’s why I stared making exclusive sets only when I thought I had something new to offer, that is to say the explicit sex scenes.

So the recent problems is making me question the very roots of this premise since most of the time I end up planning at least 15 variations or each drawing that require a lot of time and effort to get the quality I want. This, and the fact that commissions take most of my time, makes it really difficult to accomplish all in two weeks or less.

The solution I came up with is to change the sets delivered, and even the tiers in the membership.

I decided that simpler sets that focus only on the sex scenes are the way to go from now on. This way, I get rid of the most strenuous part, and maybe I can even improve a little the exclusive pics. I’ll still make public the first image or two so everyone can have an idea about what the set is like before considering paying for the membership. Or simply so they´ll still have a taste of the sets if they don't want to pay for it. This way, unlike previous sets in which only 50 to 60 percent was exclusive to the members, now 80 to 90 percent will be exclusive. Also, the way I make the variations should also change to become more straightforward, which means, the main focus should be to complete the main sex variations and their climax. Then, I can focus on the other variations, like alternate costumes, though most of the time the characters will be naked or with a simple outfit, so that it doesn't get over complicated with details (remember every detail I add takes time).

I know these changes may feel very negative or like I don't want to spend that much time drawing, so let me also list other benefits:

• As I mentioned, this would make it easier for me to finish the sets before the month ends. No more delays! (At least, that's the plan. If I still end up delivering them out of time, of course the problem is me lol).

• The composition of future sets should also improve, since in the past I was only using poses that could be used for both the vanilla pics and the explicit sex scenes. So the possibilities can only expand! (And maybe add more detailed backgrounds?).

• Aside from the commissions and exclusive rewards I also like to do extra Art just for the heck of it, like when one character gets really popular, or there's a new art trend, or when there's a festivity near, but sometimes its hard to do due to the other works being a priority, if I have more extra time for the lower workload I can do more of this extra Arts (or just take a break, just for the sake of keeping some sanity XD )

• Also, if I make simpler sets, it doesn't mean the quality will drop. On the contrary, the plan is always to make improvements, get a more defined style and be more efficient.

I’d also like to point out that I’m making these changes because of my current situation related to the commissions and to the time destined to other projects. But if by chance in the future I get more income from the rewards than from the commissions, I’d love to make sets with a lot of pics and interesting variations again.

Lastly, I’d like to talk about the membership tiers I currently have. Up to now the 500Y tier and the 1000Y tier were similar, both getting the full set each month, but with the difference that the 1000Y gets to see sketches and unused ideas. This was because I thought paying a higher tier would mean you should have more rewards, but I didn't like to divide the sets even more by making exclusive pics for each tier. You’d have to pay the highest rate to have them all! But honestly I don't think my sketches are that interesting or good enough to be part of the exclusive higher tier, and most of the people mostly get only the 500Y tier anyways.

So as of today, I´ll change how the tiers work: I’ll make a third tier, a 100Y one so, if you just want to support my work, you can have this option. I’m currently debating if I should also give some of the exclusive pics of the monthly set to this tier, but probably this should only be seen as a thank-you-for-supporting-me tier.

As I said before, I think the sketches are not that good enough to be in the highest tier, so now I’ll also share the sketches with the 500Y tier!! That way, most people may see them, and could even give me feedback. That leaves the 1000Y tier as the same as the 500Y, so please consider it as a tier for only the people who really enjoy my work and just want to support me with a bit of an extra income. If someone is currently on the 1000Y and wants to change to the 500Y, I’ll understand. So please, do it if you want.

I think that's all I have to say for now. If you have any opinions about these changes and other feedback please let me know down below or on my Twitter. Please wait for these changes and improvements, and I hope you can keep supporting me and enjoying my art!! :D

P.S.: As i said before these changes will apply until next month, so for January i'm planning to use one of the commissions I’m already working in, obviously with the permission of the commissioner, I should bring you the sketches next week so look forward to it!!



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