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Hi, guys!

Thank you for your patience!

Power is Justice Max


Strategist Igagoro

Igagoro inflicted great damage by pinprick attacks on

Max's arms and buttocks.

However, Max quickly reversed the formation with his

overwhelming power.

He was able to corner Igagoro!

After all, power is justice!

Max is too gullible!


I know

It all went according to Igagoro's strategy!

He provokes Max by intentionally an action a bad sleeper,

Max applies a good sleeper, just as Igagoro wanted,

but Igagoro slips his mask and escapes.

In fact, Igagoro intentionally takes off his mask,

and Igagoro's hand is holding Max's arm.

However, because Max's hand is on the mask and the fact

that the mask is off, it is circumstantially determined that

Max has removed the mask!

fucked for the rest of the nigft

In underground pro, losing due to foul play is a serious f

aux pas!

There are no clear rules, but players who lose foul play

are raped by the spectators!

Owner's face

UGPW has a belief that the owner is the best wrestler,

and whoever overthrows the owner can replace him.

By taking advantage of this, the Beast Squad has taken

the position of owner of UGPW and is practically in

control of the organization!

However, since the owners have since been replaced

without the knowledge of the UGPW side, the players

of the underground professionals, such as Takana

and others, do not know the faces of the current owners.

The next match-up on the card is

V-Mach VS. NEO

The match will start around December 21!

See you again!




Oh the fight is great. Can't stop imagining Max's face when he is raped