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I've got more Diana images for you!

This will be enough pages for first exposition. Especially image 6 gives me a lot of space for dialogue. Also I think I managed to make 6 look not too boring even if I end up not needing that much space after all.

You will find the new images in the Dropbox-Link here!

Next we will continue with the fun part :P




Diana is a gorgeous creature but I don't understand why her external anal sfinctere is always so swollen and protruding, into relaxing phase also ... but I can imagine why.... 😝


Her nipples are so big, long and hard I want to hang her up using them! 🧷🧷


I might be taking a 3d modeling and animation course in September but I want to learn before that do you know any online courses u took that you thought were pretty good for blender?


Most of them were on cgcooky and skillshare. one or two from udemy. Can't remember the exact names though. You will also find really good beginner tutorials on youtube