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Uff, I'm sorry this is going a bit slow guys. Right now I have a ton of shifts at work. The second half of October I will have a bit more free time to work more on these sets. Of course I will continue working on them. I hope I can make two or three new images each week until then.

Also Pixiv messaged me about my work there not being censored properly and now a lot of them are in private mode. I asked them to give me some time to reupload them as I don't have the time to censor and reupload all of them right now.

So don't be surprised when a bunch of posts there are missing. I will reupload them as soon as possible.

So I guess uncensored works will for now be Fanbox and Subscribestar exclusive with the .zip files. I don't want to risk to get my pixiv account banned.




All my understanding.. restarting at works in September is very hard! "_"


I never understood why Miranda have a stomach so flat meanwhile she have inside a lot of monster tentacles, instead the other girls inflate like a hot-air balloon when they take inside the same ^___^. I think soon Zoey will be deformed a lot in all directions! ^O^


The stuff with pixiv is more problamatic. Maybe I'll just reupload the last two sites of posts or something.


They said it was fine if it's censored. Getting packed in a zip file counts I hope.