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Hey everyone! The last images for the bathroom scene are finished! They are available on pixiv here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/86638023 Next each character will get a short chapter of her own and I will let you vote for which one to start with. However since neither fanbox nor subscribestar have an integrated poll feature I will have to look for a third party poll site. Tomorrow I will look for that and upload a link where you guys can vote. The options will be Neko (girl with cat ears). Tina (blonde teen girl), Fae (The small one) and Claire (The mature one from the Car scene) The other two characters I've shown before will become available depending on which chapter you choose since they make their first appearance in later chapters. Then while that poll is running I will start adding dialogue to the CleoXDiana set and when that is finished I think we will start Diana Chapter 4 since people have been asking about that for a while now.




I prefer Fae, so better for last. Tina neko girl is good for a deep warm up! (pet house treatment)


For poll the most simple is "google form" https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/


I'll try strawpoll. I try to avoid google because sometimes it happens to me I forget to switch to my BadOnion account and instead use my private account which has my name in it :P


This has happened a couple times already so I just avoid google for my BadOnion stuff as much as possible xD