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You need HYDRATES, and there's choco chip cookies for 20 fans of the TOP SECRET COW PLAN for september! Only 7 have eaten their choco chip cookies! WHYYYYYYYYY?!!!




Honestly it might be because there is no list of which things have extras to them so some people like myself are reticent to ask only to be told "I'm sorry... no extras for that one!"


'I can't lose if I don't play!' It could be that most of the people don't react because they don't see if all episodes have choco chips, as you said. (If that's the case, I'm a fair person and I give alternatives, so you don't leave empty-handed.) But it also could be that the mere idea of having to make A CHOICE... ...searching on a list of more than 300 episodes... AAAH!!! too much work and thinking, for a time where only my WRIST should be busy!!! You are asking me to REMEMBER, to SEARCH the name of one of your episodes?!! It is like when you enter in youtube just to follow the suggestions.