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Ok, these are the girls to choose to the Valentine's day theme. Remember only the 4 girls with more votes will be drawn. Choose wisely. You have 15 hours. ------- Ok, estas son las chicas a elegir para la temática de San Valentín. Recuerden que solo las 4 chicas con más votos seran dibujadas. Eligan sabiamente. Tienen 15 horas. Link: https://onlinepoll.me/poll/vote/valentines-day-poll-1




Is it suppose to be set up ware your only able to vote for one girl per voter? I thought we would be voteing for four girls from the list then the ones that got the most would be drawn?


At least give those of us in a different time zone and who don't log in ten times a day a chance to vote! Poll already closed *rolls eyes*