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Hello I hope you are well. She just wanted to give you a little notice. I post this message both on patreon and on Fanbox. As you know, I have been trying to combat anxiety. But during this month I have had another more serious problem related to my stomach and my intestines. I have to do some more complex medical tests and this will take more time, so Patreon and the second part of the comic "It's (Not) Your Fault" will continue on hiatus until I feel better. However, during the month of August I will continue to publish the pending requests, this applies to Patreon and Fanbox. In Fanbox the publication of the comic More Than a Potion will continue as normal. In case there is a day when I have to delay a page, I will announce it in advance. Thank you for your understanding and sorry for the inconvenience. ------------------------------- Hola, espero que esten bien. Solo quería hacerles un pequeño aviso. Este mensaje lo publico tanto en patreon como en Fanbox. Como saben, he estado tratando de combatir la ansiedad. Pero durante este mes he tenido otro problema mas grave relacionado con mi estomago y mis intestinos. Tengo que hacerme unos analisis medicos mas complejos y esto requerira mas tiempo, así que Patreon y la segunda parte del comic "It's (Not) Your Fault" seguirán en hiatus hasta que me sienta mejor. Sin embargo, durante el mes de agosto seguiré publicando las requests pendientes, esto aplica para Patreon y Fanbox. En Fanbox la publicacion del comic More Than a Potion continuara de forma normal. En caso de que haya un día en el que tenga que retrasar alguna página lo anunciaré previamente. Gracias por su comprension y disculpen las molestias.


Kyle Doge 1228

Alright Javi, have a safe recovery :)


Healing prayers. Take your time.


Take all the time you need Lord Javi, health is more important. We all hope for your recovery.


Best of wishes on you recovering, Javi. I hope you get better soon. 🙏


I hope you get better fast.


Get better soon and do what you gotta do


Get well soon.


Real life will always come first so we understand please get better


Take care of yourself, your health is paramount. We'll still be here and supporting you when you eventually feel better, you're a fine artist. Cheers