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  • (NEW!) Pool W Alma, Yuyuko and Pink Maid 10 A (v1.1 + sound) fanbox.mp4
  • Kumiko-chan among three futas in Outdoor Bath 4P+ 1 (v1.1 + sound) Fanbox.mp4



- This post has videos spoiler and you will find it in the link of MEGA! -

- If you are TIER 2 or MORE and you do not have my link of Mega send me a message and I will send it to you! -

Highlights of the post include:

- Description of general activity of project N°85.

- New video spoiler! (56 sec + sound) and others links.

- summary of activities.

- "Kumiko-chan among three futas in Outdoor Bath 4P+", first wip updated.

- "Babysitting of twin princesses with my sisters 6P", new pose and model edit.

- "Giving love to my little mimiku while she sleeps", new pose and model edit.


After my previous post I discovered that I still had a small fragment (50 seconds), a sequence where the models take off some clothes, that I still needed to correct and improve the animation, so I got to work and here I bring it to you can see it.

I also updated the "Pink" clothing accessory models so that they have the same look, as well as focusing on improving details during the "45200 frames" that will make up the final video.

Here the new wip:

(NEW!) Pool W Alma, Yuyuko and Pink Maid 10 A (v1.1 + sound) fanbox

Here you will find all the wips of the project so far:

N°10A (+ sound): Mega (NEW!)


N°14 (+ sound): Mega

N°13: Mega

N°12: Mega

N°11: Mega

N°10B: Mega

N°9.5 v(1.2 + sound): Mega

N°9 v(1.2 + sound): Mega

N°8 v(1.1 + sound): Mega

N°7 v(1.1): Mega

N°6 v(1.1): Mega

N°5 v(1.1): Mega

N°4 v(1.1): Mega

N°1, 2 & 3 v(1.1): Mega

N°0 Intro (+ sound) part4: Mega

N°0 Intro (+ sound) part3: Mega

N°0 Intro (+ sound) part2: Mega

N°0 Intro (+ sound): Mega

Wips folder (Tier 2/3): Mega


All wips in a video (v1.2): Mega

Old all wips in a video: Mega

--- [ Now I will leave a summary of all activity regarding the project in the post ] ---


- Animation improvement was made from frame "32400" to "33800".

- The general animation stage is completed.

. In progress of: Animation of "secondary aspects", "light bug fixes" and "facial expressions".

- Vegas: The editing of the "32300 to 34000" wip is completed.


- The same shading file of the "Pink" model was loaded to the materials of the 3 clothing models used in the fragment where "Pink" undresses.

Wip edit:

--- [ Progress stage & remaining percentage] ---

Planning | Animation - [ Details and effects ] - Editing and rendering


- Scene intro + scene 2 + scene end: 100% (45200 frames)

Details and effects:

- All scenes: 20%

PD: The wip title is "(NEW!) Pool W Alma, Yuyuko and Pink Maid 10A".

Kumiko-chan among three futas in Outdoor Bath 4P+


They asked me to add sound to the wips of this paused project and here is the result, at the moment it is only the first one, but I have in mind to put sounds to more wips in my folder of MEGA that do not have it, so I will probably do the same with the second of this project ahead.

On the other hand, I made some slight improvements, such as the appearance of the eyes, and the animation of the eyes of the "Kumiko" model.

Also while editing in Vegas I found a rendering problem where the models overlap, something I will fix in the future when I return to the project.

Here the "Updated" wip:

Kumiko-chan among three futas in Outdoor Bath 4P+ 1 (v1.1 + sound) Fanbox

You will also find it in my link of Mega.

--- [ Now I will leave a summary of all my activity regarding the project ] ---

Models: "Kumiko, Echidna, Wyrm & Dragon."

- Changes were made to the eye sockets of the main models, they are now full white.


- "Wip 1": Slight changes were made for the first progress sample.

+ Loaded main models with slight changes to the first save file containing "scene 1".

+ "Kumiko": Improved the animation of the eyes and random blinking.

+ "Camera": Slight changes were made to the positioning of the cameras.

- 2 fragments were rendered for the new edition in Vegas.


- The two new video fragments were edited taking the first wip as a reference.

- 2 video channels and 9 sound channels were added.

+ video: fanbox

+ video: Subscribestar

+ sound: Wyrm

+ sound: Kumiko

+ sound: Echidna

+ sound: Dragon

+ sound: fx1

+ sound: fx2

+ sound: fx3

+ sound: bgm1

+ sound: bgm2

Wip edit:

Babysitting of twin princesses with my sisters 6P.


New slight progress where I'm doing a small update on the armature to all the models, planning the "second pose" of the "second scene" and devising what the introduction scene would be like for when I return to the project.

--- [ Now I will leave a summary of all my activity regarding the project ] ---


- The "second pose" of "scene 2" was proposed (the first pose is the first wip).

. In the process of planning the script for the "first scene" of "introduction", a frame of reference was also proposed.


"Izumi Shimizu" to v2.4

- 4 morphs added:

+ waist up

+ waist down

+ waist forward

+ waist back

- The finger control bone was removed.

- Added the finger control bone through the "grips" plugin, now can close and expand the fist.

- Added secondary bones in both hands.

- A new version was created where the "general scale" of the model was slightly increased (I am analyzing whether to use this version with the "general scale" slightly increased, this means that I would have to make modifications to the new animations, at the moment the animations made still have the model with the first version of "general scale").

"Rika" to v2.2

- 4 morphs added:

+ waist up

+ waist down

+ waist forward

+ waist back

- The finger control bone was removed.

- Added the finger control bone through the "grips" plugin, now can close and expand the fist.

- Added secondary bones in both hands.

Preview Scenes (Images):

- The names of the images have been changed, now it is better organized with respect to the chronology of the scenes (this could change in the future).


- scene 2 pose 2 loop 1 a, b & c.

You will also find these images in my folder "1- Preview Scenes (Images)" in my link of MEGA, folder "105 Babysitting of twin princesses with my sisters 6P".

Giving love to my little mimiku while she sleeps.


New slight progress where I created a "new pose" that maybe integrated into the final video and slight update on the "armatures" of "Mimiku" and "Gumi" as well as some bone morphs.

--- [ Now I will leave a summary of all my activity regarding the project ] ---


- A new pose was proposed that may be integrated into the project

+ 2 variants were made.


"Gumi" to 3.1:

- 4 morphs added:

+ waist up

+ waist down

+ waist forward

+ waist back

- The finger control bone was removed.

- Added the finger control bone through the "grips" plugin, now can close and expand the fist.

"Ichibanne Mimiku C" to v3.3

- 4 morphs added:

+ waist up

+ waist down

+ waist forward

+ waist back

- The finger control bone was removed.

- Added the finger control bone through the "grips" plugin, now can close and expand the fist.

- A vertex weighting problem assigned to the "waist" bone in the lower body area was found and solved.


- 12-scene 5 pose 0.

- 12-scene 5 pose 1 a.

- 12-scene 5 pose 1 b.

You will also find these images in my folder "1- Preview Scenes (Images)" in my link of MEGA, folder "113 Gumi & Mimiku While She Sleeps".




Amazing improvements on all the work ❤️


Hello! I'm started following you on tier 2. Love your videos! Can i get a Mega link?