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- This is a video spoiler and you will find it in the link of MEGA! -

- If you are TIER 2 or MORE and you do not have my link of Mega send me a message and I will send it to you! -

New video spoiler! (1:47 min).


New progress, stage corrections, edition in models and general changes. I leave you a summary with more info:


- New animation in scene "Y", from frame 0 to 2000.

- Testing new steps in my animation method, write in text what kind of movements each model can do per scene/save file and copy of scene where it would only be used to better visualize the poses and progress.


- Fixed the problem that the stage did not project shadows of any model.

- Added a copy of the carpet in the "base" scene.

- Added another white chair, now there are two, in the "base" scene.

Error in mmd:

- A error was found in MMD, when using the "copy", "paste" and "revers" options in one model and doing it in another (and that this one has at least the same armature), causing the internal parameters of the If the bones of the legs of the model to be pasted in the mirror are changed to incorrect values, causing the legs to work in an erratic way no matter how many times the registry is reset, some tests were carried out to try to solve it, causing this error but vice versa, in the end I managed to fix it by reloading the models and directly copying and pasting the animation records again.

Models edit:

"Princes sister": it was not loaded to the animation yet.

- The mesh of the base part of the hair was improved.

Total animated frames so far is: 4600 (2:33 min raw).


N°2: Mega (NEW!)

N°1: Mega

Wips folder: Mega

Progress stage:

- [Planning & Animation] - | Details & Rendering | Final Edition in Vegas

Scene X: ?? % (2600 frames).

Scene Y: ??% (2000 frames)

PD: The title of the video is "(NEW!) Babysitting of twin princesses with my sisters 6P 2".

Project °105: Pool with Alma, Yuyuko and Pink Maid 3P (N°85)


I made some slight changes after my last post on this project:

Models edit:

"Pink": In progress of more changes | it was not loaded to the animation yet.

- The texture of the eye sockets was removed, now it is full white.

- Added 8 experimental morphs:

[inflated cheeks 1]

[inflated cheeks 2]

[lowered eyelids]

[lowered eyelids 2]

[- eye size]

[- ribbon size]



Comparison of morph "にやり":

*The model will be replaced when this version is ready*.

Model: "Non Manaka".


After some time and planning how to continue advancing with the construction of the full body model based on the original model, I managed to complete the mesh of the breast and join it to the rest of the body, I also made other changes, here is a summary:

Models edit:

"Non Manaka": in the process of creating full body mesh (95% approx):

- Mesh of breast are complete.

- Texture/materials of breast are complete.

- Changed some morph titles.

- Added 3 new morphs:

[+ breast]

[+ nipple]

[- all clothes]

- Texture of the emblem was loaded on the top.

- Removed the old ik bones configuration.

Things to do:

* Mesh of legs and feet (0%).

* Add ik bones in the arms.

*Maybe i wait until have the legs and feet part before uploading version 1.0*.




I'm looking forward to the finish product