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Iruru is the only shortstack I crave for (and Pine-chan of Bomber Girl. Haven't played the game though because I hate gacha shit). Difference in height and paizuri really do make a perfect combination! Whether the girl is taller and the guy is shorter, or the other way around. You can't really go wrong with it.



Personally I love the idea of getting zuri while the Girl is standing. Asanagi really started that kink for me. Lol


I remember the Draphs of Granblue because you mentioned Asanagi. Handlebar zuris are great too!


Absolutely! I can’t wait to see the zuri ideas you come up with next!


Iruru is my favourite one


Iruru is the best


are handlebar zuri's what you call em when they're breasts are bein manhandled during zuri? why isn't this a more common tag out there? that's my oddly specific #1 fetish out there.


No its not that it's for girls with huge horns that look like handlebars and the guy will grab em like grabbing a handlebar of a bike while doing the zuri


OOOOO ok. ;_; so there's still no popularized tag for my oddly specific boob grabbing paizuri fetish then.