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Thanks to the few people who supported my fanbox until now, but after 4 months since I've open it, I've got only 13 supporters.

I guess I'm doing something wrong with it, I remember how happy I was for it back in february.

I might close it now.

I'm always open for commissions, you can send me your ideas if you're interested. Thank you!



sorry I lost my job......


I did not know you had one. I am subscribing now; hope it will change your mind.


I just started too and hoping for the best. Only you can decide if you're investing too much time and energy for what you're getting. For what it's worth I hope you keep at it and that this starts to snowball soon. Keep on making dem cuties and spam promoting your stuff and fanbox on twitter, baraag and discords. You got this and deserve the win!!


I think the hard part is getting the word out. :( It's a shame because I was rooting for you with this!


Does keeping this open cost you much? A bit of time to post here but if you close it you get nothing back when you could probably try a few things to motivate people to join your Fanbox, I don't hink you are fully using your Fanbox account potential. For instance, give the people who support you a little more than what the public gets for free. Say an exclusive artwork once a month, something you can post in public at a later stage but that fanbox subscribers would get first. Add direct links to the uncensored versions of the work as well. You don't mention where to get the uncensored image in Fanbox at all. You don't even mention your Baraag account. You have posted exaclt 4 artwork in 4 months in your Fanbox. You have posted about 13 in the same time on your public profile.


I'm not saying all people supporting you expect more exclusive content. Eveyone will have different motivation. Some may do it just for supporting you, other because they get a bit more out of it than the public while others enjoy having a more direct link to influence the direction of your work. But you need to consider all these motivations. At the moment you are basically targetting the people who support you and don't expect anything in return, which is just a small subset of what you should target. Add a higher paid tier with something really exclusive, like a commission, or access to high-res versions or preview of lineart, etc. Doens't matter if anyone takes that level, it will make the current tier where you post some early content like good value for money.


I would suggest to give it more time as well. Wait at least a year before calling quit. Advertise your Fanbox as a way to support your art. Maybe add a watermark on your public pictures with your fanbox url for instance or go back to your old public posts and add the link to the fanbox in your descriptions. It's almost like a small business. You need to spend some time and give people enough value that they are ready to part with their cash. Especially in these troubled times. Many artists make good money from Fanbox. Some post almost nothing in public and have all their interactions with their supporting fans. Probably not the direction you may want to take but it shows that it's possible. At any rate, you are an extremely talented artist and I see no reason for you not to make some money from your art. I'm happy to continue to pay!