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Download the zip file →https://threecups.fanbox.cc/posts/3384474 Google drive→https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14WAsrm4ufAyW_QMBJTe1XsBrnG8tM7SJ?usp=sharing This post was hidden because of the problem of mosaic for two times😭 So I put them all on the google drive Hope it will help🙏 大家好~ 這次花了很多時間在不同動作上 所以整體沒有很細緻 請大家見諒~ 故事接在藤原被打敗之後成為了女子拳擊部的沙包處刑 藤原跟櫻川的故事算是結束了 之後會慢慢有新的角色 希望大家會喜歡 非常感謝大家這個月的支持! Hello everyone~ I spent a lot of time on different moves this time So it's not very detailed Please forgive me~ The story continues after Fujiwara was defeated and became a punching bag execution of the female boxing club The story of Fujiwara and Sakuragawa is over for now There will be new character in the future I hope you will like it Thank you all for your support this month! 台詞: 1 準備好了嗎?前輩~ 從現在開始你就是女子拳擊部的沙包了 誰叫你要輸給我呢? 訓練了這麼多年卻輸給一個菜鳥 真是太弱了! 還是乖乖當個沙包吧! 2 首先是刺拳! 咻~ 3 咻咻咻~~ 4 喂喂~ 不要再掙扎了! 真噁心~ 輸家就老老實實地服從 5 認命吧! 接招! 6 真不愧是鍛鍊了多年的身體 打起來的感覺就是不一樣 真是舒服~ 雖然拳擊很弱但卻很耐打呢! 那麼接下來我要認真了 7 咻咻咻~~ 8 嘿 9 嚇 10 再一拳 11 快不行了嗎?前輩 看來差不多該收尾了 讓你嚐嚐我的必殺的一拳 12 必殺-蛋蛋爆裂拳! 哇~竟然射了! 13 哇哇哇 一直在射精欸~ 真厲害 我來幫你一把吧 14 哇哈哈哈~ 又射了~ 男生果然都是廢物 拳擊輸給女生還被打到射精 乖乖一輩子當女生的沙包吧! Text: 1 Are you ready? Senpai~ From now on you're a punching bag for the female’s boxing club Because you to lose to me After training for so many years, you lost to a rookie It's so weak! Just be a punching bag! 2 First up is the jab! BEESH~ 3 BEESH~BEESH~BEESH~ 4 hey hey~ Stop struggling! So disgusting~ Loser just have to obey 5 Accept it! Take this! 6 The body that has been working out for many years is impressive The feels to punching it is different It's really comfortable~ Although boxing is weak, it is very durable! Then I'm going to be serious 7 BEESH~BEESH~BEESH~ 8 Hey~ 9 Hah~ 10 One more strike 11 Is it about to the limit? Senpai Looks like it's time to finish it Let you taste my finish move! 12 Ballbusting punch Wow~cum! 13 woooow You are keep cumming It’s awesome let me help you 14 wahahaha Cum again~ Boys are really all trash Lost to a girl in boxing match and be punching the Cum out of his Balls Be obedient and be a girl's punching bag all your life!



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