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這是今年最後一張圖 接續上一次的「女子高生vsエース」 希望大家喜歡~ 非常感謝大家這個月的支持! This is the last one this year Continuation of the previous "High school girl vs ace" Hope you like it~ Thank you so much for your support this month! 台詞: 8…9…10 勝負已分! 這場學生會與男子拳擊部之間的比賽 由學生會獲勝了! 這麼一來男子拳擊部就確定要被廢部了 進軍全國大會的夢想在此夢碎! 學生會書記竟然輕易的將 男子拳擊部的王牌給擊倒了 真是太羞辱人了! 學生會用比賽的結果證明了 「連女生都打不贏的弱小拳擊部沒有存在的必要」 身為王牌卻被只學習拳擊一週的女生給KO 看來男子拳擊部真的很弱! 女:好弱! Text: 8…9…10 The game is set! The match between the students’ association and the men’s boxing club was won by the students’ association! In this way, the men’s boxing club is sure to be abolished. The dream of entering the National Competition is broken here! The student secretary easily knocked out the ace of the men's boxing club What a shame! The students’ association proved with the results of the match "There is no need for a weak boxing club that even girls can't win." As an ace but was KO by a girl who only learned boxing for a week It seems that the men's boxing club is really weak! F:Weak!




I think this is my favorite of all your artwork! I love the scenario