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大家好 這是這個月的最後一張圖 畫的時間有點趕 所以一點粗糙還請大家見諒 然後試了一下電視轉播的效果 一直都很喜歡這樣的效果 更凸顯了雙方的差距 希望大家喜歡 有任何想法也歡迎跟我說~ Hello everyone This is the last picture of this month The drawing time is a bit hurry So please forgive me for drawing coarse I’ve tried the effect of the TV broadcast I have always liked this effect because it show the gap of both sides Hope you guys like it ! Any comments are welcome~ 台詞: 別再掙扎了! 你已經沒有勝算了 趕快投降吧! 在觀眾面前露出這種醜態 真是太難看了! 竟然在比賽中勃起了! 男人真是沒用的東西 難道是我的腋下讓你興奮嗎? 這樣的變態還是第一次見到 好噁心! 一點身為摔角手的尊嚴都沒有 快投降吧廢物! 你這個光聞女人體味就勃起的的變態 是不可能贏過女人的 老實的當個輸家 臣服於女人吧! Text: Stop struggling! You have no chance to win Just give up! Showing this shameful performance in front of all the audience Shame on you! You got a boner during the match! Men are really useless Is it my armpit making you excite? This is the first time I have seen such a pervert Disgusting! Not even have the dignity of being a wrestler. Give up now! You asshole! You are a pervert who got a boner just by smelling a woman's body odour It's impossible to beat a woman Just be a loser And surrender to a woman!
