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之前就很喜歡高校摔角的主題 之後會打算做成一個系列 想設定出固定的角色跟學校 這張算是試試水溫順便練習一下不同的構圖 I really like the theme of high school prowrestling I plan to make this to a series in the future I want to set a fixed role and school Btw this one is to test the water and practice different composition 台詞: 哇啊啊糟糕了! 桃井選手正被被黑木選手的 逆蝦式固定折磨著~ 看起來非常痛苦 她有辦法堅持下去嗎? 身為大將的桃井選手是 櫻花女子學院最後的希望了! 桃井選手有沒有辦法逆轉呢? 還是說黑木選手會就這樣獲勝嗎? 贏下這場比賽的一方 就可以進軍全國大賽了! 黑木: 投降吧! 別在掙扎了! 就憑你是不可能贏我的! 桃井: 啊啊啊啊 ~ Text: Wow, That's too bad! Momoi is being tortured by Kuroki’s Boston crab~ It looks very painful Can she persevere? Momoi is the last hope for Sakuraka Women's academy! Is there any way for Momoi to reverse it? Or will Kuroki win like this? Who win the match can participate in the national competition! Kuroki: Give up! Stop struggling! There is no way you can beat me! Momoi: AHAHAHA~






I bet Momoi can survive and win! Maybe with some kind of Paizuri move, now that she's lost her top?