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These women are my seniors in the company who have taken care of me since I was a newcomer. They worked like men, which was unusual for women, and were allowed to wear clothes. They are very popular in the company because of their beauty. One day, however, they made a serious mistake. They were invited to have sex by the CEO of a client company, but they showed their displeasure for a moment. As a woman, they must always smile and obey what a man in a higher position says to them. The boss was furious and contacted our company to demand that they take responsibility. After discussions among the supervisors, they decided that my seniors would be punished in a way that was very harsh for women. They were to be processed into the company's toilets. They were slaughtered the same day their punishment was decided and attached to the lids of the dirty toilets for the employees. They were processed so that their breasts would just cushion the head of a man when he sat down. They were so popular with the male employees that for a while after they were installed there was always a line for the bathroom. Processing women into toilets is very common as a punishment. There are two main ways to do this. One is to cut off only the lower part of the woman's body and install her alive as an object to clean men's penis and anus with their mouths. The other is to slaughter the woman and then process the corpse into a toilet. This can be done either by installing the woman as an object on the lid of the toilet, as mentioned above, or by processing the woman's head itself as a toilet bowl. In the latter case, the woman's head is cut off and a pipe is passed through her neck so that men can urinate directly into her mouth. This type of toilet is also installed in the company, but it is difficult to manage because it quickly becomes dirty. It is rumored that there are more than 20 such toilets made by bodies of female secretaries installed in the toilets of the CEO's office. この女性たちは、ぼくが新人の頃から面倒をみてくれた会社の先輩です。彼女たちは女性としては珍しく男性と同じように働き、服を着ることも許されていました。美人なので会社でも大変人気です。しかし、あるとき彼女たちは大変なミスを犯してしまいました。取引先の社長にセックスに誘われたにもかかわらず、一瞬嫌な表情を浮かべてしまったのです。女性なら、立場が上の男性に言われたことは必ず笑顔で従わなければなりません。社長は激怒してうちの会社に責任を取るよう連絡してきました。上司たちが協議した結果、彼女たちは女性にとってとても過酷な罰を受けることになりました。それは社内のトイレに加工されることです。彼女たちは処分が決まったその日のうちに屠畜され、社員用の汚いトイレの蓋に取り付けられました。座った時にちょうど乳房が頭のクッションになるように加工されています。彼女たちは男性社員からの人気が高かったので、設置されてからしばらくの間はいつもトイレに行列ができていました。女性をトイレに加工することは罰としては非常に一般的です。その方法には大きく分けて二通りあります。一つは女性の下半身だけを切断して、男性のペニスや肛門を口で掃除させるためのオブジェとして生きたまま設置する方法です。もう一つは女性を屠畜してから、死体をトイレに加工する方法です。これは上記のように女性をトイレの蓋にオブジェとして取り付ける場合と、女性の頭部そのものを便器として加工する場合があります。後者の場合、女性の頭部は切断され、首にパイプが通されているので、男性は彼女の口の中に直接放尿できます。このタイプのトイレも社内に設置されていますが、すぐに汚れてしまうので管理が大変です。噂によると、社長室のトイレには女性秘書たちで作ったこのような便器が20個以上設置されているそうです。



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