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Today in a house a father executes his twin daughters. Twins are always best executed at the same time. The more affection the father has for his daughters, the greater the enjoyment of executing them. Before the execution, of course, the three of them will have sex. For the twins, this is the last time in their lives that they will have sex, so they will enjoy their father's penis to the fullest. Since male sperm is precious, it is normal not to ejaculate into the woman who is about to be executed, but these two got a special ejaculation from their father. Today is a fertile day so these girls may have been inseminated before their heads were cut off. When executing twins, it is the latest fashion to put piercings in their nipples and chain them together. They are asked to chain their large nipples as they spread their legs wide and take the formal posture of a woman being executed. In this house, women can decide when their heads will be decapitated. After taking a deep breath, they take a very indecent look with their tongues out wide. That is the signal for execution. The father cuts off the heads one by one with a knife. While they are being decapitated, they must keep their legs open and maintain indecent expressions on their faces. After the execution is successfully completed, a pole is inserted into their pussy or asshole to secure the corpse. Then the decomposing corpses can be enjoyed for about a month. 今日はある家でお父さんが双子の娘を処刑します。双子はやはり同時に処刑するのが一番です。愛情をかけて育てた娘ほど、処刑する楽しみも大きくなります。処刑の前に当然ですが、3人でセックスをします。双子にとっては人生で最後のセックスなので、お父さんのぺニスをたっぷりと堪能します。男性の精子は貴重なので、これから処刑される女性には中出ししないのが普通ですが、この二人は特別にお父さんに中出ししてもらいました。今日は妊娠しやすい日なので、彼女たちは首を切り落とされる前に受精したかもしれません。双子を処刑するときは、二人の乳首にピアスをつけてチェーンでつなぐのが最近の流行です。彼女たちは、大きく脚を広げて女性が処刑されるときの正式な姿勢を取ると、大きな乳首に鎖をつけてもらいます。この家では首を切断されるタイミングは女性が決めることができます。彼女たちは深呼吸した後、舌を大きく出してとても下品な表情を取ります。それが処刑の合図です。お父さんはナイフで一人ずつ首を切断していきます。首を切られている最中も、彼女たちは脚を開いたまま下品な表情を維持しなければなりません。無事処刑が終わると、彼女たちのマンコや尻穴にポールを挿し込んで死体を固定します。あとは、腐敗していく死体を1か月ほど楽しむことができます。



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