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This girl is my classmate and childhood friend. She is the daughter of a noble family and has been taught her role as a woman while studying at high school. She performs the best in her grade and has an excellent body development. She has also promised to marry me in the future. One day, however, a delegation from the government came to our school to see the progress of the girls' education. In such cases, they confirm that girls are obedient to men by executing the most talented girl. Unfortunately, my childhood friend was chosen for this role. She introduced herself in front of the inspection team and set her own head on the guillotine. She herself had to pull the rope to drop the guillotine blade. The ability to do this without hesitation is a proof of female obedience. The leader of the inspection team took his penis out of his pants. She was a very talented girl, so she volunteered to kiss his penis before she died. After the kiss, he decided to let the other female students rub his penis. My childhood friend was ordered to release his hand from the rope as soon as he ejaculated. She was only able to stare at his penis for a few minutes before she died. The time had finally come. As he ejaculated vigorously, she let go of the rope and her head was decapitated. Her face was very indecent, with white eyes and her dangling tongue. It is the best expression to stimulate the male penis. Her corpse was seemingly bought by the leader of this inspection team and processed into a penis holder and taxidermy. この娘はぼくの同級生で幼馴染だ。彼女は貴族の娘で、学校で勉強しながら女として役割を教え込まれている。彼女は学年で一番成績が良く、体の発育も素晴らしい。将来は、ぼくと結婚する約束もしている。だがあるとき、女子生徒の教育成果を確認しに、国からの視察団がこの学校にやってきた。このような場合、一番優秀な女子生徒を処刑することで、娘たちが男性に対して従順であることを確認する。残念なことに、ぼくの幼馴染がこの役割に選ばれてしまった。彼女は視察団の前で自己紹介し、自分から頭をギロチンにセットした。ギロチンの刃を落下させるロープは彼女自身が引かなくてはならない。これを躊躇いなくできるかどうかが女性の従順さの証となるからである。視察団の代表はズボンからペニスを取り出した。彼女は非常に優秀な女性なので、死ぬ前にペニスにキスをしたいと自分から申し出た。キスの後、彼は他の女子生徒にペニスをしごかせることにした。ぼくの幼馴染は射精と同時にギロチンのロープから手を放すように命じられた。彼女は死ぬ前のわずか数分の間、この男のペニスだけを見つめ続けたのだ。とうとうその時がやってきた。彼がいきおいよく射精すると、彼女はロープから手を放し、彼女の首が切断された。彼女の死に顔は非常に下品で、白目を向き舌ベロを大きく垂らしていた。男性のペニスを刺激する最高の表情である。彼女の死体は使節団の代表に買い取られ、ペニスホルダーと剥製に加工されたらしい。




She knows her role well ❤️