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For fathers, it is natural to roast and eat their own pregnant daughters whole. However, since the day of eating their daughters is a special day, many fathers share this pleasure with their friends. In such cases, it is normal for a friend to bring his own daughter to cook her together. Their daughters are friends with each other. Since it would be boring to execute their daughters right away, they have plenty of fun with their bodies before executing them. First, they let their daughters have lesbian sex. The girls kiss each other with their tongues entwined, then suck each other's breasts and clean their pussies with their mouths. Their fathers want to ejaculate into their pussies, but they have to hold out for their other daughters' or wives' pussies, because they are going to cook and eat. When the daughters finish fucking each other, the next step is to have sex with their own mothers. Since mothers are not allowed to eat their daughters, this is their last chance to touch each other. It is very lewd and stimulates the father's penis to see his daughter and her mother's bodies entwined and orgasming. After all of this playtime, the girls are finally executed. It is common to skewer them and then roast whole. After being tied with ropes all over their bodies, they must voluntarily skewer themselves on the stage. When the skewer reaches about halfway up their bodies, the girls kiss their dad's penis and say their final goodbyes. The girls are then skewered at once until the skewer comes out of their mouths. Their mothers are responsible for roasting their bodies, slowly roasting them for about two hours. It is impossible for fathers not to get an erection from the smell of their daughters being grilled. 父親にとって、妊娠した自分の娘を丸焼きにして食べるのは当たり前のことである。しかし、娘を食べる日は特別な日でもあるので、その楽しみを友人と分かち合う人も多い。そのような場合、友人も自分の娘を連れてきて一緒に調理するのが普通である。父親たちと同様に、娘たちもお互いに友達である。娘たちをすぐに処刑してはつまらないので、その前に彼らは彼女たちの体を使ってたっぷりと遊ぶ。まずは娘たちにレズセックスをさせる。彼女たちは舌を絡ませるようにキスをした後、お互いの乳房をしゃぶり、父親たちがこれから食べることになるマンコを口で掃除する。父親たちは最後に彼女たちのマンコに射精したいが、これから調理して食べることになるので、他の娘や妻のマンコで我慢しなければならない。娘たち同士でのセックスが終わると、次は自分の母親とセックスさせる。母親には娘を食べることが許されていないので、これは彼女たちがお互いに触れ合う最後の機会である。娘と母親が体を絡ませて絶頂している様子は大変淫らで父親のペニスを刺激する。こうした遊びを一通り楽しんだ後、ついに娘を処刑することになる。彼女たちを串刺しにしてから丸焼きにするのが一般的である。娘たち全身を縄で縛られた後、ステージの上で自分から串刺しにならなければならない。串が体の半分くらいまで到達したところで、彼女たちは父親にペニスに口づけして最後のお別れを告げる。その後、彼女たちは口から串が飛び出るまで一気に串刺しにされるのである。彼女たちの体を焼くのは母親の役目で、ちょうどよい焼き加減になるまで2時間ほどかけてじっくりと焼く。娘が焼けていく臭いをかげば、ペニスを勃起させずにいることは不可能である。




Are the daughters impregnated by their fathers seed? Are these girls twin sisters? 😏 I guess the biggest the biggest benifits of having many daughters is being able to eat them or taxidermy them. A man can always produce more daughters 😁

Sopox/ R18G guro AI

These daughters are impregnated by their fathers, but each father is different. One is the daughter of his friend!