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Large companies install taxidermied female employees as decorations in restrooms. Every woman who joins the company knows that she will one day be taxidermied, and the type of taxidermy depends on her work performance. Many women have their heads cut off and only their chests stuffed, but they dream of being made into full-body stuffed statues, including their heads, to be displayed at the entrance of the company. They also want to be processed into milk servers to quench the thirst of male employees. Coat holders are also popular. Women who do not perform well at work unfortunately become decorations for men's urinals. The women employees who are to be stuffed are determined and announced monthly by the human resources department. These women will be stuffed within one week after the announcement. During this time, they make their final visits to those who have supported them in their work, and some may even ask male employees to mate with them for the last time. Once everything is ready, they go to the personnel department to begin the taxidermy process. Human Resources is a professional taxidermy technician and has an in-house slaughterhouse and processing plant for female employees. The slaughtering of female employees often takes place during lunch breaks, so all male employees go to observe. It is very exciting to see the female employees they know being lined up and decapitated one by one. 大企業では女性従業員の剥製をトイレのデコレーションとして設置します。入社する女性は皆自分がいつか剥製にされることを承知しており、仕事の功績に応じてどのような剥製になるかが決まります。多くの女性は頭部を切り落とされて胸部だけが剥製にされますが、彼女たちは頭部を含めた全身を剥製にされて会社のエントランスに並べられることを夢見ています。また、男性社員の投票により母乳で彼らの喉を潤すミルクサーバーに加工されたいと思う女性も少なくありません。コートホルダーも人気です。仕事でよい業績を残せなかった女性は、残念ながら男性用便器の装飾となってしまいます。剥製にされる女性従業員は毎月人事部により決定され公表されます。彼女たちは公表から一週間以内に剥製に加工されます。その間、彼女たちは仕事でお世話になった人たちに最後の挨拶をして回り、中には知り合いの男性社員に最後の交尾をお願いする場合もあります。すべての準備が整うと、人事部に行き剥製への加工が始まります。人事部は剥製技術のプロであり、社内に女性社員の屠畜場と加工場があります。女性社員の屠畜は昼休みに行われることが多いので、男性社員はみな見学に行きます。知り合いの女性社員たちが並べられて順番に首を切り落とされていく光景は大変刺激的です。








It seems like every room would have at least a few female bodies to decorate them. I guess lunchtime is also the best time for females to make apologies by cutting off one or both breasts in front of all the male workers. It is always a good day when the guys get to eat the fresh breast meat of a coworker. The breasts are often very big and it's common and polite that the man that receives the breasts will share them with the other men. Female meat including breast meat is very common in restaurants and groceries and also in most cafeterias. Although this is lesser quality female meat and lacks the enjoyment and freshness of meat straight from a living girl. Occasionally the cafeteria will bring in live meat girls which they slaughter and butcher at the start of lunch and barbecue. Often this is a weekly or biweekly event that all the staff look forward to, even the female workers love it ❤️