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Women are usually executed in some way before they turn 30. If married, they are executed by their husbands; if unmarried, they are executed by their fathers or sold to rich men. Since these three sisters were unmarried, they were auctioned off and sold by rich man. They were executed by hanging the same day they were bought. For men, playing with the corpses of slaughtered women was more pleasurable than sex. Their corpses were left to rot. The reason is that women's bodies are most delicious when they are aged to the point of decomposition. Hanged corpses were left for about two weeks before they were ready to eat. The body is ready when it is discolored and maggots appear on the face. This rich man is used to eating female meat, so the timing of the aging process is perfect. As the proteins in the corpse are broken down and transformed into umami, the woman's meat tastes superb. This is a pleasure allowed only to the rich. 女性は普通30歳になる前に何らかの方法で処刑される。結婚している場合は夫によって処刑されるが、未婚の場合は父親が処刑するか、金持ちに売りに出される。この三姉妹は未婚だったため、オークションにかけられ金持ちによって落札された。彼女たちは買われたその日に首吊りによって処刑された。屠畜した女の死体をもてあそぶのは男にとってはセックスよりも楽しい。彼女たちの死体は腐敗するまでそのまま放置された。というのも、女性の体は腐敗するまで熟成させると一番おいしく食べることができるからだ。首吊り死体は二週間ほど放置されると食べ頃になる。死体が変色して顔にうじ虫が湧いてくると完成である。この金持ちは女性肉を食べなれているので熟成のタイミングは完璧だ。死体のタンパク質が分解されてうま味に変わっていくと、女の肉は極上の味わいになる。金持ちだけに許された志向の娯楽である。




Maybe not maggots but hanging them in a drying or climate controlled room, that way the man can choose how long they should be aged or if they want a dryer flesh 🤔