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The spectacle of a woman dying in agony by hanging is very beautiful and it is one of the great pleasures of men. Rich men purchase beautiful women of high status and enjoy hanging them. They cook her corpse and eat the body, but men of good taste leave the corpse hanging and film it as corpse decompose. Since there is no use for the rotten corpse, gentlemen kindly returns it to the girls' father with the video. The smell of dead bodies of his beloved daughter greatly stimulates the father's penis and encourages it to ejaculate. While watching the video of their daughters' deaths, they squeeze their penises and ejaculate onto their daughters' corpses. It is a great honor for a woman to die for the desire of a man of high status. 首吊りによって女性が苦しみながら死んでいく光景は大変美しく、それは男性たちの楽しみの一つです。金持ちの男性は身分が高く美しい女性を購入し、首吊りを楽しみます。彼女たちの死体を調理して食べるのも良いのですが、趣味のよい人は死体をぶら下げたままにしておき、腐敗していくのを動画に撮影します。腐敗した死体は使い道がないので、優しい紳士は彼女たちの父親に撮影した動画とともに返してあげます。愛する娘の死体から放たれる腐敗臭は、父親の生殖器を大いに刺激し射精を促します。彼らは娘が死ぬ動画を見ながら、ペニスをしごいて娘の死体に射精するのです。地位の高い男性の欲望のために死ぬことは女性にとって大変名誉なことです。




It would also be very sexy if sometimes they cut off the women's breasts before or during the hanging. The breasts make for lovely gifts to friends or family, a husband can give his wife's breasts to her daughters to eat. Breast meat is good for the girls developing bodies and believed to increase their future breast size.


A well kept women's breast meat is widely considered to be the most popular cut of meat. Lower quality breast meat can be easily found at the butchers but it's definitely not nearly as delicious.

Sopox/ R18G guro AI

Breast care is taught from childhood as the most important female duty. Poor quality of breast flesh is the greatest shame for a noble woman.


A woman with low quality breasts deserves to be treated harshly. Her breasts cut off and discarded in front of her, useless woman