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In families with many daughters, killing extra children is one of the father's favourite pastimes. Daughters have sexual intercourse with their fathers as soon as they have their first menstruation. At this time, the father checks the condition of the daughter's vagina and her body growth, and slaughters the daughters who are not so well. Slaughtering methods vary, with daughters being taxidermied or cooked and eaten after they have been killed. This time, this daughter was slaughtered by hanging. This daughter is his wife's favourite, so he let her slaughter this daughter. The sight of his beloved daughter dying in agony, dripping with urine, is very arousing to his penis and makes his semen come up. When the daughter's execution is over, he has to fuck his wife's pussy. The best part of the hanging is the daily observation of the corpse as it decomposes; after a week the corpse rots and smells terrible. The smell of his daughter's rotting corpse and pouring semen into his wife's vagina is the best part of the pleasure. 娘がたくさんいる家庭では、余分な子供を殺すのがお父さんの楽しみの一つです。娘は初潮が来るとすぐに父親と性行為をします。このとき娘の膣の具合や体の成長を確認し、あまりよくない娘を屠畜します。屠畜の方法はさまざまで、娘たちは殺された後に剥製にされたり、調理されて食べられたりします。今回は、娘を首吊りによって屠畜することにしました。この娘は妻のお気に入りのため、妻に屠畜させます。愛娘が尿を垂れながして苦しみながら死んでいく姿はペニスをとても刺激し、精液がこみ上げてきます。娘の処刑が終わったら妻のマンコで性欲処理しなければなりません。絞首刑の醍醐味は死体が腐っていく姿を毎日観察することです。1週間も経つと死体は腐りひどい臭いを発します。娘の腐った死体の臭いを嗅ぎながら妻の膣に精液を流し込むのは、最高の快楽です。




複数人が処刑されてるのを観たいです。 以前に投稿してたアイドル処刑みたいなやつで。 差分多めだとなお嬉しい


良い肉付き加減 腐る前にフルコースで食べたい。食材は妊娠中が旨味をためてうまいと聞く。これもさぞかしうまかろう