Escape artist 01 (Pixiv Fanbox)
2019-06-12 05:17:43
2021-02-10 05:15:55
幼い年に escape artistとしてデビューした彼女はネタも仕掛けもなくもっぱら実力だけで
勝負する実力派として業界で天才と呼ばれ、大勢の人々に 注目を集めました。
自分の仕事にプライド高く 、
いよいよステージの真ん中で escapeできない状態でピンチを迎えようになった彼女。
She made her debut as an escape artist at an early age.
Without deception, he managed to free himself from bondage.
She was regarded as a genius in the business world and attracted many people.
She increasingly wanted to bondaged herself up.
People cheered, but in fact there was a dark desire for her subconscious.
She was excited by the prospect that she was unlikely to escape.
She didn't know the fact by herself. So it becomes more difficult.
The girl wizard wanted a strict rein over time.
One day, she attempted to escape from a water flowing
into the water tank as usual. And then I noticed that it was impossible
to remove the tools that were tied down.
At last, she faced a crisis when she was unable to escape
from the midst of the stage.
she was delighted rather than embarrassed.
어린 나이에 escape artist로서 데뷔한 그녀는 속임수도 없이 오로지 실력만으로
승부하는 실력파로서 업계에서 천재라고 불려 많은 사람들에게 주목을 받았습니다.
자신의 일에 프라이드 높아
더욱 엄하게 구속을 원하는 그녀를 보며 사람들은 그녀의 도전의식에 감탄하고 갈채를 보내지만
그녀의 무의식 속에는 어두운 욕망이 깨어 있었습니다
탈출가능할지도 알수없는 구속을 받으며,
대중 앞에 설수록 눈치채지 못한 성욕이 복받쳐 점점 무리를 지속해나갔습니다 ...
어느 날 여느 때처럼 구속된 채 물이 높이까지 올라온다
그녀는 물탱크에서 탈출하려고 시도하다가 마침내 자신에게 박혔다
구속이 빠지는 것이 불가능하다는 것을 알았어요.
드디어 스테이지 한가운데서 escape할 수 없는 상태로 핀치를 맞이하게 된 그녀.
하지만 그 모습은 당황했다기보다는 기뻐하는 모습이었습니다