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I am starting a full time job as a line cook very soon, so I won't have a lot of time to make art. I still want to keep my art skills sharp so I want something big that I can work on and off when I feel up to the task. I started work on assets for a new flash game, but after looking at all the pre-planning I have to do, I don't think I am able to complete it alone. So tell me what you'd like to see me work on instead.

-Draw a new original ero comic

-Redraw old Zone-tan ero comic

-Work on more tween animated loops

-Draw a relatively sfw comic series

-Experimental art pieces using new techniques and tools

To be honest, the constant censorship is really bumming me out. I started cutting back on the excessive gore due to regulations. There is also the feeling that my artwork has stagnated so I'd like to pick up new skills.


Random Hero X

I second the ero comic sentiment. Wouldn't mind seeing a new story myself.