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こんにちは、お元気ですか?最終ページの線画が完成しました! 2人でブルマのAVを見ていると、ベジータが "痩せましたか?"。ブルマは怒る! このプロジェクトはまだ完成していません。次のステップは、カバーを作って、シェーディングを加えることです。 After the big two page porno compilation spread, the last page is intended to be a bit of a lighthearted joke to end off on. The text and text bubbles will likely be redone, but in case it isn't read-able, the sound effects in the first panel are "Harder!" "Ooh" and "Ah~ <3", and the bottom dialogue is "Did you lose weight?". Just as a reminder, I intend to have text bubbles and dialogue for most pages in the final draft. Speaking of which, we are now done with the lineart phase, and it will be time to move on to finishing the pages soon! I intend to shade the pages with grey scale manga tones (as opposed to coloring them) for that manga-style look, and I'll be doing some extra cleaning and adjusting here and there, as well as the aforementioned text and text bubbles. I'll do a few test pages first to solidify my general plan with the look of the finished pages, which will probably be done out of order. But first, I think it's high time I came up with a cover for this doujin, don't you? You can find the rest of the pages here: https://darmengine.fanbox.cc/posts/1342173



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