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Hello folks. Thanks for waiting. I hereby present you the newest set from my dormancy, a bad ending timeline for the Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

It's been lucky for me to play this masterpiece during my dormancy. I really enjoyed the story though I've only played Church routine and Golden Deer. I watched the other routines from other people and enjoyed all of them, except I found a flaw in a character's plan, which is Edelgard herself's decision to priory the attack on the church while ignoring the underground dark force who should be a mutual enemy to all mankind and had direct responsibility to her personal tragedy. Anyway, I just know there's a good chance Edelgard can not match the underground folks alone after she defeated all the other forces who could be her allies.

No need to argue with the plot of the game. I simply found this idea of Edelgard getting betrayed and eventually ending up badly fascinating. Then I came up with this month's story of Byleth, Edelgard, and Cornelia turning into sex toys.

Nevertheless I couldn't finish the text pages this month, but I think the quality of the pictures can tell the story well enough. I'll add the dialogue next month. Meanwhile need to go back and censor the old shit first.

Hope you enjoy this month's story! Cheers!


各位久等了,本次的作品是《火焰纹章:风花雪月》的BAD ENDING。在之前休假的一年里我玩了不少游戏,通关了两次《风花雪月》,还看完了别人玩的另外两条路线。整体感觉非常棒,剧情和角色都很吸引人,唯独一直觉得处理得不好的就是艾黛尔贾特发动战争的事:她居然会选择优先进攻教会,发起全面战争,大家互相厮杀削弱,然后再去处理地底人的问题。明明地底人才是故事中真正的黑幕,也是她个人不幸遭遇的直接罪魁祸首,她却没有跟任何可能的盟友商量,甚至都没有跟亲爱的老师贝蕾丝商量,连暗示都没有,自己就蛮干去了——



希望各位喜欢本月的作品! 中文剧情在最后面


202403 Byleth Edlgard Cornelia

It begins quite simply: Byleth was not with the empire when the church was attacked. She then got defeated and captured and became a sex toy for the empire soldiers. Since she was the Fell Star, an arch enemy that must be destroyed according to the true ruler of the empire, her execution was decided fast ans swift. She was setenced to choose between a guillotine decapitation or be drown by a thousand men's semen. She struggled long time, violated by countless men and suffered, finally decided to let a giant blade cut off her own neck. Her corpse was later sent to the royal capital by the empress's command, except Edelgard herself was turned into a sex toy by her uncle already. The stupid ex-empress was nothing now but a limbless torso and burst into tears when she saw the head of her former professor. Since the Fell Star was no longer a threat, the one who slithered in the dark quickly won the war and built their own regime, became the only ruler of Fodlan, hence no former royalties in Fodlan were necessary anymore.

Edelgard's execution came in her bed chamber, performed by her uncle Lord Arundel by slicing her neck with her precious dagger while having a French kiss with Byleth's detached head. Lord Thales used his enormous giant penis to fuck through both Byleth and Edelgard's heads, and with the assistance of Lady Cornelia he even stuck the tip of his dick into the neck hole on Byleth's headless corpse. It was rumored that such a giant monstrosity once easily stuffed a girl's entire neck to her lung and suffocated her, but it means nothing to the lifeless victims now except for some simple nerve reflex throat gagging and body twitches, proving both Edelgard and Byleth had been transformed into pure onaholes for pleasure. (Yes I was told that in Three Hopes it has been proven Arundel is Thales himself in disguise. But I think there's no direct evidence from Three Houses to prove that. Plus it would be much hotter for an uncle to execute his sexy and stupid niece, and if we don't use Thales and Arundel at the same time there won't be anyone famous from Those Who Slither In The Dark, right? Would you like to watch the old man Solon to fuck Edelgard? I wouldn't, really. )

Lady Cornelia had ambitions and began willingly cooperating with Lord Thales and Arundel long ago and used her beauty and magic skills to work with them. Her newest research had succeeded in necromancy in the form of manipulating dead bodies. Combine with Agarthian technology it became a skill to keep dead people partially alive and obey its master's wishes, and it quickly became Thales and Arundel's favorite skill. Cornelia helped them to make many living sex dolls, and layed with these corpse together with the lord for pleasure. But of course, as a human, she could never be trusted by the underground regime. As this moment the last empress dies, Cornelia's assistance were no longer required in the war. So she was decapitated on the spot as well, as a climax entertainment of the night.

Unexpectedly, Cornelia was such a whore. Even after countless nights of being thrust by Thales' giant cock, she was ever more eager to experience extreme sexual performances. To have a taste of decapitation, and become a neck-hole fuck meat herself is actually a secret wish for her. Unlike the other two girls, her users later found her (and her body) being weirdly happy, proactive and intoxicated in the head fucking business, as she was really enjoying it. It was quite different from Byleth and Edelgard's heads, who resisted constantly even in death, and required brain surgery to stimulate their orgasm core to tame. But all of the three bodies worked properly under the control of magic and technology. The mindless bodies have always behaved willingly and obediently to have any kind of sex the masters want, and they are always horny without the instinctively repression from their heads: people even witnessed them touching, rubbing, and kissing each other with the neck stumps even while no masters were around.

Perhaps the rule of the underground people would bring a brand new culture to Fodlan, we'll have to wait to see the fate of other girls to discover more.












Ring the Bell! King has come back!


Witness the legendary moment!


I hope to obtain an uncorrected atlas again : (


Not only are you making amazing new art but its also for one of my favorite games ever, I’m so so happy and thankful that you’re back

MQB Chicken

This kind of stockings are nice!


:( I don't have the strength to think of this now. Maybe in the future I'll use Hiccears again. Heard it's still open for guro




Great work. But you forgot to censor few images. Better fix it before you get in trouble.


So glad you're back!! Happy to support, thanks for the hard work 👉


THE KING RETURNS! Welcome back! I actually just recently within the last couple of months bought and beat all the routes for this game. It quickly rose to one of my favorites of the genre, and the girls are hot ofc. I'm so glad you decided to make an illustration set based on this entry (praying for more with some of the other characters, lol). Glad to have you back.


What a strong return! The last sentence is my favorite, more FE3H girls please! ^o^


The Lord of the Guro III : Return of the Queen


I only played Golden Deer because I liked what little I saw from the female characters, haha. Can't say the hours spent on it were worth it.


What a fantastic set 🍖🥩👩‍🦰👩🔥💀. I haven´t played Fire Emblem, but I recently played Chrono Trigger and loved it, so maybe I give FE a chance. Would it be possible u share your works without censorship on genitals here by any chance? Glad u came back!! 💖💖



