霊夢さんソムリエの裏子ちゃん (Pixiv Fanbox)
【Urako is a Reimusan sommelier.】
Reimusan: Urako! Look, look!♡ It's a naked apron!
But the apron is so small, my boobs are about to overflow♡
(But Urako loves my boobs, so maybe it's just as well that they're about to overflow♡)
Reimusan: (Huh? Didn't you like it...?)
Urako: What are you talking about when your usual attire seems to be more overflowing?
Reimusan: Oops...! It's my normal behavior that sets the bar so high...!!
Urako: But it's so cute and suits you very well!
Reimusan: !!!!♡♡♡♡