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おんぎゃぁぁぁぁあ👶桜子ぎゃわいいいいいいい😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️🌸 桜子ズには妖狐と一つ目小僧のコスプレをしてもらいました! チビは…いや、てか日本妖怪シリーズとは言ってみたものの、日本の妖怪って殆ど和装の人型か四肢が欠損してるかキメラみたいなのしかいなくて、案外コスプレさせにくかった!だからチビは何と言おうと一つ目小僧なのだ!てか可愛いから良いだろ!!!😡 お姉ちゃん安定の狐っ娘🥰ほんと似合う、何回描いても似合う。可愛すぎる。 チビのデコッパチあっかんべー可愛すぎる。死ねる。お姉ちゃんのおっぱいに挟まれておっぱい抱えてるの好き。尊い The Sakurako Sisters were asked to cosplay as Youko (Ghost fox) and Hitotsume kozou (Japanese Little cyclops)! They are both too cute... 🥰. Sis has drawn this cosplay a few times, but no matter how many times she draws it, it's still cute and suits her! ❤️ Little has a really cute forehead 🥰 and I'm jealous of her being sandwiched between her boobs😭.




Understandable otherwise look forward to see this cheeky pair finished eventually as you have done an amazing job so far.