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制服シリーズの途中ですが! 今月、5月18日は霊夢さんの29歳のお誕生日なので、まずはそちらを先に! いやぁ、13年ですかぁ〜。 俺は当時大学入りたての18歳、霊夢さんは16歳。俺はただのおっさんになって、霊夢さんは随分美人さんになりましたねぇ…😭 この間10周年をお祝いしたような気がするのに、もうアレから3年…😇 やっぱみんな揃ってるイラストは賑やかでいいですね。裏表一家最高や! I'm in the middle of the school uniform series, but May 18th is Reimusan's 29th birthday, so I'm working on that first!😍 It's been 13 years since I met her. I was 18, fresh out of college, and she was 16. I just an old man, but Reimusan has grown into a very beautiful and charming woman😭 I will continue to draw her as she continues to become more beautiful 🥰




Look forward to see this lovely birthday tribute finished eventually as you have done an amazing job so far.