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こういった形で日記を書くのは初めてだが、なにかに吐き出さないと落ち着かない。 レンジャーである俺は怪しい研究施設で凄いものを発見した。 それはこの地方に伝わる赤い本に記載されていた生き物。 今や滅んだと言われていた伝説のモンスターの写真だ。 だがおかしい部分はいくつかある。それはこの研究所が化石の復元などを行っていたのではなく、バイオテクノロジーに特化した遺伝子研究の施設であること。 そして、近年何人ものトレーナーが施設の近辺で失踪している、ということだ。 「…………」 しかしどうにも気になる。 焼け跡には他にも様々な生き物がいた痕跡があった。頑丈な檻のようなものの中にも大量の、なにか強い力で引っ掻いたような痕。 「……まさかな」 俺の中で嫌な予感が膨れ上がっていく。 この施設は何か恐ろしいことを行っていたのではないか。 つまり、人間を…。 いや、よそう。藪をつついて毒蛇が出てくるのは困る。 だがこの文を既に誰かが読んでいるのであれば、俺は既に手遅れかもしれない。 この情報と写真は危険だ。 もしこれを読んだなら、すぐにでも逃げた方がいいだろう。 そしてこの手記も、俺も 【ここで文章は終わっている 残りのページは  何か爪のようなもので 破かれているようだ】 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first time I'm writing a diary in this form, but I need to get it out into something to calm down. As a ranger, I discovered something amazing in a mysterious research facility. It was a creature described in the red book of this region. It was a picture of a legendary monster that was said to be extinct. But there are a few things wrong with it. It turns out that this laboratory was not engaged in fossil restoration, but was a genetic research facility specializing in biotechnology. And that a number of trainers have disappeared in the vicinity of the facility in recent years. ............" But it is curious. There were traces of various other creatures in the burnt ruins. There were also a large number of marks inside what looked like a sturdy cage, as if they had been scratched by some kind of strong force. ......No way" A bad feeling was growing inside me. I'm not sure if this facility has been doing something terrible. In other words, they were doing something terrible to people.... No, let's not. I don't want a poisonous snake to come out of the bushes. But if someone has already read this statement, I may already be too late. This information and pictures are dangerous. If you read this, you'd better run away right away. And this memoir, and me. [The sentence ends here. The rest of the page.  It looks like it's been ripped open with some kind of claw. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2023 trystarbadger. All Rights Reserved






I don’t know why they’d be so upset, I think the lab is doing great work~ X3