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    Kimtoxic (Patreon)
    2022년 12월 신청 2023년 1월 결제 골드 티어 보상 입니다..!
    항상 기다려주시는 후원자님들께 정말 죄송하고 감사합니다..!
    보상 다운로드 드라이브 링크입니다! ↓
    파일 및 링크는 절대 외부에 유출을 금하며 30일 이후에 링크는 삭제됩니다!
    다운로드에 문제가 있다면 알려주세요! 
    링크는 약 한달 후에 삭제됩니다! 후원해주시는 여러분께 항상 감사합니다! :)
    Application in December 2022 Payment in January 2023 This is a gold tier reward..!
    I'm really sorry and thankful to the sponsors who always wait..!
    Reward download link ↓
    Files and links are absolutely prohibited from leaking to the outside world. 
    Leakage is an act of lowering the value of your paid currency. 
    The link will be deleted in about a month!
    Please let me know if there is any problem with the download!
    Thanks as always for your support! :)
    Published: 2023-02
    Kimtoxic (Patreon)
    2021년 8월 골드 티어 보상 입니다..!
    오랫동안 기다려주신 후원자님들께 다시한번 감사와 사과의 말씀을 드립니다. 
    공지대로 시셀라 대신 투표로 뽑힌 혜진 도 곧이어서 업로드 될 예정입니다!
    서둘러 마무리하도록 하겠습니다!
    혜진도 마무리 되면 이 보상링크를 통해 재업로드 됩니다!
    보상 다운로드 링크입니다! ↓↓↓↓↓
    파일 및 링크는 절대 외부에 유출을 금하며 
    구글 드라이브 링크로 보내드리고 30일이 지난후에는 링크가 자동으로 지워지니
    이 점 유의 해주시길 바라며 후에 다시 다운받아야 할 일이 생긴다면
    메세지 주시길 바랍니다.
    다운로드에 문제가 있다면 알려주세요!
    August! 2021 Gold Tier Reward!
    This is the first reward for August!
    Once again, I would like to express my gratitude and apology to the long-awaited sponsors. 
    As announced, Hyejin, who was voted instead of Cisela, will be uploaded soon!
    I'll hurry up and wrap this up!
    Reward download link ↓↓↓↓↓
    Files and links are never allowed to be leaked outside. 
    I send it to Google Drive Link and after 30 days, the link will be erased automatically.
    Please note that if there is something to download later on,
    Please send a message.
    Please let me know if there is any problem with the download!
    Published: 2021-10
    Kimtoxic (Patreon)
    2021년 7월 골드 티어 보상 입니다..!
    한달 휴식 후 다시 시작된 리워드 입니다. 오랫동안 기다려주신
     후원자님들께 다시한번 감사와 사과의 말씀을 드립니다. 
    여러분들이 재밌게 봐주시는 것만으로도 정말 힘이 납니다..! 
    항상 여러분의 은혜에 감사드리는 마음입니다! 모두 행복하길 바랍니다!
    보상 다운로드 링크입니다! ↓↓↓↓↓
    파일 및 링크는 절대 외부에 유출을 금하며 
    구글 드라이브 링크로 보내드리고 30일이 지난후에는 링크가 자동으로 지워지니
    이 점 유의 해주시길 바라며 후에 다시 다운받아야 할 일이 생긴다면
    메세지 주시길 바랍니다.
    다운로드에 문제가 있다면 알려주세요!
    May 2021 Gold Tier Reward!
    This reward started again after a month of rest. Once again, 
    I would like to express my gratitude and apology to the long-awaited sponsors.
    I gain strength just because you enjoy watching my work.
    I'm always thankful for your kindness! I hope everyone is happy!
    Reward download link ↓↓↓↓↓
    Files and links are never allowed to be leaked outside. 
    I send it to Google Drive Link and after 30 days, the link will be erased automatically.
    Please note that if there is something to download later on,
    Please send a message.
    Please let me know if there is any problem with the download!
    Published: 2021-09
    Kimtoxic (Patreon)
    안녕하세요 kimtoxic 입니다, 
    한해의 마지막 입니다.!
    2021년에는 즐거운 일만 있길 바랍니다!
    11월 보상 다운로드 링크입니다! ↓↓↓↓↓
    파일 및 링크는 절대 외부에 유출을 금하며 
    구글 드라이브 링크로 보내드리고 30일이 지난후에는 링크가 자동으로 지워지니
    이 점 유의 해주시길 바라며 후에 다시 다운받아야 할 일이 생긴다면
    메세지 주시길 바랍니다.
    다운로드에 문제가 있다면 알려주세요!
    항상 여러분들에게 만족스럽고 좋은 그림으로 보답해드리고 싶습니다!
    지금보다 더 노력하는 창작자가 되겠습니다!!
    정말 감사합니다 ^_^!!
    Hello, i am Kimtoxic.
    Thank you for supporting us all the time!
    It's the end of the year!
    I wish you all the best in 2021!
    November Reward 
    download link ↓↓↓↓↓
    Files and links are never allowed to be leaked outside. 
    I send it to Google Drive Link and after 30 days, the link will be erased automatically.
    Please note that if there is something to download later on,
    Please send a message.
    Please let me know if there is any problem with the download!
    The year is already coming to an end!
    I'm still immature, but the reason I was able to come all this way is 
    Thanks to your support and love. Thank you always! :)
    Published: 2020-12
    Kimtoxic (Patreon)
    안녕하세요 kimtoxic 입니다, 
    벌써 한 해가 끝나가네요!
    아직 미숙하지만 여기까지 올 수 있었던 이유는 
    항상 여러분의 후원과 사랑덕분입니다.
    10월 보상 다운로드 링크입니다! ↓↓↓↓↓
    파일 및 링크는 절대 외부에 유출을 금하며 
    구글 드라이브 링크로 보내드리고 30일이 지난후에는 링크가 자동으로 지워지니
    이 점 유의 해주시길 바라며 후에 다시 다운받아야 할 일이 생긴다면
    메세지 주시길 바랍니다.
    다운로드에 문제가 있다면 알려주세요!
    항상 여러분들에게 만족스럽고 좋은 그림으로 보답해드리고 싶습니다!
    지금보다 더 노력하는 창작자가 되겠습니다!!
    정말 감사합니다 ^_^!!
    Hello, i am Kimtoxic.
    Thank you for supporting us all the time!
    download link ↓↓↓↓↓
    Files and links are never allowed to be leaked outside. 
    I send it to Google Drive Link and after 30 days, the link will be erased automatically.
    Please note that if there is something to download later on,
    Please send a message.
    Please let me know if there is any problem with the download!
    The year is already coming to an end!
    I'm still immature, but the reason I was able to come all this way is 
    Thanks to your support and love. Thank you always! :)
    Published: 2020-11
    Kimtoxic (Patreon)
    2022년 7~8월 신청 9월결제 골드 티어 보상 입니다..!
    2022년도 끝나갑니다. 항상 감사하고 잘 부탁드리며 건강하시길 기원합니다!
    보상 다운로드 드라이브 링크입니다! ↓
    파일 및 링크는 절대 외부에 유출을 금하며 
    다운로드에 문제가 있다면 알려주세요! 
    링크는 약 한달 후에 삭제됩니다! 후원해주시는 여러분께 항상 감사합니다! :)
    2022 Application in July~August Payment in September Gold Tier Reward!
    2022 is just around the corner.
    Thank you always, I wish you all the best, and I wish you good health!
    Reward download link ↓
    Files and links are absolutely prohibited from leaking to the outside world. 
    Leakage is an act of lowering the value of your paid currency. 
    The link will be deleted in about a month!
    Please let me know if there is any problem with the download!
    Thanks as always for your support! :)
    Published: 2022-10
    Sebastian Magnus (Patreon)
    Hey everyone!
    Here are the current links and password:
    Password is VaderHater99
    Discord Link:
    Published: 2023-10
    mrsafetylion (Patreon)
    Ah thanks for your support! There's a lot more to come! With more support, we'll get more fun projects like these!
    5$ Tier Rewards December
    Published: 2023-12
    RedEyesLunatic2nd (Patreon)
    Hi, thank you so much for your support!
    --> Here are the rewards for Gold/Legendary Tier: 
    --> Rewards for Valkyrie Tier: (MMD 772 until now and AI 055 until now)
    Published: 2023-12
    hold (Patreon)
    Hi! Here is the release of "Galactic Limit 2"
    Thank you for your support!
    Published: 2023-12
    x4fab (Patreon)
    CSP v0.1.80 preview428 is here! Finalizing update
    Since the last update we were working on preparing a functional and reliable public build, so, again, mostly fixes and improvements, a lot of them related to features for developers and content creators. And now, a bit more testing and I believe this build (without rain for now) can be made public! Well, hopefully.
    But, of course, as usual, there are also a few new features, most notable:
    • Handling of lightweight cars with rain greatly improved, the visuals got some fixes and updates as well, to increase overall feeling of wetness.
    • NeckFX got a major update: now head movement can also be controlled by a Lua script, making things a lot more customizable and extendable. There is already a new default implementation replacing the old mess, a lot smoother and easier to configure. It is enabled by default, although you can disable it to return to the old logic. Also, an ancient option for rendering helmets got an update too, now working with all Kunos helmets, with greatly improved rendering, optional blur, and rain support.
    • WeatherFX scripts can extend or even replace original YEBIS post-processing implementation with a new one. Default style now can do its own post-processing instead of YEBIS, which should be somewhat compatible and look similar, but run a lot faster, saving a lot of both CPU and GPU time. If you were disabling post-processing in AC video settings to save a bit of FPS, maybe it is time to try and turn them on? Sun rays do add a bit of cost even to the new approach, so if you really need FPS turn them off, but even with them it seems to be a lot more reasonable in terms of performance.
    • If you are doing some video recording or streaming using OBS, CSP now has an OBS plugin allowing you to, for example, capture game image without UI, capture UI (or just individual apps) separately, record the whole scene from different angles (with a somewhat simplified shading) and more. And Lua apps can also add their own custom views too.
    • There is a new WebBrowser app on the App Shelf, made possible with Chromium Embedded Framework which is now included with CSP (don’t worry, those extra 100 MB will be downloaded and installed only if you need it). Apart from regular browsing, you can also use it to turn any website — such as, let’s say, YouTube or Spotify — into an AC app, having it pinned separately and always be easily accessible. Of course, other Lua apps and scripts can use it too, so tracks, for example, can use a simple HTML file to draw something like a leaderboard on a texture.
    • Also, a new Unbound app can help you during the race if you forgot to bind an important function like changing brake balance, MGUK mode, windscreen wipers, and such. You can even steer and press pedals with it, although I don’t think it’ll be that useful in most cases.
    • Third new app, Pocket Technician, can be used to tinker with car setups outside of pits. Of course, it would work only in single-player practice sessions (the ones where apps would have access to physics API), so competitive racing won’t be undermined.
    • For all sorts of online communications, CSP (old and new UI both) now properly supports emojis. Not a big deal, of course, but this might help to make things feel more up-to-date. Python apps do need to explicitly enable it though, this way apps using emojis for regular icons won’t break
    • For a few smaller changes: brake discs now can use physics temperature for glowing color, recording it in a replay, there is a new tone mapping function better preserving saturation (you can try it with built-in filters editor), AC leaderboards (like the one switched with F9) got an option for using actual race positions for ordering cars, windscreen wipers audio volume can be adjusted in AC audio settings, CSP Debug app can show contact points and drags cars a lot more stable with a proper physics thread worker, with new Content Manager you can now configure gamma for each of AC axis inputs, and also a few physics experiments proven worthy and stable have been moved to be always-on for both offline and online races (and a new one added, state extrapolation solving issues with shaking with apps like Drone Camera Pro).
    A lot of bugs have been fixed as well, of all sorts. For instance, the reason grass looked so dull was pretty much only because of a few typos. New trees no longer fade out when switching between LODs, autopilot (Ctrl+C) no longer crashes in pits and can deal with rain, ExtraFX emissives no longer require a reload to work, ghost is visible, and the whole thing is even compatible with Sandy Bridge Intel CPUs again. And a lot more, you can see the whole list here. And here is a link for a quick install.
    Coming next is, of course, the public update, and after that we’ll finally be able to get back to bringing more new features, some we’ve already have some progress on, such as physics for some other types of surfaces. 😉
    Thank you all for the incredible support! 
    Published: 2023-10
    Knn (Patreon)
    Hello guys! finally made sure all alts are fine for the pack hehe 
    hope you enjoy it a lot and thanks a lot for supporting me :D 
    Published: 2021-05
    Knn (Patreon)
    Hello guys! as promissed here is the image pack of the month!
    hope you like it and enjoy it a lot :3
    Published: 2021-02
    Knn (Patreon)
    Hello guys!
    here is the kamui image pack! 
    I hope you like it :3
    Published: 2021-03
    Knn (Patreon)
    they are published usually at the first or second day of next month for example this month reward will be delivered on february 2th and well since you just entered I can give you the last month reward so here ya go :3
    Published: 2021-01
    AveryHyena (Patreon)
    We are aware that you unpledged with the reason "I didn’t receive the benefits/rewards described on the creator's Patreon page".
    Please fully read through the tier descriptions and 'about' section before pledging in the future, as they have all the information you need.
    The 'about' section says, "Links to rewards are sent to legible patrons via the Patreon messaging system when they are successfully charged."
    The welcome message you get after you pledge says, "IMPORTANT: Please allow up to 9 hours for rewards to be sent. I'm a human, not a robot.
    If you are confused about anything, always read the 'about section' and your tier description first."
    Published: 2021-01
    Knn (Patreon)
    not sure if the message with the pack was sent so for the doub here is it again!! :D 
    Published: 2021-05
    18plusplus (Patreon)
    Thank you for your support.
    This message is sent to everyone who subscribes to "DINNER PACK".
    Please visit Rewards from the following URL.
    Published: 2021-04
    AveryHyena (Patreon)
    Thank you for pledging to the Silver tier! Here's the current link to all available exclusive art and high res versions: mega.nz/folder/JCognZrB#OTaEJJkJoj_K5kyFFLRyOw
    Published: 2021-01
    ancesra (Patreon)
    New January-February-March Compilation.
    View: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ze41bj9yaak0uvy/AADXa1OZvusnkYild3EihDNTa?dl=0
    "Featured works" folders are images featured in Patreon posts. "Bonus works" folders are sketch requests mostly (OCs belong to their respective owners).
    Note. this link is the same as the Patreon post, just sending it again for those who wait my compilations via direct message.
    Published: 2022-04
    KSP200439 (Patreon)
    Thank you for support me in Dec. 2023!
    Here is the subscriber benefits for Adult birds!
    Published: 2023-12
    KSP200439 (Patreon)
    Thank you for support me in Oct.& Nov. 2023!
    Here is the subscriber benefits for Adult birds!
    Published: 2023-11
    KSP200439 (Patreon)
    Sorry! I pasted the wrong link!
    Here's the correct link to CollectionPack:
    Published: 2023-09
    KSP200439 (Patreon)
    Thank you for support me in Sep. 2023!
    Here is the subscriber benefits for Adult birds!
    Published: 2023-09
    RukiFox (Patreon)
    Thank you very much for your support!♥  (\ ^-^ /)  - Sorry!
     ☆ All the included files are only for you personally
     ☆ You are NOT ALLOWED to reupload or share them anywhere.
    Published: 2023-12
    RukiFox (Patreon)
    Thank you very much for your support!♥  (\ ^-^ /) 
     ☆ All the included files are only for you personally
     ☆ You are NOT ALLOWED to reupload or share them anywhere.
    Published: 2023-12
    RukiFox (Patreon)
    Thank you very much for your support!♥  (\ ^-^ /) 
     ☆ All the included files are only for you personally
     ☆ You are NOT ALLOWED to reupload or share them anywhere.
    Published: 2023-11
    RukiFox (Patreon)
    Thank you very much for your support!♥  (\ ^-^ /) 
     ☆ All the included files are only for you personally
     ☆ You are NOT ALLOWED to reupload or share them anywhere.
    Published: 2023-10
    RukiFox (Patreon)
    the video for the last month - sorry
    Published: 2023-10
    RukiFox (Patreon)
    Thank you very much for your support!♥  (\ ^-^ /) 
     ☆ All the included files are only for you personally
     ☆ You are NOT ALLOWED to reupload or share them anywhere.
    Published: 2023-09
    RukiFox (Patreon)
    the cover! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pesjuhvu4ys42d3v49jne/00_Cover_a_sweet_thanks_by_rukifox.png?rlkey=j1am0zd13nkklbhj2o1sm6vl6&dl=0
    Published: 2023-08
    RukiFox (Patreon)
    Thank you very much for your support!♥  (\ ^-^ /) 
     ☆ All the included files are only for you personally
     ☆ You are NOT ALLOWED to reupload or share them anywhere.
    Published: 2023-08
    RukiFox (Patreon)
    Thank you very much for your support!♥  (\ ^-^ /) 
     ☆ All the included files are only for you personally
     ☆ You are NOT ALLOWED to reupload or share them anywhere.
    Published: 2023-07
    RukiFox (Patreon)
    Thank you very much for your support!♥  (\ ^-^ /) (for June)
     ☆ All the included files are only for you personally
     ☆ You are NOT ALLOWED to reupload them anywhere.
    Published: 2023-07
    RukiFox (Patreon)
    Thank you very much for your support!♥  (\ ^-^ /)
     ☆ All the included files are only for you personally
     ☆ You are NOT ALLOWED to reupload them anywhere.
    Published: 2023-06
    ancesra (Patreon)
    [Direct Patreon message for people who only check these, same link as published post]
    Compilation image pack with the last 2 months of works.
    View and download link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jgsb9xthjcycf1y/AAA47ERYRLqRHM3Lhd0I2bMea?dl=0
    Contains two folders:
    "Featured works"  contains the main works published in normal Patreon posts and updates (sometimes with extra edits and final corrections).
    "Bonus works" are the extra non-published drawings made during this period too, like quick sketches for practice or fun and fan requests (always divided in styles and themes for people who prefer to pick what to see).
    Tysm for your support this period ~ ♡
    Published: 2022-06
    FR95 (Patreon)
    Hello! Its october  archive link~ 
    psd and wips https://drive.google.com/file/d/168hYy8Jpsn-3IRaxZE7oXY1PXAM4478k/view?usp=sharing
    Published: 2023-11
    FR95 (Patreon)
    Hello! Its link to September archive! 
    Sorry for waiting, again asrt with delay >.<
    psd and wips  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H3VWFlQHngsymkmlkYp8oJchukh1ITVv/view?usp=sharing
    Published: 2023-10
    FR95 (Patreon)
    Hello! Thank you for waiting again! Its August`23 Archive! :3
    psd and wips https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UoqVcdqumLiXz50vNo8McCEGxMBEJN5V/view?usp=sharing
    Published: 2023-09
    FR95 (Patreon)
    Hello! Its link to July archive! Thank you for waiting QwQ
    psd and wips https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AaFk08MQGKIUnCHOr-af1s4dBVSKQJze/view?usp=sharing
    Published: 2023-08
    FR95 (Patreon)
    Hello! Its link for June`23 Archive~ 
    psd and wips https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uZZFN8eQHUPjoSgiUFxzbemdc66EznJv/view?usp=drive_link
    Thank you for waiting and support! 
    Published: 2023-07
    FR95 (Patreon)
    Hello! Its MAY archive, thank toy for waiting!
    psd and wips https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CC3_oyDR9zTfrAu3dT7-vqosAiv-1ODU/view?usp=sharing
    Published: 2023-06
    FR95 (Patreon)
    Hello! Its link to April Archive! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vuAT83bVxvQ2ojL8hZZa7_Ks4naUiHVs/view?usp=share_link 
    psd and wips  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tvQThzB2sh-tCpBo_aFkhSQrAwJVsdT-/view?usp=share_link
    Thank you for stay with me and your support :3 
    Published: 2023-05
    FR95 (Patreon)
    Hello! Its link to March`23 archive, hope you like it! Thank you for waiting
    psd and wips https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bHEY2gqIIVvPB3IMhEmvpueNpKYuXbxt/view?usp=share_link
    Published: 2023-04
    FR95 (Patreon)
    Hello! Its link for February`23 Archive! Thank you for waiting!!!
    psd and wips https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XT0BrPdQolF5IpGfMAHnsfXmKsovb2No/view?usp=share_link
    Published: 2023-04
    FR95 (Patreon)
    Hello! Thank you for waiting! Its link to January Archive~ 
    psd and wips https://drive.google.com/file/d/10yfWKu95o4SF2K0gEpRrv5UsK_M6htfp/view?usp=share_link
    Published: 2023-02
    destetitsxo (Patreon)
    Here is a link to my archive with all of my works. The first line is the link and the line below is the key to access it. This key will change every week and it will be sent privately to the active patreon members.
    Published: 2022-08
    thiccwithaq (Patreon)
    Hello hello, I sent the October folder message earlier but apparently, it was blank so ONE MORE TRY https://drive.google.com/file/d/10n3hmvXRfzsM4H2xK5t7SgwQOCg9RIGu/view?usp=sharing
    Lemme know if that works and thanks for the support!
    Published: 2022-11
    Showing 9551 - 9600 of 15401 << 187 188 189 190 191
  • 192
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