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    akabur (Patreon)
    SC34 Episode 04 for Android. Sent to all the past and present supporters and followers.
    MIRROR (MediaFire):
    Published: 2018-12
    akabur (Patreon)
    STAR CHANNEL 34. EPISODE 04. (Ver.4.02)
    WIIN: https://mega.nz/#!nNBgAIgA!ajFDBP2ucf2k_rc3lTg8PIanaohOQdU2B0eIcgf20Qs
    MAC: https://mega.nz/#!PIYU1C5S!fa2rta4nMT3cisDQGA9-9ov3nHn06CBmSkAbNJD31XI
    LIN: https://mega.nz/#!bJYwnKDI!zwb-MSMO9NNH3krqakO97VEyChQ2jtsH0sd2Xao_zyA
    MIRROR (MediaFire).
    WIN: http://www.mediafire.com/file/wce74l89914xpnk/Star_Channel_34-win.zip/file
    MAC: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2x1hb8b2ricct1c/Star_Channel_34-mac.zip/file
    LIN: http://www.mediafire.com/file/d47782ah346rugt/Star_Channel_34-linux.tar.bz2/file
    Published: 2018-12
    akabur (Patreon)
    Episode 04 Download Link. For additional info read this week's Monday post. This update would have never happened without your support. Fap proudly! 
    PC: https://mega.nz/#!yV5GkYLa!qZG4SptNJRxmEw-ZP5xTZzKjpzPhORdzPbpsawu9UNg
    MAC: https://mega.nz/#!SN50nYwD!K_sFu9-BDVaSCCoKgsRi7ZXJp9gb5VwzTumXjqGUT3k
    LIN: https://mega.nz/#!iRpmFQCL!RWTHccBP-DnDhrnR1iKtIBy1zhk7su8piCsCdjOndOY
    PC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/yclx8ggcbd6q3o9/Star_Channel_34-win.zip/file
    MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/rso81kjan8r6wjd/Star_Channel_34-mac.zip/file
    LIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/i346wh6zxccd6tm/Star_Channel_34-linux.tar.bz2/file
    Published: 2018-12
    tiaz_3dx (Patreon)
    I Just wanted to let you know that your payment has been declined for this month. You may want to check/update your payments info if you still wish to support me. 
    Best regards,
    Published: 2019-03
    tiaz_3dx (Patreon)
    New animations being released soon, best time to come back. 
    See you :)
    Best regards
    Published: 2021-04
    cypressz (Patreon)
    Dear Fans and Supporters:
    Hello to all of our patrons, supporters, and fans- both past and present! You may not have been aware of this prior to now, but on December the 10th we got a notice that our page was suspended by patreon. 
    We were suspended without warning, during the holidays. We negotiated with patreon in good faith, but they had considerable problems with all of our games. Complying with their demands would have required more time and money than was available to us.
    To put it simply, to get our patreon page back up we would have had to remove all hypnosis from all of our games and ban Kissing Therapy entirely (because, in spite of being in college, the characters were perceived as underage), among other requests... All our content,  our games,  our media, 100% gone. As you can imagine, with the amount of power they wield, this was an incredibly nerve-racking moment.
    However, I’ve actually been preparing for this day for a long time. At first I despaired and was ready to retire, because those plans simply weren’t ready yet. I’ve been rushing, trying to make too many games at once and burning myself out precisely because I figured this day would come.
    At the last instant however, I had a brilliant idea that turned things around, got patreon to unban us, and allows me to keep paying the people that work for me over the holidays. Although this will mean tremendous change and will be rather unpleasant for all of us in some ways, this is the best use I could make of this situation.
    While I was developing Snow Daze, Kissing Therapy, Hypnolab, and working on getting bits of Overwhored done (again, overworking to get stuff out before all this happened), I was also working on ANOTHER game, because I am completely insane. A very different game from all the others I’ve been working on.
    Building Joy is an entirely safe for work game in the “hidden object game” genre. I originally designed it as a game I could use to get a toehold in non-adult game development. Being a game genre primarily for moms to play on the phone, it’s a way to diversify our audience and make some stable SFW bucks. It is not done, however, since my focus was on finishing my nsfw games. Obviously it can’t bring in much income, and without the income from patreon getting started in the SFW world would be practically impossible as well.
    However, that’s when I hit on the idea that I ended up giving to patreon, which they accepted immediately. Effective immediately, we will be doing the following:
    1:  All nsfw games, content, and prior works are being removed from patreon entirely, and will now be available on itch.io, steam (as they approve of things) and our new subscribestar page. If you’d like to support our NSFW games, please move your support to our subscribestar account. We can’t post the link here, so check our twitter!
    2:  The patreon page will immediately be rebranded and used exclusively for SFW writing, games, and content. We will now be known on patreon as Citric Thoughts Games, and this is effectively a different company altogether. We retain the same page, and your patronage unless you wish to change that.
    3:  All major NSFW game development is suspended while we get our feet back under us in other locations, but we will finish up Hypnolab and the Bonus Day DLC of Snow Daze first, as a lot of work has already been done on them and both should have no issues on Steam. We can finish these without patreon’s money. We’ll also be looking into getting merch set up, and payments through our own site using a private payment processor.
    4:  For the near future we’ll be releasing SFW Content on the patreon page, starting with Building Joy as it’s developing, and some normal stories and sketches that will be more interesting than a hidden object game for you all. I’m already working on some ideas.
    Instead of us either having to mutilate our games beyond recognition at exorbitant cost or losing all of our income right before Christmas,  we now have an opportunity to fix the single greatest weakness of every NSFW game developer: stability.
    You see, the real villain here isn’t patreon. That villain is paypal and other payment processors. Patreon would be insane to want to take all their cash cows out back and shoot them in the head, but they have no choice. The payment processors can just refuse to work with patreon entirely at any time they please. In other words, they’re in exactly the same position I am one level up. This means that no matter where I go, no matter what site I work with, I have the same eventual issues if they are controlled by those payment processors. I am therefore always forced to dance around from place to place to keep my team and myself working and getting paid. It’s always a gamble, and eventually it will be a disaster.
    I’ve been around longer than patreon and will be around after it’s gone. I’ve been aware of this weakness in the system since the moment I first joined. This is the one plan that patreon would never argue with and which is the least bad option we have.
    Patreon gets to keep making money from us under our SFW studio. Paypal doesn’t have to deal with naughty stuff on patreon. We get to keep making adult games on subscribestar, steam, and itch.io as Outbreak Games and keep making money that keeps a roof over our heads. 
    Had I simply decided to shut down the patreon and move to subscribestar and other funding instead, I would have lost a lot of you immediately. 
    This will only work under two conditions however. 
    1: We are completely sincere about taking the patreon page 100% SFW. It’ll be a place solely for non-pornographic games, stories, and art. We’re not playing coy about this, there will never be NSFW content on patreon again. We will make our funding for that from other places.
    2: This only works if you, the patrons, continue to support us during the change. I’m well aware that Building Joy is not going to be the most exciting game for many of the patrons of my current games. This is, after all, not what you signed up for. Many of you will immediately move to subscribestar. However, if you continue to support us on patreon as we work through this transition it will help to keep our lives stable. Not as NSFW developers, but just as people trying to make their rent and as people that can afford to eat. We didn’t choose this outcome, but we’re making the most of it. If you are truly dissatisfied with what I’m doing in response to this situation, I’ll refund your recent patronage.
    We have turned what could have been a studio ending disaster for us into an opportunity to gain stability - the one thing normally denied to people working on NSFW games. Only you can make this method work, however.
    There will be some disruption, and for the next few months I’ll be working on transitioning everything over. I’m also going to be taking things more easy because I really am pretty worn out at this point. I am not, however, gonna quit. 
    Thank you all so much for your help, support, and patronage over the years. Even if you don’t support anymore and won’t in the future, I want to thank you all for helping to make what we’ve accomplished so far possible. Our games exist - and will continue to exist - because of you! 
    Let none stop the great work that we have made together! Let us have great games forever! 
    Published: 2019-12
    cypressz (Patreon)
    Hi all! Today brings some big news! If you haven't followed us for a while, you'll be interested to know we've had two new game releases for patrons lately. We've also updated our patron tiers and rewards.
    First the games!
    Kissing Therapy Proper Counseling is out now! The prequel to the original minigame, this is longer, is fully voice acted and has tons of new high quality art and is available for $7 patrons or for purchase on itch.io. The original will be bundled with it in a future update along with full voice acting.
    Hypnolab VR recently had a rebuild update. This update disables mouse and keyboard controls for now but is rebuilt from the ground up to work on a broad variety of virtual reality platforms like the oculus rift, HTC vive, and more! It also has new hypno-objects, a new teleporter system, graphic updates, sound effects and more! Keyboard and mouse controls will be re-enabled in an update very soon. Our next update will also add voice acting.
    Finally onto the patreon changes!
    We've been on patreon for several years now and haven't really changed up the look of our page or our tiers since starting. We're happy to show you our new, improved, updated and sexy new page! All new tier art features my assistant, Chastity the Cat-Cultist. She represents our fantastic team of artists, coders, musicians, voice actresses and many others!
    I think that the new tiers are a good change. We're no longer just hobbyists tinkering around with games and haven't been for a long time. These tiers will help to support us as we continue to make new games and move forward. I want to keep making really great games for a long time to come!
    Here are the updates:
    Cat Cultist Tier:
    Provides access to the Kissing Therapy Artbook
    -Overwhored Gallery
    -Snow Daze soundtrack
    -Cat Cultist discord role
    Cat Priest:
    Gain access to the game demos for our latest versions of the game
    Get early previews of new content
    Get the special Cat-Priest role on Discord
    Cat Televangelist:
    For our biggest fans, we now provide several bonuses!
    -Art Previews
    -Snow Daze Pencils and Inks
    -Bonus Audio
    -Bonus Art
    The highest tiers have been reduced in price and the lowest tiers have been raised slightly. In all, I believe these tiers provide more and better value than the older ones. Please let me know what you think!
    Please make sure to adjust your pledges so you get the full content you have earned! If you're not a current patron anymore, we'd love to see you back!
    Thanks to all of you for helping us out across the years and helping us make a great game studio. You all rock.
    I'll be on discord at 5pm pacific time in voice chat to discuss things. Feel free to stop by!
    Published: 2019-06
    Disarten (Patreon)
    -- Sorry maybe spam!--
    Hi there! :)
    Oct20 S+ reward is here 
    Thank you!
    Published: 2021-02
    Disarten (Patreon)
    Hi there! :)
    Oct20 S+ reward is here 
    Thank you!
    Published: 2021-02
    Disarten (Patreon)
    Hey guys! :)
    Dec20 S+ reward is here
    Lev S - https://www.mediafire.com/file/8qqs06ebk34wkkc/S-Dec20.zip/file
    Thank you!
    Published: 2021-09
    Disarten (Patreon)
    Hey there! :)
    Jan21 L+ reward is here -
    Lev L - https://www.mediafire.com/file/0dpwk8a62h1e837/L-Jan21.zip/file
    Thank you!
    Published: 2021-11
    Disarten (Patreon)
    -- Sorry maybe spam!--
    Hi there! :)
    Oct20 S+ reward is here 
    Thank you!
    Published: 2021-02
    Disarten (Patreon)
    -- Maybe spam. Sorry!---
    Hi there! :)
    July S+ reward is here
    Lev S - http://www.mediafire.com/file/g0hmvojuwaotwhc/S-July20.zip/file
    Thank you!
    Published: 2020-10
    Disarten (Patreon)
    --Sorry maybe spam!--
    Hello! :)
    September20 S+ reward is here
    Lev S - https://www.mediafire.com/file/9bk2tceks98wo2g/S-Sept20.zip/file
    Thank you!
    Published: 2021-01
    Disarten (Patreon)
    --Sorry maybe spam--
    Hi there! 
    Nov20 S+ reward is here
    Lev S - https://www.mediafire.com/file/lq0rhtio68glosz/S-Nov20.zip/file
    Thank you!
    Published: 2021-06
    Disarten (Patreon)
    --Sorry maybe spam--
    Hey guys! :)
    Dec20 S+ reward is here
    Lev S - https://www.mediafire.com/file/8qqs06ebk34wkkc/S-Dec20.zip/file
    Thank you!
    Published: 2021-09
    Disarten (Patreon)
    Hey there! 
    Jan21 S+ reward is here
    Lev S - https://www.mediafire.com/file/5tkaglljy9ap992/S-Jan21.zip/file
    Thank you!
    Published: 2021-11
    Disarten (Patreon)
    -- Maybe spam! Sorry! -- 
    Hi there! 
    Aug20 S+ reward is here
    Thank you!
    Published: 2020-11
    Disarten (Patreon)
    Hey there! :)
    Feb21 S+ reward is here
    Lev S - https://www.mediafire.com/file/d1iqtqcfr0lgu0c/S-Feb21.zip/file
    Thank you!
    Published: 2021-12
    Disarten (Patreon)
    Hello! :)
    September20 S+ reward is here
    Lev S - https://www.mediafire.com/file/9bk2tceks98wo2g/S-Sept20.zip/file
    Thank you!
    Published: 2021-01
    Disarten (Patreon)
    Nov20 S+ reward is here
    Lev S - https://www.mediafire.com/file/lq0rhtio68glosz/S-Nov20.zip/file
    Thank you!
    Published: 2021-06
    mity (Patreon)
    Hey folks! We sent you version 0.8.4a of FET not too long ago, but it turned out it was a bit flammable (bugs/glitches). That wasn't entirely unexpected because it was basically the bughunt version, but with the help of your feedback we made a new version which should have a lot less fires for us to put out! Woohooo!  
    Again this is me mass pm'ing the shit out of everyone so please keep any replies to what's necessary.  Thanks and we hope you'll enjoy this slightly more stable version of what's basically "FET - anal island"!
    Oh and we created an android version too this time!  
    https://ufile.io/9o6z007y  - PC 
    https://ufile.io/f5kiwwhj    - Mac
    https://ufile.io/afnfntpt     - Android
    Published: 2019-12
    mity (Patreon)
    Hey there! You might not be a patron of ours anymore, but you were in November. Lots of weird shit happened in succession which made us unable to provide you with a build for a long time, so we're pm'ing you the link to the latest version regardless if you're a patron anymore.
    Having skipped the bughunt for this version (the bughunters will get something special a little after this build), there is a good chance of finding glitches, though I really hope that's not the case.
    https://ufile.io/y279zpsy    - PC version
    https://ufile.io/kaejr9wa    - MAC version
    Unfortunately. the android version isn't done yet. Maybe tomorrow.
    We're sending this pm to a lot of people, so please don't reply because you'd blow up our inbox! Please don't blow up our inbox : (
    Published: 2019-12
    balsamique (Patreon)
    Hello my $1 patreons!
    This month I send you the monthly files via e-mails because tentacles (or violence?) are not super welcome on Patreon. The content is summarized on these thumbnails:
    ZIP file:
    For the Frank Herbert’s Dune fan, you’ll recognize a version of the Doctor Yueh. The design does not convince me so I can’t do a post with that.
    For october:
    -In Vega Hunters, I will do the story of the empress, so the full story will be understandable (with a few holes I’ll fill later).
    -In Behind The Dune, with the remaining time, I will start to add a little adventure to give you a reason to play it and watch the new animations.
    Published: 2019-10
    okamisaga (Patreon)
    Hello you have been invited to my discord! (please ignore if you already in)
    With the recent Tumblr purge, i decided to be more active on other platform. From now on all sketch and work will be on discord for safekeeping. You fill find many picture that cant be found on anywhere else!
    Published: 2018-12
    xxoom (Patreon)
    July Reward T1
    I'm sorry I'm a little late.
    Thank you for your patience.😅
    Published: 2021-07
    xxoom (Patreon)
    Thank you for waiting.😊
    Published: 2020-10
    xxoom (Patreon)
    January Reward T1
    Thank you for waiting.😊
    1月のリワードです T1。
    Published: 2022-01
    xxoom (Patreon)
    May Reward T1
    Sorry for being a little later than usual.
    Thank you for waiting.😊
    Published: 2021-05
    xxoom (Patreon)
    Thank you for being my patron!
    Published: 2020-09
    xxoom (Patreon)
    Thank you for waiting.😭
    August Rewards T1
    Published: 2021-08
    xxoom (Patreon)
    I'm so sorry that the work is being delayed.😔
    December Reward T1
    Thank you for waiting.😄
    12月のリワードです T1。
    Published: 2021-12
    xxoom (Patreon)
    Sorry, the link is invalid.😭
    Please use the new link.
    July Reward T1
    Published: 2021-07
    xxoom (Patreon)
    Thanks you for waiting.😄
    Reward April T1
    Published: 2021-04
    xxoom (Patreon)
    June Rewards T1
    Thanks you for waiting.😊
    Published: 2021-06
    xxoom (Patreon)
    Thanks you for waiting.😄
    Happy New Year!🎉
    Published: 2021-01
    xxoom (Patreon)
    October Reward T1
    Thank you for waiting.😄
    Published: 2021-10
    xxoom (Patreon)
    November Reward T1
    Thank you for waiting.😄
    11月のリワードです T1。
    Published: 2021-11
    xxoom (Patreon)
    September Reward T1
    Thank you for waiting.😊
    Published: 2021-09
    xxoom (Patreon)
    Thank you for waiting.😄
    Published: 2020-11
    xxoom (Patreon)
    Thanks you for waiting.😊
    Published: 2020-12
    xxoom (Patreon)
    Thanks you for waiting.😄
    Published: 2021-02
    xxoom (Patreon)
    March T1
    Thank you all😊!
    Published: 2021-03
    xxoom (Patreon)
    Some people informed me that this month's rewards have been blocked by Windows Defender now.
    I checked my pc with 3 different vaccines and it says there is no problem.
    I sent everyone the same link and only a few people say that Windows Defender blocked the file.
    I don't know why this is happening but I think this is a misdiagnosis of Windows Defender.
    If you doubt it, try another vaccine.
    You may also think there is a problem with the link. So I'm sending you another link.
    Published: 2021-07
    KB (Patreon)
    Hi! Recently I moved to pixiv fanbox but I will send an archive address for friends who are still here on the 5th of every month.
    address changes on the 5th of every month! 
    Published: 2021-08
    KB (Patreon)
    Hi! Recently I moved to pixiv fanbox but I will send an archive address for friends who are still here on the 5th of every month.
    address changes on the 5th of every month!
    Published: 2021-02
    KB (Patreon)
    Hi! Recently I moved to pixiv fanbox but I will send an archive address for friends who are still here on the 5th of every month.
    address changes on the 5th of every month!
    Published: 2021-04
    KB (Patreon)
    Hi! Recently I moved to pixiv fanbox but I will send an archive address for friends who are still here on the 5th of every month.
    address changes on the 5th of every month!
    Published: 2020-10
    KB (Patreon)
    Hi! Recently I moved to pixiv fanbox but I will send an archive address for friends who are still here on the 5th of every month.
    address changes on the 5th of every month!
    Published: 2019-12
    Showing 7851 - 7900 of 15398 << 153 154 155 156 157
  • 158
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