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    Kespr (Patreon)
    Hey, kespr here
    already informed you that my Discord account was Hijacked and the person who now control that account used the admin powers to delete everything from it. 
    Please leave the old server "kespr's shed and join my new server "Kespr's shed 2.0"
    if you didn't do already :3
    Published: 2021-09
    blackjrXIII (Patreon)
    Just a reminder that I am still suspended which means I cannot post the weekly wip today. So sorry peeps. But I do have everything ready to be posted along with another animation to be posted as well. Just gotta hear back from patreon support to see if there is anything else I need change or delete on my page.
     In the mean time I will just continue to work on stuff. The plan is to finish the cumshot part of the Brigitte solo animation. Just need to tear myself away from the few other things I got the urge to animate at the moment.
    Published: 2019-06
    Kespr (Patreon)
    So, i will probably still be busy for 2 days, manageing everything and finding away to upload largerfiles without discord's Nitro.
    stay tuned, rewards are back soon x3
    Published: 2021-09
    SumerianDragon (Patreon)
    for the new ones, here is the Slack link: https://join.slack.com/t/sumeriandragoncorner/shared_invite/enQtNTUzOTEzMzI3NTEwLTQwMjdiZGE2M2ExODgxNmE1NDdkOWFmNWYzZWJmOTA3ODAyYjE0ZDM4OTgyY2UwMjkyMjQyYjQ4YjZjODE5M2Q
    Published: 2019-03
    dragonfood (Patreon)
    Hey guys!
    Here be this month's dealies:
    User: 2jun20
    Pass: 6hC7&.tisadragonpenis.8o
    Thank you again for your support!
    Published: 2020-06
    2437797 (Patreon)
    Hi Bear!
    While that's not built in to Besti 9, it probably should be! Besti X uses a completely remappable control scheme, but 9 has some buttons that are hard-coded in, and others that use Unity's weird old input system.
    Fortunately, the one you're after is coded in such a way that it can be altered at runtime without causing a problem! I made an alteration to the compile instructions to permit deployment of Unity's older post-compile input remapper. Can you try this custom build out and let me know if it works for you? If it does I'll just roll it into the next build that comes out for folks in a situation similar to yours. 
    To get it, do this:
    Open the Besti Launcher
    Click the gear button to go into settings
    In the beta code field type "cheerbear" without the quotes.
    Click the apply and save button.
    That should make a new build appear at the top of the list in the Downloads section called "Bear!" Go ahead and install that one.
    Once that's installed, when you go to start the program, hold down the left alt button when you push the big purple start button. That should bring up a launch options window where you can remap some of the inputs. The one you're after is called "OptionPanel" and you can remap that to any button you like. It should retain your settings, I think, so you don't have to do that every time. They deprecated this function in Unity about a year before Besti came out, so they aren't testing it and I'm not sure if it has weird consequences. I tested it here and it worked but your mileage may vary :P
    Does that work on your end?
    Published: 2019-10
    SumerianDragon (Patreon)
    to all the new users, the art gonna be posted in here: https://join.slack.com/t/sumeriandragoncorner/shared_invite/enQtNTUzOTEzMzI3NTEwLTQwMjdiZGE2M2ExODgxNmE1NDdkOWFmNWYzZWJmOTA3ODAyYjE0ZDM4OTgyY2UwMjkyMjQyYjQ4YjZjODE5M2Q
    Published: 2019-03
    dragonfood (Patreon)
    Heya everyone! ouo/"
    I messed up! D8
    The previous Telgram links did not work.  Here be a working one:
    Sorry about that! óuò
    Published: 2020-03
    SumerianDragon (Patreon)
    plz dont leave the patreon yet, we gonna be back working in 1 or 2 days, is not the first time this happens, we keep working so plz, stay.
    Published: 2019-06
    SumerianDragon (Patreon)
    for the new patreons we are posting the content here https://join.slack.com/t/sumeriandragoncorner/shared_invite/enQtNTUzOTEzMzI3NTEwLTQwMjdiZGE2M2ExODgxNmE1NDdkOWFmNWYzZWJmOTA3ODAyYjE0ZDM4OTgyY2UwMjkyMjQyYjQ4YjZjODE5M2Q
    Published: 2019-03
    commission254 (Patreon)
    3$ reward link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-0QdoK6-muki3aa9_oEyLvp7e0iHUrdk
    Published: 2021-04
    dragonfood (Patreon)
    Hey guys!  It's Dealie Day! \0u0/
    Here be the new dealies for this month:
    User: 2oct19
    Pass: x`N6a.underdragonpaw.D8
    Have a good day and thanks again for your support! ouo/"
    Published: 2019-10
    witchhousemedia (Patreon)
    Slight Revisions to Tiers
    Hey there! Just wanted to let you know about some very slight revisions we've made to our tiers, listed below. We've gotten A WEE BIT more clever with the titles, but in short:
    -We're adding original fiction to the mix on special topics shows. We'll be rolling out a sample original fiction episode for FREE in early February as an example, in addition to this month's special topic on Asperger's Syndrome & Lovecraft's Work (as well as next month's bonus episode on Val Lewton's Cat People movies). Eventually, we'll also be using this space to pilot an expanded show covering not just weird fiction, but classic Fantasy and Sci-Fi!
    -We've done a poor job thus far with video chats, but have settled on a format that works. We'll be doing a bimonthly AMA that can be viewed live or later. Viewing link will be provided to patrons at the Avatar level. SO GET THOSE QUESTIONS IN! You can write here or @hppodcraft on Twitter.
    -We've expanded the Elder Thing level so that subscribers can either select a special topic OR a specific story for us to cover. We'll work with your suggestions to develop a kick-ass show.
    Thanks again for being part of the team! New show will be out today on BEYOND THE DOOR!
    Chad & Chris
    Published: 2019-01
    dragonfood (Patreon)
    Hey everyone!
    It's that time again \0u0/
    Here be this months dealies:
    User: 2sep19
    Pass: z^X(9.wigglywyrmweenies.89
    New renders will be coming in a few days ouo
    Thank you for your support!  
    Published: 2019-09
    dragonfood (Patreon)
    haha never mind!   and now that link doesn't work either since i made the mistake of sending it to everyone!     D8
    Published: 2020-03
    blackjrXIII (Patreon)
    Another update for everyone. Still have not heard back from patreon yet on my suspension, so no weekly wip yet again today sadly. Sorry guys and man I was really trying not to miss one week since I started too, now I have missed two.
    I also now have two animations to post when I hopefully get un-suspended. One Overwatch and the other Mortal Kombat. And I did actually put together an MLP animation, will try to finish asap for all the MLP fans still hanging around.
    Once again thanks for all the support, kind and helpful messages over the past week or so. It means a lot to know that people are still sticking with me through all this. Now back to animated while also trying not worry myself to death over being suspended. 
    Published: 2019-06
    blackjrXIII (Patreon)
    Not entirely but I don't really have any desire to animate anything MLP sadly.
    Published: 2019-06
    dragonfood (Patreon)
    Hey guys!  It's that time again 8O
    Here be the new dealies:
    User: 2jun19
    Pass: T3#h9.wigglydragonwang.:9
    Thank you for your support! \0u0/
    Published: 2019-06
    SumerianDragon (Patreon)
    Sorry looks like the last link died, here is a new one: https://join.slack.com/t/sumeriandragoncorner/shared_invite/enQtNTUzOTEzMzI3NTEwLTQwMjdiZGE2M2ExODgxNmE1NDdkOWFmNWYzZWJmOTA3ODAyYjE0ZDM4OTgyY2UwMjkyMjQyYjQ4YjZjODE5M2Q
    Published: 2019-03
    nancho (Patreon)
    Hi! I just want to  let you know that I have new tiers, you can take a look whenever you want. Thanks for the support ^^
    Published: 2023-11
    DragesAnimations (Patreon)
    For short, because of the Patreons policy against hardcore content, i am passing to subscribestar. Subscribestar is a patreon style funding site which does not have any limitations and welcomes any type of content creator. With this step, i can have more freedom to create what i want (like feral stuff) and show you anything without a fear of a ban. 
    I know that, just opening new accounts to different places are hard for many people and most of you just want to limit yourself about this. BUT as patreon will kick many creators sooner or later, subscribestar would be a new home very soon for many adult artists. 
    I am sending this message to all people who gave me support and still giving. I hope you continue to support me in future as i will be much more active from now on as i changed my job to somehow easier one.
    As result, if you are an active patreon, please leave here and go for subscribestar. As you will be charged there too, you can just leave now and come back to subscribestar at January. I will continue to send download links as messages for big projects and some little ones time to time at my patreon page but it's much better to have you all at my new place.
    Thank you very much.
    My subscribestar page is: https://subscribestar.adult/drages-animations
    Cya soon there! 
    Published: 2019-12
    beachsidebunnies (Patreon)
    Hello thank you so much for the support! If you have trouble running any of the games or if you have any other questions, please let me know and I can help out ❤️
    Published: 2021-12
    commission254 (Patreon)
    1$ rewards folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kkbSimohaDffY4-5IwvDwi2aQvyIDh0k
    Published: 2021-04
    dragonfood (Patreon)
    Hellooo!  0u0/"
    It is again dealy day! \0u0/
    Here be the dealies for this month:
    User: 2mar20
    Pass: 1bF*4.fattydergsiscyoot.^^
    Thank you for your support! \0u0/
    Published: 2020-03
    SumerianDragon (Patreon)
    for all the new patreons, the galery is here:
    Published: 2019-04
    SumerianDragon (Patreon)
    for the new users, the server is here:
    Published: 2019-04
    witchhousemedia (Patreon)
    Happy New Year + HPPODCRAFT Search Functionality
    As we close out our first year on Patreon, we want to thank you all for continuing to make the show possible. We’ve got some exciting things planned for 2019, including new original fiction, full readings, groovy guests and a celebration of our 10th year in the ‘casting biz!
    In the meantime, we’ve heard your frustrations about finding specific old shows on the site and in your feed.
    If you would like to find a show by title, episode number, author or reader, you can now search on hppodcraft.com. When you click on an episode entry, you will see a “Listen on Patreon” link that will take you to the corresponding show on Patreon (or let you know how far to scroll back in the feed).
    We will be making many more improvements to our sites in 2019, but worked hard over the holidays to get this new search functionality available ASAP for you sweet creeps. So get into it!
    Coming up this week, it’s The Night Wire by H.F. Arnold! For now, we hope you stay safe, stay warm and stake a vampire (producing a much more powerful vampire ghost)!
    Yr obt svts-
    Chad & Chris
    Published: 2018-12
    turboranger (Patreon)
    just a reminder everyone about the discord channel for everyone pledged 5 and up and send me 
    Remember to enter the discord please state your patron name, a link to your Patreon account to verify and your pledge otherwise you will be booted immediately. In the general channel not the general chat channel
    Published: 2023-03
    SumerianDragon (Patreon)
    slack server for all the new patreons!:
    Published: 2019-04
    SumerianDragon (Patreon)
    sorry, the first link is not working right, plz join this new one: https://t.me/joinchat/KkcPOxPi43F1uIBuKJusAQ
    Published: 2019-02
    witchhousemedia (Patreon)
    Hi folks!
    In case you missed it yesterday on social media, we've set our January bonus episode on Asperger's Syndrome and Lovecraft's work FREE on Patreon in honor of Autism Awareness Day/Month. It's a great interview with our friend Lars Backstrom and we hope you'll give a listen!
    This episode is also available on our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnVlrXDKaJo
    New episode out tomorrow - thanks again for being part of the team!
    Published: 2019-04
    dragonfood (Patreon)
    Hey guys! ouo/"
    It finally be that time again! 8O
    Here be the new dealies for August:
    User: 2aug19
    Pass: M6!n2.dragoncockwarmers.83
    Thank you for your patience and support! \^u^/
    Published: 2019-08
    witchhousemedia (Patreon)
    Pre-orders are live for Pitch Black Manor's new album NIGHT CREEPS!
    Order the album and get HELLIONS now.
    Order a t-shirt or toy and get the whole damn thing a few days early!
    Published: 2021-08
    witchhousemedia (Patreon)
    Pre-orders are live for NIGHT CREEPS!
    Order the album and get HELLIONS now.
    Order a t-shirt or toy and get the whole damn thing a few days early!
    Published: 2021-08
    SumerianDragon (Patreon)
    sorry if looks like spam, we have 2 new places and moving from patreon, you can chose the one you like more, both have same prices, rewards and all, hope you can come:   
    Published: 2019-06
    SumerianDragon (Patreon)
    Found a page that works like discord, kinda, if you want to join follow this link: https://join.slack.com/t/sumeriandragoncorner/shared_invite/enQtNTUzOTEzMzI3NTEwLTQwMjdiZGE2M2ExODgxNmE1NDdkOWFmNWYzZWJmOTA3ODAyYjE0ZDM4OTgyY2UwMjkyMjQyYjQ4YjZjODE5M2Q
    Published: 2019-02
    dragonfood (Patreon)
    It's dealie day! \0o0/
    Here be the dealies:
    User: 2apr20
    Pass: g8#kU.handsondragondick.83
    Thank you for your support and stay safe out there!
    Published: 2020-04
    SumerianDragon (Patreon)
    link to all the art:
    Published: 2019-05
    witchhousemedia (Patreon)
    This month, our bonus content will be another episode of STRATEGIES! What's that, you say? Why here's the first episode from last year, FREE! #nakeddonaldsutherland
    Published: 2019-03
    SumerianDragon (Patreon)
    We gonna migrate from Patreon to another server, same tiers, same rewards, all is the same, just a more safe, confortable and friendly paltaform:
    if you just suscribed, its ok, we gonna move slowly so there is no rush to change asap!
    Published: 2019-06
    nancho (Patreon)
    I've updated my Patreon's tiers, check out the new rewards.
    Published: 2020-01
    melvelvin (Patreon)
    Hey thanks so much for your support! Is there anything around here you'd like to see more of?
    Published: 2024-02
    DragesAnimations (Patreon)
    Hey people. This is a message to everybody who supported me before.
    My game, Testament of Minos got a free demo now and if you wanna check it out, you can download it from itch: https://drages.itch.io/testament-of-minos.
    For more info: https://testamentofminos.com.
    Thank you for very much for all your support! 
    Published: 2023-11
    Showing 4801 - 4850 of 15401 << 92 93 94 95 96
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