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Showing 2601 - 2650 of 15398 << 48 49 50 51 52
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    Xpray (Patreon)
    Hello! Your pledge went through, thank you dearly for your kind support! I appreciate it so much :D
    These are June 2023's rewards for your tier (Dragon Tier). Please enjoy, and remember to download them before the end of the month if possible!
    -Art Pack: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v8runxn59sgmul1/June%202023%20-%20Dragon%20Tier.zip?dl=0
    -Last Survivor: Final Episode - Interactive Adventure: https://mega.nz/file/y4Q2iADL#RGTilU-KyyDc5ZW73g5-O7AXkbcZOo486GqutVzYBPg
    -Old Comics (Breeding Pact and LS: Episode III): https://mega.nz/file/7pJxFSQB#1waSM02cRp7PWqlBkFd3v4SLxhlTUTTIkKmrQWsupWg
    -Series (Lady Xpray: Livestream of Pleasure + Our Big Day): https://mega.nz/file/DwR2gbiQ#K8rKAsudZGugekMC0kGU2j7Re9SwzxvOl7DkTWnvFEw
    Published: 2023-07
    Xpray (Patreon)
    Hello! Your pledge went through, thank you dearly for your kind support! I appreciate it so much :D
    These are July 2023's rewards for your tier (Dragon Tier). Please enjoy, and remember to download them before the end of the month if possible!
    -Art Pack: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nzv0o1qongvgjq51mvh7i/July-2023-Dragon-Tier.zip?rlkey=8678ja1hry6njl23c50sx08xp&dl=0
    -Last Survivor: Final Episode - Interactive Adventure: https://mega.nz/file/78ZF2JJY#v3fyNntiYG_hUmYGgo0pHrLiMjlPSdLDyOtxG0zEQR4
    -Old Comics (Breeding Pact and LS: Episode III): https://mega.nz/file/qtpDzTgJ#1waSM02cRp7PWqlBkFd3v4SLxhlTUTTIkKmrQWsupWg
    -Series (Lady Xpray: Livestream of Pleasure + Our Big Day): https://mega.nz/file/f0hyHSRA#K8rKAsudZGugekMC0kGU2j7Re9SwzxvOl7DkTWnvFEw
    Published: 2023-08
    Xpray (Patreon)
    Hello! Your pledge went through, thank you dearly for your kind support! I appreciate it so much :)
    These are January 2024's rewards for your tier (Dragon Tier). Please enjoy, and remember to download them before the end of the month if possible!
    -Art Pack: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/iklhwh8ggpbnlrzgwawkd/January-2024-Dragon-Tier.zip?rlkey=ey4dsdlap8wzu7rlkmmqway5v&dl=0
    -Last Survivor: Final Episode - Interactive Adventure: https://mega.nz/file/K9YWhJbY#8T7ARrB0fWFlJXc3eAy3lHxk2a2sjsPVs759dfGiBB4
    -Old Comics (Breeding Pact and LS: Episode III): https://mega.nz/file/HxpjzaYA#1waSM02cRp7PWqlBkFd3v4SLxhlTUTTIkKmrQWsupWg
    -Series (Lady Xpray: Livestream of Pleasure + Our Big Day): https://mega.nz/file/D1Yh0C7K#K8rKAsudZGugekMC0kGU2j7Re9SwzxvOl7DkTWnvFEw
    IMPORTANT (if you're getting error 400 when you try to download the file):
    Dropbox seems to have this issue ONLY on mobile.
    If you receive this error on your phone, please try to use a computer to open the link. Alternatively, you can send me a message regarding this and I'll send you a new link :)
    Published: 2024-02
    Xpray (Patreon)
    Hello! Your pledge went through, thank you dearly for your kind support! I appreciate it so much :D
    These are September 2023's rewards for your tier (Dragon Tier). Please enjoy, and remember to download them before the end of the month if possible!
    -Art Pack: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7nsh2wtd1jkp4h0j6jfgj/September-2023-Dragon-Tier.zip?rlkey=p946emd03sgl1dpqgpp3j9kqp&dl=0
    -Last Survivor: Final Episode - Interactive Adventure: https://mega.nz/file/S4o3BTIZ#QSHcJV4U-OdRWPI9FCblxpFff7mJkaRt-nXdlQwLOCI
    -Old Comics (Breeding Pact and LS: Episode III): https://mega.nz/file/X1RB2ADD#1waSM02cRp7PWqlBkFd3v4SLxhlTUTTIkKmrQWsupWg
    -Series (Lady Xpray: Livestream of Pleasure + Our Big Day): https://mega.nz/file/z5xxAALZ#K8rKAsudZGugekMC0kGU2j7Re9SwzxvOl7DkTWnvFEw
    Published: 2023-10
    Xpray (Patreon)
    Hello! Your pledge went through, thank you dearly for your kind support! I appreciate it so much :D
    These are November 2023's rewards for your tier (Dragon Tier). Please enjoy, and remember to download them before the end of the month if possible!
    -Art Pack: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7e5cik9kyu72fkhozblpy/November-2023-Dragon-Tier.zip?rlkey=fs3zvob3v183xozg9jhxuyh7d
    -Last Survivor: Final Episode - Interactive Adventure: https://mega.nz/file/3sQVwTzY#Skc16q2rOPQFN6T2lU6x5ofFVJkC10YjMUS-efN0ZTY
    -Old Comics (Breeding Pact and LS: Episode III): https://mega.nz/file/O5QRlSpD#1waSM02cRp7PWqlBkFd3v4SLxhlTUTTIkKmrQWsupWg
    -Series (Lady Xpray: Livestream of Pleasure + Our Big Day): https://mega.nz/file/7wZiGQzK#K8rKAsudZGugekMC0kGU2j7Re9SwzxvOl7DkTWnvFEw
    IMPORTANT (if you're getting error 400 when you try to download the file):
    Dropbox seems to have this issue only on mobile, since their changes to the url format back in July.
    If you receive this error on your phone, please try to use a computer to open the link. Alternatively, you can send me a message regarding this and I'll send you a new link :)
    Published: 2023-12
    Xpray (Patreon)
    Hello! Your pledge went through, thank you dearly for your kind support! I appreciate it so much :D
    These are October 2023's rewards for your tier (Dragon Tier). Please enjoy, and remember to download them before the end of the month if possible! If there's a problem with the links or something, don't hesitate to let me know here.
    -Art Pack: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g3a2nqwde9si4to8nikg8/October-2023-Dragon-Tier.zip?rlkey=tzr9bowpoc994bpvabzrgv2s5&dl=0
    -Last Survivor: Final Episode - Interactive Adventure: https://mega.nz/file/K4AwEYiS#iCu6_wn7qxuoNuigKXF0Iue3dGD9YvX6KT80SbApz7w
    -Old Comics (Breeding Pact and LS: Episode III): https://mega.nz/file/nlYiQCqR#1waSM02cRp7PWqlBkFd3v4SLxhlTUTTIkKmrQWsupWg
    -Series (Lady Xpray: Livestream of Pleasure + Our Big Day): https://mega.nz/file/O14l2QBR#K8rKAsudZGugekMC0kGU2j7Re9SwzxvOl7DkTWnvFEw
    Published: 2023-11
    Xpray (Patreon)
    Hello! Your pledge went through, thank you dearly for your kind support! I appreciate it so much :D
    These are May's rewards for your tier (Dragon Tier). Please enjoy, and remember to download them before the end of the month if possible!
    -Art Pack: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rl0yb5km6v16f2m/May%202021%20-%20Dragon%20Tier.zip?dl=0
    -Last Survivor: Final Episode - Interactive Adventure (WIP of a new Version without Flash): https://mega.nz/file/ntRxBI4b#wta89SMpR8eUFlq4Y9CWXVxLCGXFc11LdzQ7HcHjwFU
    -Last Survivor: Final Episode - Flash Interactive Adventure: https://mega.nz/file/ygpWGQyb#e7tvSHwA4IOpTAAlPhz_6tF5Zbp8Tnj1zi6QbvqqBhQ
    -Old Comics (Breeding Pact and LS: Episode III): https://mega.nz/file/Do5UCSYb#ls9OczveOOn1q8l-uDSE5ijGqHBoY8ngYyV8yKKmr4o
    -Lady Xpray - Livestream of Pleasure: https://mega.nz/file/eloQiYTZ#ExTE-UEaTbsnYMP_GoVYStILcvblHEu-auZ4hewy5Ow
    Published: 2021-06
    Traveler_san (Patreon)
    Hi everybody!! i just wanted to wish you all a merry christmas and a happy holiday season! ❤️
    Published: 2023-12
    Traveler_san (Patreon)
    Hello and happy December, everyone! Winter’s right around the corner and so is the year’s end. Time flies. Haha
    If you dont mind, please fill out the end-of-year survey attached below. It’ll be of great help to me! This is your chance to influence my work in 2024!
    Published: 2023-12
    imaBunBun (Patreon)
    Hey guys! This message is for any Patron charged in May. The monthly illustration is still being worked on, it had to be delayed due to the passing of my cat last week. It forced an abrupt pause on any art / projects I had going, and unfortunately the grieving process is still affecting my current work. Although, it is getting easier so please do not worry about me!
    That being said, you can find new WIPs of the monthly illustration in the "monthly illustration" folder in the same link that was re-sent to you in my previous message. The flatcolors are currently being worked on, and hopefully I can finish it up ASAP. Thanks for your support during May!
    Kind regards,
    Published: 2023-06
    Traveler_san (Patreon)
    Hi, everyone. I’ve been away on a trip and i just realized i didnt even tell yall about why i disappeared for a week, and that i havent even given out this month’s form or last month’s rewards. Genuinely im so sorry. I’m actually planning on making a post about whats been up with me lately and i may just give yall a refund and focus on finishing due art. Please hang tight a little while while i think this through. Again, I’m very sorry.
    Published: 2023-11
    imaBunBun (Patreon)
    March's monthly illustration is now complete! Apologies for the delay. The timelapse is still in the process of being uploaded as of sending this message (the file is big!) But it should be fully uploaded by tomorrow. Thank you for your support in March!
    Re-sending March's link to make sure all Patrons have received it. Link expires the 14th of this month, so make sure you download the content before then! (If you missed the download period, I can generate a new link for you that’s open for 72 hrs).
    Dropbox link for March
    $10 tier
    Published: 2023-04
    Traveler_san (Patreon)
    Hi everyone! Remember theres only a few days left to fill out the end of year survey! Your input would be greatly appreciated! ❤️
    Published: 2023-12
    imaBunBun (Patreon)
    As the delayed monthly illustration for April (strip poker) has fianlly been completed, I'm re-sending the DropBox to make sure all Patrons charged for April will receive it. The expiration window has been extended to the 21st of May, so please download the content before then. (If you missed the download period, I can generate a new link for you that’s open for 72 hrs).
    Dropbox link for April
    $10 tier
    If you have any questions, you can refer to this post:
    Published: 2023-05
    imaBunBun (Patreon)
    Re-sending November-December's link to make sure all Patrons have received it. Link expires the 7th of this month, so make sure you download the content before then! (If you missed the download period, I can generate a new link for you that’s open for 48 hrs).
    Dropbox link for November - December
    $10 tier
    If you have any questions, you can refer to this post:
    Published: 2023-01
    imaBunBun (Patreon)
    Re-sending May's link to make sure all Patrons have received it. Link expires the 14th of this month, so make sure you download the content before then! (If you missed the download period, I can generate a new link for you that’s open for 72 hrs).
    Dropbox link for May
    $10 tier
    If you have any questions, you can refer to this post:
    Published: 2023-06
    imaBunBun (Patreon)
    The delayed monthly illustration for January is now complete!
    Re-sending January's link to make sure all Patrons have received it. Link expires the 13th of this month, so make sure you download the content before then! (If you missed the download period, I can generate a new link for you that’s open for 72 hrs).
    Dropbox link for January
    $10 tier
    If you have any questions, you can refer to this post:
    Published: 2023-02
    imaBunBun (Patreon)
    Dropbox link for May's
    $10 Buns with Benefits tier!
    The link expires June 15th.
    *Rewards will be released as they're finished throughout the month into the folder just as if it was my Patreon.
    *Teasers will be posted on Patreon to notify you when new content has been uploaded to the folder!
    *The link will be re-sent the 1st of June to all Patrons billed in May, to ensure you receive the rewards.
    *It’s encouraged to download any rewards that you wish to keep.
    If you have any questions, please refer to this post:
    Or ask me directly!
    Published: 2023-05
    imaBunBun (Patreon)
    Dropbox link for March
    $10 tier:
    *The link expires April 14th.
    *Rewards are uploaded into the DropBox folder throughout the month as I finish them.
    *Teasers will be posted on Patreon to notify you when new content has been uploaded to the folder!
    *The link will be re-sent the 1st of March to all Patrons billed in February, to ensure you receive the rewards.
    *It’s encouraged to download any rewards that you wish to keep.
    If you have any questions, please refer to this post:
    patreon.com/posts/everything-you-67155167 Or ask me directly!
    Published: 2023-03
    RenTheDragon (Patreon)
    Delayed, again, but here is November's rewards pack!
    The support and patience is infinitely appreciated!
    Published: 2023-01
    RenTheDragon (Patreon)
    Pledges have been processed, here's last month's rewards pack! Once more, your generous support is infinitely appreciated, as is your patience!
    Within is a full res version and textless version of the "Competition" pic, as well as the Shandra Looming pack I neglected to include in the May/June/July packs. 
    Published: 2022-09
    RenTheDragon (Patreon)
    Your pledges have all gone through and processed! Here are November's rewards pack!
    Once again, I cannot emphasize how much I appreciate your generous support and patience!
    Published: 2022-12
    imaBunBun (Patreon)
    Dropbox link for January
    $10+ tier
    Content will be released throughout the month in this folder just as if it was my Patreon. Teasers will be posted on Patreon to notify you when new content has been uploaded to the folder!
    If you have any questions, you can refer to this post:
    Or ask me directly!
    Published: 2023-01
    imaBunBun (Patreon)
    Apologies for the slight delay in February's monthly illustration & the re-sending of this link (usually always sent on the 1st). The main monthly illustration is now uploaded into February's DropBox folder. Though I'm working on completing some slight updates to the mo. illust. (Like adding a clothed ALT in the panels of pt.2, & uploading the PSD + Timelapse) but within the 5th of March all the rewards will be fully completed. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope you enjoy!
    Re-sending February's link to make sure all Patrons have received it. Link expires the 14th of this month (March), so make sure you download the content before then! (If you missed the download period, I can generate a new link for you that’s open for 72 hrs).
    Dropbox link for February
    $10 tier
    If you have any questions, you can refer to this post:
    Published: 2023-03
    imaBunBun (Patreon)
    Dropbox link for February
    $10 tier
    The link expires March 7th
    *Rewards will be released as they're finished throughout the month into the folder just as if it was my Patreon.
    *Teasers will be posted on Patreon to notify you when new content has been uploaded to the folder!
    *The link will be re-sent the 1st of March to all Patrons billed in February, to ensure you receive the rewards.
    *It’s encouraged to download any rewards that you wish to keep.
    If you have any questions, please refer to this post:
    Or ask me directly!
    Published: 2023-02
    RenTheDragon (Patreon)
    That took a while, but your pledges all have been processed (a while ago), so here's October's rewards pack!
    Once again, y'all, your generous support is infinitely appreciated!
    Published: 2021-11
    RenTheDragon (Patreon)
    Hey y'all! Later than normal, but regardless, your pledges all have been processed, and thus I give unto the, the rewards from November and December!
    Once again y'all, your generous support is infinitely appreciated. If anything is amiss, please do let me know!
    Published: 2022-01
    KiwiPotatoArt (Patreon)
    ✨This is a mass message regarding Usernames for people who use my bases or are in my $5 and $10 tiers✨
    If you haven't already replied to my post about usernames, can you please drop your usernames for websites where you use my bases, so I can keep track if there has been a leak or not! If you aren't currently using my bases but are in my $5 and $10 tier, please can you also send me your usernames so i can keep track for the future!
    If you have already given me your username, feel free to ignore this message as I already have you noted down!
    thank you! ✨
    Published: 2022-07
    imaBunBun (Patreon)
    Dropbox link for April!
    $10 tier
    The link expires May 14th.
    *Rewards will be released as they're finished throughout the month into the folder just as if it was my Patreon.
    *Teasers will be posted on Patreon to notify you when new content has been uploaded to the folder!
    *The link will be re-sent the 1st of May to all Patrons billed in April, to ensure you receive the rewards.
    *It’s encouraged to download any rewards that you wish to keep.
    If you have any questions, please refer to this post:
    Or ask me directly!
    Published: 2023-04
    SA97 (Patreon)
    In light of Patreon’s stricter guidelines on nsfw content due to pressure from payment processing companies (PayPal, etc), I got a SubscribeStar account set up and running. SubscribeStar is an alternative similar to Patreon, but that welcomes nsfw content thanks to not caving to demands from payment processing companies.
    Here’s a link to it: https://subscribestar.adult/SA97
    I would be grateful if you’d consider moving your support over to SubscribeStar at your discretion, as there is no telling when Patreon could catch up to my content and suspend my account. Still, I will continue to upload content here for as long as I’m allowed, although with heavy censorship. I’ve already uploaded my most recent work there and all previous content before that will be available using the archive link. 
    You can also consider subscribing to one of my support tiers over at DeviantArt as well, although I highly encourage your support on SubscribeStar if possible.
    It really sucks these companies are pushing away nsfw content creators, who provide a good share of their income. Their loss I guess. 🤷‍♂️
    Thank you for understanding and support during this unexpected transition. You’re really appreciated!
    Published: 2024-03
    imaBunBun (Patreon)
    Hi! I've regenerated a new link, as stated from my newest post. It was due to the "expired link" issues with the previous DropBox link given through welcome notes. Hopefully this fixes the problem, and let's everyone enjoy January's content!
    Dropbox link for January
    $10 tier
    Content will be released throughout the month in this folder just as if it was my Patreon. Teasers will be posted on Patreon to notify you when new content has been uploaded to the folder!
    If you have any questions, you can refer to this post:
    Or ask me directly!
    Published: 2023-01
    RenTheDragon (Patreon)
    It took a while, but here's the rewards pack for the past couple months! Thank you all for your patience, your support is infinitely appreciated!
    Published: 2022-07
    RenTheDragon (Patreon)
    Hey y'all! This has been a while coming, but I appreciate your patience, especially your support! Here's the small backlog I've built up the past couple months, included are some pieces I didn't officially post a "finisher" for here.
    Published: 2023-10
    PikkyPrints (Patreon)
    2024 Welcome Pack Download for all new and existing patrons (Neru, 2P, Princess Pikky, Ina):
    Sorry for the announcement spam today!
    Published: 2024-02
    PikkyPrints (Patreon)
    Princess Pikky download link:
    Thank you so much for your support this month!
    Here are the other links for Dec and Jan if you didn't already have them:
    Jan (Ina, Irina, Princess Pikky):
    Dec (Fern, Chloe, Yuki):
    Published: 2024-01
    PikkyPrints (Patreon)
    Narmaya released!
    Thank you so much for your support this March! Down below are the links to Narmaya and the rest of the March models, as well as the previous month's links.
    Feb 2024 (Delta, Jeanne, Lyleen):
    March 2024 (Furball Korone, Noelle, Narmaya):
    Published: 2024-03
    itzah (Patreon)
    Hi, sorry for the delay, the Peach mushroom kingdom lewd wallpapers took me more time than expected, it is the wallpaper with the most number of files and variants and now including animated cum, with a total of 176 4k MP4/PNG Files, X2 PSD Files., about 2 days of render in 4k and review them 1 by 1. This wallpaper took me 3 weeks :( , so Hilda will be delayed to the 3rd week of April, I appreciate your patience T_T
    Peach mushroom kingdom Tier 4
    Meanwhile, here is the Hilda MEGA link download, there are no files yet, but once I finish it I will upload them there, I will post on my patreon once hilda files has been updated.
    Hilda Tier 4
    Published: 2024-04
    spiffydc (Patreon)
    Hello! Thank you so much for your support last month! As the update said, I'll be taking August off, so this'll be my last pack for the summer. Hope you enjoy the rest of summer!! See you in the fall!
    This should be the link to the rewards pack for the month with a discount code to download it for free!
    As always, let me know if you have any issues with it, and I'll do my best to sort it out. Enjoy, and thank you so much for your support!!
    - Spiffy
    Published: 2021-08
    Kamaniki (Patreon)
    Thank you for signing up for my Patreon 【JANUARY 2024】!
    Here is the FIRST digital files for 【Spicy Noodle】 tier OF THE YEAR AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH--
    Here's the link:
    Just a reminder we have the online store open from February 2 ~ February 4 closing at 11:55PM PST!
    We have a 10% off discount code for patreons shopping with us!
    CODE: PATJAN2024-1752
    LINK:  https://kamaniki.shop/discount/PATJAN2024-1752
    If you have any questions, please let me know!
    Published: 2024-02
    deekeidraws (Patreon)
    Hey everyone! 
    Here's a $4 discount code for the C100 books on Gumroad! ($8 if you're purchasing the set)
    More details here : https://www.patreon.com/posts/c100-books-up-on-70523732
    Let me know if you have any issues! 
    Published: 2022-08
    deekeidraws (Patreon)
    Oops sorry everyone, forgot to include the code itself! 
    Discount code for C100 books:
    Sorry and thanks again! :D
    Published: 2022-08
    deekeidraws (Patreon)
    For supporting me over the last 3 months while I was working on the book, I wanted to send a discount code to my Comiket book on gumroad to everyone who supported me in that timeframe!
    Discount code: DKPatreon101
    Gumorad link: https://deekeiart.gumroad.com/l/zafzy
    Let me know if you have any issues!
    Published: 2022-12
    LepyPep (Patreon)
    Hey everyone here is the updated link with the goodz!drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Jdtvco0gzu1ZaqIHwDZJw9AKpjLLHYgL?usp=drive_link
    Published: 2023-12
    OotiniCast (Patreon)
    Greetings, Ootini Patrons!
    Next week's production show notes can be accessed via the link below. You should be able to leave comments if you choose!
    Published: 2019-04
    OotiniCast (Patreon)
    Greetings, Ootini Patrons!
    Next week's production show notes can be accessed via the link below. You should be able to leave comments if you choose!
    Published: 2019-03
    Kah (Patreon)
    Fapp: Cyberjunk is now released, thanks for your support!
    Here's your copy of Fapp: Cyberjunk.
    And here's the previous books in the series:
    Published: 2019-12
    TFWorld (Patreon)
    Thank you. I will repay you by making better works from now on.
    Published: 2022-12
    TFWorld (Patreon)
    Thank you for loving my work and supporting me every time.
    I will continue to make good works for you guys.
    But I'm not forcing you, but you've supported me for a long time, but you didn't participate in the request event this time.
    Don't you have a story you want?
    Published: 2023-04
    Showing 2601 - 2650 of 15398 << 48 49 50 51 52
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