Happy new year! Thank you so much for supporting me this year <3 Hope you enjoyed my content so far! Thanks to your support 2018 was a successful year! And let's wish for a wonderful 2019 for all of us! December reward: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hCqB1tz0tAgozBPqk-g5noyB3da0L61W?usp=sharing Thank you so much!
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Hello! Thank you so much for supporting me on November! And double thanks for letting me take a little easy this month. I'm sorry actually, but still grateful! <3 Since I lost Serena files, I added WW Neeko instead. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17Lo4P3DHvXuDPp3SxoYv8kxhU4ni0o3Y?usp=sharing Thank you so much again!
Hello! First of all, sorry for being late, Patreon had a bug which I couldn't send PMs! Now, thank you so much for supporting me this month! <3 I really appreciate your super huge help! And I hope you're enjoying my work so far! Here's your October rewards: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-8AzYJEzRKEIWOiAKKlQhC6O04LZLfll?usp=sharing Thank you so much again! If you have any trouble getting the files, please contact me ASAP!
Hi, sorry to keep you waiting! This is 2019-Jun's Rewards Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sspnqscheff6vw5/Fishine-2019-06-JUN.zip?dl=0 Thank you for your support! 哈囉,抱歉久等了! 這是2019年六月份的獎勵連結,謝謝你的支持!
Hi! This is 2019-May's Rewards Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/67o6sa66m7m3x1v/Fishine-2019-05-MAY.zip?dl=0 Thank you for your support! 哈囉,2019年五月份的獎勵連結來囉,謝謝你的支持!
I uploaded Pokemon Sword & Shield trainer art for reward of June. Password:pms1sauptByZhengxr3 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1njq-IecJB8jFfKC7JY5g107HsraPUxVC
Thank you for your support! I uploaded rewards and you can download it! Tier 1 Password:p3ByZheng262xk=ecq7!23s https://drive.google.com/open?id=19-1mVsQ_7UreYLnrtr1BDNAbK1jn5AEJ Tier 2 Password:zByZhengrok;6.abps-138gnarr https://drive.google.com/open?id=1c2_G0S5aPV9D6Fa3ZU9kS1AY0ebBwwfl
Thank you for your support! I uploaded rewards and you can download it! Tier 1 Password:pc36mlByZheng;e;gofm https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jrIHsnHxKWB1DZzt4lWIOivY5M4r2naN Tier 2 Password:3q2babt-ByZhengrokk31e9km https://drive.google.com/open?id=1p2o6ld3UFIHsRSE2cLY__p2Mgbjj_5nM
Thank you for your support! I uploaded rewards and you can download it! Tier 2 Password:pmByZhenga;tr3_au9bmsott https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XRnzfnZBykdL6rs8wCTNXYFkrKKND4fQ Tier 3 Password:[Byu4qZhengoel509_7ec3b864 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LL-pTxvYryxd8B9CXjosNAByBupALGiM
Sorry everyone, I forgot put 2 pic in last month rewards. I uploaded it. Tier 2 Password:ppo9ByZhengl;xkxk. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rj_TpAhiEHl14ReEDBjqPp0kXgB803EF Tier 3 Password:ppehByZhengm/e7ckud https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LSkZ4EhXNU2Nbavt2W10O11QOOqEXwuX
Thank you for your support! I uploaded rewards and you can download it! Tier 1 You can see my new post. Tier 2 Password:_496aikByZheng;am.g!eokk. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i8lmaohr9k9MUdHC48TWMUGp-HukiB6d Tier 3 Password:c38ByZhengmse0;oamp_7-um https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MRmOAype4YGUiJ4tl60qYFbqqrk3Kb3k
Thank you for your support! I uploaded rewards and you can download it! Tier 1 You can see my new post. Tier 2 Password:eByZheng;za3rkom_rtu4B,nne https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Hk9dVidhh_YsVMiNiWex_YRqPqJbJxVU Tier 3 Password:uL27-abpejByZhengosax3au/tp.p https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FcPbQ4zqpopXYpqQohCbyizsA8OZs9XQ
heyo thanks for the support, here's the zip for this month https://mega.nz/#F!Ihlx1AZQ!HQ646mHgSCrwCeDDYzPQXg anyway I'll be working on some private stuff so I'll be gone for a while, also the patreon will be paused during september so keep that in mind, also yeah you won't be charged during that time, I'll reopen the patreon on october.
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlyjMO-ufP6PmBZfoQN5CFfNTPyM?e=8VRrI1 https://mega.nz/#F!c05zTARQ!yrei2-szOso3EOgMtWa3cw This is the painting of this month. Thank you for your support.
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlyjMO-ufP6PlSzGpBKjvH7-pq7s?e=SD7ToO https://mega.nz/#F!xpQV0C7T!2WG6bH1eEM7137s5S_wXTg Here is the download address for this month. Thank you for your support.
This is the painting of this month. Thank you for your support. Tier2:https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlyjMO-ufP6PkB8oHIzP8WP96oXy?e=KIsSEp
Here's the reward guys! Enjoy! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1injti5S08RdgbpwXCAqRlio7bSKrLnqs/view?usp=sharing
Here's the poll drawing: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5dvahae8e8n9ler/Abby%20x%20Jack%20F.zip?dl=0 I decided to share via private message because after Sinensian got banned, it became apparent that not even password protected .zips are completely safe and I'd rather not go through the unbanning process even though I won't fund any more stuff here on Patreon. This will be up on Fanbox too, soon. Unpledging on Patreon won't be necessary, you won't be charged here anymore anyway.
Finished the newest bonus content (finally!), exceptionally this time in full color: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zjh56ni4e88ebwe/Bonus%20contents%20September%202019.zip?dl=0 "New Kid"
Bonus poll content: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bsukskw8jtillrg/Bonus%20contents%20May%202019.zip?dl=0 "telesex"
Bonus content: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pfufierdm70lfu3/Bonus%20contents%20February%202019.zip?dl=0 PW: "Merry 2019" Got a bit creative with the mistletoe placement, hope you don't mind~
HELLO EVERYONE! In an effort to more efficiently deliver content, I'm picking up the same method that most other artists and models use, which is direct messaging. This is more efficient than posting things directly. Trying to be more professional! You already saw the post about cleaning up old posts. 1. You get an additional message to notify you that there’s new content! You’ll still be notified by a bannered post as usual! 2. Old posts don’t pile up forever with dead links! 3. I can have greater control over the content, since frankly we’ve had some google drive link sharing. That’s unavoidable, but where possible I’d like to make it a LITTLE more difficult for leakers. 4. It plays more into the practice that eventually things get publicly posted. New patrons are less likely to be confused as to why a post from MONTHS AND MONTHS ago no longer works. This is also dependent, however, on you saving this content. Patreon isn’t meant to be a repository gallery. It’s for delivering new content on a steady basis, not keeping a huge backlog of old things, which end up public anyway. SO! I’ll send this same message a few times with content updates until you all get used to it, and then keep it just the content. Which, remember to SAVE. Because in order to combat leaks just a little bit, this link will change in a week or two! REMEMBER TO SAVE CONTENT! LINKS WILL NOT LAST FOREVER!!! THIS IS A DISTRIBUTION, NOT AN ARCHIVE!!! So, here are three girls for Tier 4 this week, in addition to Vao earlier! https://drive.google.com/open?id=11ERlAHXP9pBiV6lSZMyjFbwfuEw1mo8j I feel like I should just make Tier 4 requests like these every week? Everyone loves OCs, after all…?
Thanks a lot for your continued support Here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r2tmxlkere9q53s/NOV_High_Res_PACK2019.zip/file
Thank you for your continued support Here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1r0sqdeja1winf8/OCT_High_Res_PACK2019.zip/file
Thanks for your patience and support. Here, your reward: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9ncovy3u98f27kj/SEPT_High_Res_PACK2019.zip/file
Thanks so much again for your support. Here, your reward: https://www.mediafire.com/file/tfm2t78ytwnwxa5/AUGUST_High_Res_PACK2019.zip/file
Thanks again for your support. After the editing could be done on Minamoto no Raikou illustration, I found that it might be possible to do it for the Quetzalcoatl illustration, so I’m going to do it when it is possible. I added the exclusive change of color variation on the Nessa Illustration I showed on twitter some days ago as a joke. https://www.mediafire.com/file/pp5blw3c539ssnp/JUNE+Reward+PACK2019.zip
Thanks for your support: http://www.mediafire.com/file/y930e4azsj0r901/JANUARY+Pack+%2B+BBBitches+D-+Note+reward.zip http://www.mediafire.com/file/3ry6uzfr2akp035/BBBitches+Images+set.zip
Gave for christmas high res images: http://www.mediafire.com/file/21n38vqzm12a8hd/D-cup.zip/file No background pngs and lancer added: http://www.mediafire.com/file/xbl6cxv2b76p8xa/DIC+High+Res+PACK.zip
November: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fn3z84lgfcyj348/NOV+High+Res+PACK.zip
Dear Patron, Here is Nov rewards, Download rewards by these link. I'm very apreciate you for your any support. Almost, 2020 is come soon. Special thanks all of support me during all the 2019 year patrons. Hope you will like Nov rewards. Sincerely thanks 親愛的贊助者: 這邊是十一月份回饋的各個連結,您可以從連結中至雲端下載回饋。 這次也非常謝以任何形式支持我的創作的各位。 縱使2020年即將到來,我將特別感謝陪我度過整個2019的贊助者們。真的非常感謝一路的支持。 也希望您會喜歡十一月份的回饋,誠摯的感謝您。 Dropbox (If link not work, please try again with google links or wating 24H later. 如果連結失效請使用古歌連結再試一次或是隔24小時後重新嘗試) ------------------------------------------------------- NSFW & EXTRA CG : https://www.dropbox.com/s/94tu8tnzb21qozi/2019-11-%20NSFW%2BEXTRA%20illus.rar?dl=0 GOOGLE ------------------------------------------------------- NSFW & EXTRA CG :https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ezmzwINsZHp0KkrIbWpobxAXPuwHojfJ
Dear Patron, Here is October rewards, Download rewards by these link. I create more poseting and camera cut this time, I'm not very good at yet but i will keep trying. And hope you will like October rewards. Sincerely thanks 親愛的贊助者: 這邊是十月份回饋的各個連結,您可以從連結中至雲端下載回饋。 這次也做了比較大的動畫製作調整,加了多鏡頭和更多的剪輯方面雖然還不是很成熟,不過我會繼續努力的 也希望您會喜歡十月份的回饋,誠摯的感謝您。 ------------------------------------------------------- NSFW & EXTRA CG : https://www.dropbox.com/s/y28yfxusz00ddca/2019-10-%20NSFW%2BEXTRA%20illus.rar?dl=0
Dear all October patrons October rewards will send on 11/3, Please give me more time to complete it and thanks for your understanding. 親愛的各位贊助者,本月的十月份回饋將預計於11/3號發送。 請在多給我一些時間去更加的完成他,同時也感謝您的理解。 ##3
Thank you for becoming a Patron! Here is a link to all of the design files: drive.google.com/open?id=1YlPrT9Im0FA13BeBm-vi_xxpzTgMElIR If you only plan on staying for this month - make sure you download those files ASAP since I move them frequently. We are attempting to add around 1 unique design a month, but it doesn't always work out that way. Dark Wing Duck was completed about 2 weeks ago and our poll decided the next design: The Mandalorian. Feel free to message me here, or email me at Sean@3DPrintGeneral.com if you have any issues or questions. Thanks again!
Delivering December's reward for the 5+ tier https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h0hg3cmyy3bgkc4/AACrzszGRRXvKE39wRgiZ0kxa?dl=0
Misty exclusive pack uploaded! https://mega.nz/#!6kVUAaCS!cvMjnlCRP9x24wQFySV3GfvkJsb1mZpu5JRXgbG23CE enjoy!
Hey! Like I promised, here is a discount code that will give you $15 off on my gumroad store for Etna's 3d model. Use code 'dood!' here: https://gumroad.com/l/BPNaW Etna was originally a reward for patrons on october, but back then she didn't have model files available. Because I have modeled her now I wanted to give some advantage to my patrons so hence the discount. Note that this is outside of this months normal reward or content schedule, just something I want to offer you! The code will last for a couple weeks. I'll be posting soon about this April second sculpt so look forward to that too!
Hey! Here is the mega gardevoir exclusive render set, it's a big one so heavy file warning! https://mega.nz/#!30dkQKTC!oF1TL4ds7EUWuB9uxEWpaiJsyFvpdgRZhWc_K3tQKTU Hope you'll like her!
Hey! Here is the exclusive pack for Rottytops! https://mega.nz/#!mldDXIIa!KilxnTIN3DzqhQHpNHghzh94bx8v4T3g2EsF7ckC6XY Thanks a lot for your support <3 !
Hey! Here is the Shantae exclusive pack https://mega.nz/#!WkszjSxa!ju7ZTqtY5cpXGEjaSUQ60JWMSqlyfEHgNaQJLaqOjUU This one was a lot of work and a few allnighters, I hope you'll like her!
Hey! Here is the Meru exclusive pack https://mega.nz/#!iglV2QYT!5GSYg4RtiDerJC3ANgV1h6COKnvSOwH0g5Abb95kpRc hope you will like her! Next one will be one of the fate girls, probably Khloe, will try to make both obj and print files for her as well. Check my twitter as I won't be posting wips of her here!
Hey! Here is the Pinky exclusive set! https://mega.nz/#!jhUmHISL!69EpLI8n9o4RL-NcEf4fO9mZf30k_iIzUs7b4I7pqGk hope you will like her :)
Hey! here is the deathlock exclusive pack, I hope you will like her! And thanks a lot for your support and making it possible! https://mega.nz/#!CstQlISZ!sVyNdyQ7hzQqxMOKCbGNy6AVFcEaM61LSWpF_9E_EKE
there was a mistake in some of the renders! I redid everything so here it is again sorry! https://mega.nz/#!z4dghKLa!_T8bJMUo67iGl_OpHkV_AFgDM3UdbOIeXfppmTXBaPw
Hey! Here is the Renamon exclusive set https://mega.nz/#!bxdnEaaZ!dQ1rbgnWMxNrKOMssPOp5V2lsjfadZMfFUJrFLUeSno Sorry for all the troubles recently with patreon, I lost a lot of time so I couldnt make as many renders as I'd have liked but I still tried my best, thanks a lot for sticking through, your support means a lot.
Hey! Here is the Kanna exclusive tier set! I hope you will like her, and thanks a lot for your support , it allows me to keep doing neat stuff! mega.nz/#!G1dVjSJY!HH4Vr1TZ_8dNHe0PMcZxhK6i0HLofq2S-AJLGp3juxs There is another character coming towards the end of month so stay tuned!
Thanks a lot for your support this month! Though times with the pandemic so now it's more appreciated than ever, my work wouldn't be possible without you. Here is your Filia content, enjoy! https://mega.nz/#!OodCFCiI!53M46CiVGnCVjNWBnzrgskuaMkgTWW9HS4IPPvgvDQE https://mega.nz/#!vxFgWKoQ!R_XSHjoeXtcG_K79FOIyml6nExxD_XTIdQNpW8jhszY Hope you'll like her!
Here is your Mirko exclusive set! https://mega.nz/#!Hg8ySKRZ!-NRdUXrRCXcK7D-Ot2U0EAkTsrlBzD6U706yJOvtAlM hope you will like her As usual the rest of the content for those in the 3d model tier etc will come later during the month stay safe from the virus as well!
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