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    5087701 (Patreon)
    Greetings once again! The full-res set is available here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=10hTkj6W0KY_5wRfM6OK9hIKHt54fQKm9
    and the PSDs here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rupTG22OprirvuG9lDdg9vom0oAFKMN3
    Thanks for your continued support an patience!
    Published: 2020-03
    5087701 (Patreon)
    Greetings! January's full res set is available here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1a62EFXnOIKh3qtzZ2UPQRWGnpoNmI8Sa
    and the PSDs here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=10HdKPkaTFJJM_l-GIOIrbNwQvrfP5Og4
    Thanks for your support!!
    Published: 2020-02
    bristol (Patreon)
    --- LS ---
    Version 1: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/673228829921378320/887454026248122440/unknown.png
    Version 1 Full res: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/673228829921378320/887453908866326578/unknown.png
    Published: 2021-09
    bristol (Patreon)
    --- US ---
    Version 1: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/870456949706227773/893314024610103296/unknown.png 
    Version 1 full res: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/870456949706227773/893313921660911666/unknown.png 
    Published: 2021-10
    bristol (Patreon)
    --- LS ---
    Version 1: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/673228829921378320/892531056962592818/unknown.png 
    Version 1 Full res: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/673228829921378320/892531271576723476/unknown.png 
    Published: 2021-09
    bristol (Patreon)
    --- LS ---
    Version 1: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/673228829921378320/890040932559380520/unknown.png
    Version 1 Full res: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/673228829921378320/890040803102195774/unknown.png
    Published: 2021-09
    danza (Patreon)
    As your payment was processed this month here is the access for your pledge tier. Keep in mind at the start of Patreon's cycle [5th of each month] the folders will most likely be empty but is updated as soon as artwork is sketched/lined/coloured over the month resulting in you guys getting instant access to my work as soon as it's done!
    In the future if you pledge AFTER the 5th you should send me a DM asking for access as you would have missed the automatic link send out date of the 5th.
    Here is the folder access for this month:
    [Sketches + WiPs]
    [Coloured Files]
    Thanks for your support!
    Published: 2021-10
    21yc (Patreon)
    Term 11 / April 2018 Rewards
    Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fdwyjun5gvdstnt/T3.zip?dl=0
    Extra reward download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/45f1j21ajtt8k4f/T3_sp.zip?dl=0
    链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vDSmZLqHIvel5Ydchm9dcw 密码:f4ct
    链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nvg-NynZZNTzXbchvk3C3A 密码:79gn
    Published: 2018-12
    kidmo (Patreon)
    안녕하세요 Kidmo입니다
    아직 부족한게 한참이나많은 저에게 후원해주셔서 감사합니다 T^T
    여러분들의 피드백을 최대한 수용하며 차차 성장해 나가겠습니다!
    Hello it's Kidmo.
    Even though I still lack skills. I feel very humbled from your support. T^T
    I'll try to improve bit by bit and take in feedback from everyone as much as possible!
    Published: 2019-05
    gtunver (Patreon)
    hello guys!
    I finished My Term11.I will working hard on my term 12!!
    Hope you like this term.
    Published: 2019-11
    ganassa (Patreon)
    Thanks for your support! This is the link with the Reward of September Patreon campaign!
    Inside you will find, a sfw fan art of Momo Yaoyorozu from My Hero Academiya, a NSFW fan art of Nokk from Rainbow Six: Siege and since we hit the fourth goal, a SFW fan art of Amaru aka Azucena Rocío Quispe, the new operator of Rainbow Six: Siege. 
    The new two pages of Cassie Cages H comics will follow.
    Published: 2019-10
    ganassa (Patreon)
    And here comes the link for the Mega folder.
    Inside February reward you will find the Ada Wong SFW fan art, in the next days i will upload the NSFW/Adult fan art of Ada Wong and Leon (He win the previous character poll) and the next two page of Naughty Ela comics!
    Published: 2019-03
    ganassa (Patreon)
    Hi Guys, i just uploaded Nomad hentai rewards and Naughty Ela Page #8 and #9!
    So i'll resend to you the Sharing link to the January reward Mega Folder
    Published: 2019-03
    ganassa (Patreon)
    Hi Guys, i just open the Mega folder for this January update. I have still to upload the January Reward inside (i will do as soon i'll finishing them!) but inside "Archive" you will find the .zip with all the stuff i posted on my Tumblr (read here -> https://www.patreon.com/posts/see-you-around-24807352 for more information).
    Megafolder url: https://mega.nz/#F!NaonVCBY!dUvEJehaeM5fSYaOxKoPkQ
    Published: 2019-02
    ganassa (Patreon)
    Thanks for your support!.
    This is the link to the January rewards: https://mega.nz/#F!ISghmTiS!OvsNNk6lgISRTTUMl9H_NQ
    I have just uploaded inside the Yana from Rainbow Six Siege SFW Fanart and pages 17th and 18th of Naughty Cassie!
    Don't forget the Link to the General archive! -> https://mega.nz/#F!xL4j3aLJ!4nEll0oVnqf9-7FmofFdNg
    Published: 2020-03
    ganassa (Patreon)
    Hi, thanks for your support! i just uploaded the Nami One Piece SFW / Ecchi variations in the January Reward folder!
    Here's the link: https://mega.nz/#F!ISghmTiS!OvsNNk6lgISRTTUMl9H_NQ
    Also, this is the link to the Patreon general Archive: https://mega.nz/#F!xL4j3aLJ!4nEll0oVnqf9-7FmofFdNg
    Published: 2020-02
    ganassa (Patreon)
    I just uploaded the first NSFW fan art of the January rewards!
    Here comes Kali from R6S!
    Plus, check out the public post, i'm gonna post a little WIP!
    Published: 2020-02
    ganassa (Patreon)
    Hi, thanks for backing me up on the first February. Right now i'm working on the rewards, just wait some more days. In the meantime, this is the link to the Mega Archive: https://mega.nz/#F!xL4j3aLJ!4nEll0oVnqf9-7FmofFdNg
    Inside you will find also the reward of December + Lucia from SFV fanart + Sindel NSFW fan art from Mortal Kombat.
    Published: 2020-02
    ganassa (Patreon)
    Hi, thanks for your support!
    This is the link for November reward Mega folder: https://mega.nz/#F!tLhQBChB!FOnF6OmbvJ4AlhuV7DP4xg
    Inside you will find SFW fan art of Mama from Death Stranding (plus exclusive variation) and a SFW fan art of Mumei from Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress (plus exclusive variation).
    And this is the link for the General Archive, inside the folder "Patreon Stuff from previous months" you will find, well, it's pretty self explanatory :)
    Published: 2019-12
    ganassa (Patreon)
    I just uploaded the page 11th and 12th of Naughty Cassie Cage!
    And a SFW fanart of Neeko from League of Legends!
    Link to the Patreon archive: https://mega.nz/#F!xL4j3aLJ!4nEll0oVnqf9-7FmofFdNg
    Published: 2019-12
    ganassa (Patreon)
    I just uploaded to the October Reward Folder the NSFW fan art with the winners of the previous character poll: Lux, Riven and Akali!
    Link here: https://mega.nz/#F!UTgQ1ALT!-SsKKRJ1k4vY-iEqmaTkcw
    This is the link to the general Patreon Archive: https://mega.nz/#F!xL4j3aLJ!4nEll0oVnqf9-7FmofFdNg
    I'll upload the two new pages of Naughty Cassie Cage as soon i'll finished them.
    Published: 2019-11
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    November B2 2019 $3+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2019-12
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    November B1 2019 $3+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2019-12
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    October B2 2019 $3+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2019-11
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    September B2 2019 $3+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2019-10
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    September B1 2019 $3+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2019-10
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    August B2 2019 $7+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2019-09
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    March B1 2019 $5+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2019-04
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    February B2 2019 $5+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2019-03
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    February B1 2019 $5+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2019-03
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    November B3 2020 $5+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2020-12
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    November B2 2020 $5+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2020-12
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    November B1 2020 $5+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2020-12
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    October B2 2020 $5+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2020-11
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    October B1 2020 $5+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2020-11
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    September B2 2020 $5+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2020-10
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    September B1 2020 $5+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2020-10
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    August B2 2020 $5+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2020-09
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    December B2 2019 $3+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2020-01
    Zeronis (Patreon)
    December B1 2019 $3+
    Thank you for the support
    Because of your support I can keep creating the art content!
    Here's your Reward for the Month!
    Published: 2020-01
    PrincessHinghoi (Patreon)
    October 2018 rewards,Thanks for supporting me! (づ≧▽≦)づ
    Published: 2018-11
    3546554 (Patreon)
    Hello slave ❤
    Thank you for your $5 pledge! Your support is appreciated. 
    I hope you're enjoying the weekly audio clips. :)
    My captions archive: 
    This archive is updated monthly
    Published: 2019-10
    Reathroch (Patreon)
    Thanks support again ! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ejx26tjb5yhoehg/AAB94-HWUJxQWxI2kdGVwFFTa?dl=0 that is 2021 - 04 link. have a nice day!
    Published: 2021-04
    Reathroch (Patreon)
    dropbox.com/sh/q9kb4wyyz18j1v2/AACViI9tOaGiWzl2hO7vbiWVa?dl=0 That is 2021 - 03 link. 
    Published: 2021-03
    Vim (Patreon)
    Published: 2021-04
    31419184 (Patreon)
    May. Awards 五月獎勵 :
    Thank all patrons for your generous donations.🙏
    I'll work hard to make something hotter!
    You can get any 3 of the previously works
    Artwork Cover 作品封面:
    Just tell me the picture number.想要哪部告訴我圖片編號就可以了~ 
    Published: 2021-06
    31419184 (Patreon)
    Apr. Awards 四月獎勵 :
    Thank all patrons for your generous donations.🙏
    I'll work hard to make something hotter!
    You can get any 3 of the previously works
    Artwork Cover 作品封面:
    Just tell me the picture number.想要哪部告訴我圖片編號就可以了~ 
    Published: 2021-05
    31419184 (Patreon)
    Thank you for your support!
    April rewards will be delivered via private message on May. 5-7.(>‿◠)
    Published: 2021-05
    pewposterous (Patreon)
    Hey just letting you know Dropbox link for 3$ and above has been reset~ Heres the new one.
    Published: 2021-08
    pewposterous (Patreon)
    Thanks for the support, much appreciated!
    Heres the Dropbox link~
    Published: 2021-06
    Showing 13601 - 13650 of 14917 << 268 269 270 271 272
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