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Public toilet [20 Variants]

Not all trainee jobs are as nice and clean as working in the cafeteria or the bathhouse. Some jobs, especially the ones with trainees being stuck in walls and public relief stations, can be quite taxing for the mind and body. This trainee for example has been placed in an alley right next to a busy street. She’s tied up in a cabin, that is completely sealed and soundproof, with only her extremities and lower body sticking out. Anyone finding coming across her may use her body free of charge to either get rid of pent-up stress or to simply spend a few fun minutes with a public toy. Our agents visit her once per day, bringing fresh food and water as well as cleaning her for the next few hours until her week-long shift is over. Let’s leave her alone for now though, there’s already a line of people waiting for their turn~ 

Winner of our newest Dungeon Redraw event~



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