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As mentioned yesterday my BTS footage is pretty average but I do like aligning footage up with final images. Here's a short clip where we got a couple of my fav images at the start of our Scooby Doo Daphne shoot.

I have a longer timelapse similar to yesterday's one of Ellie I'll post in a few days. It's from the end of this shoot when she was wearing a little bit less.

It's been a while since I did a post discussing the more technical side of photography so here we go. It was a three-light setup. You can see I got my assistant to remove the grid on the rim light which I regret, we should have just angled it better or I need to drop the power a lot. It was way too hot on the feet and that is the only thing I don't like in these otherwise beautiful photos. It's difficult as you shoot to stop and take in the pose and what each light is doing to the model and the background.

The image in the video is obviously the third frame (beep) below is the second with EXIF data. Looking now I probably could have dropped the shutter speed to 250, which would allow me to drop the ISO but stay in HSS.


GypsyGeek Daphne BTS

My BTS footage is pretty average but I do like aligning footage up with final images.


Rich Roma

Great BTS video & info, spectacular model. Nailed it