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Sunday afternoon we did a quick setup to do head shots of my assistants Leighlan and Ren. It was just against a white wall in my lounge room. We had two lights (HD610 and Mars3) which we mixed and match positions. Looking at this shot I think it was using a single Mars3 to right of camera.

Show are 3 versions. The first is straight out of camera. The second was my first pass of processing where I mainly lifted the shadows and boosted some highlights. The next day I thought it was still lacking some punch so added some local contrast which i then masked and painted in mainly around the face. I masked it mainly because local contrast often produces a halo effect around the head so I made sure all this was hidden and the contrast was only on the areas I wanted. Looking at it here there might be too much contrast added so I might knock the layer back to 70-80% to lessen the harshness a bit.



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